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Assignment No. 5
Semester: Fall 2010
CS201: Introduction to Programming
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: Jan 31st ,2011
Problem Statement:
You are required to write a program of class rectangle named CRectangle which should draw two rectangles by using iTop, iRight, iBot, and iLeft. Then program should calculate the area of both. Number of rectangles should be displayed to user by using static variable counter which would keep track of increment or decrement of rectangles. Dynamically Create another rectangle by using copy constructor and increment in counter should be displayed on screen. Decrement in static variable counter (after de-allocating memory which was dynamically allocated) should be displayed again on screen.
Sample Output
Area of rectangle 1 is 6400
Area of rectangle 2 is 5600
The number of rectangles is 2
After using copy constructor, total number of rectangles is 3
The number of rectangles is 2
Detailed Description:
1. The class should have 4 members: iTop, iRight, iBot, and iLeft, all of type int.
2. Area of both rectangles should be calculated by using iTop, iRight, iBot, and iLeft.
3. It should have a default constructor and a copy constructor.
4. It should have a destructor.
5. It should contain all required getters and setters.
6. It should contain a static member, iRefCount, which keeps track of the number of CRectangle objects. Increment it in the constructor, and decrement it in the destructor.
CRectangle would implement rectangles by using left, right, top and bottom and calculate their areas to compare.
Mgt610 Assignment No. 2 Announced
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Posted In MGT Edit ThisSemester “Fall 2010”
“SME Management (MGT601)”
Assignment No. 02 Marks: 10
Mr. Ahmed and his brothers want to start a small business in Karachi and they are permanent residents of remote area of Pakistan. Mr. Ahmed has done graduation in Business Administration and his brothers have just passed matriculation but they have long experience of working in agriculture sector. They have capital of 2 million and own crops of cotton at the initial stage.
1: In your opinion which business should they start and why? (05)
2: What problems Mr Ahmad may face in the initial phase of the business? (05)
Opening Date and Time January 26, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time January 31, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Mgt211 GDB Solution
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Posted In MGT Edit ThisSuppose you are working in the quality department of a textile unit. Your job responsibility is to test the color of fabric. Being the quality controller what quality control system from the following you will adopt? Justify your answer
I'll prefer JIT strategy.
JIT focuses on continuous improvement and can improve a manufacturing organization's return on investment quality and efficiency. To achieve continuous improvement key areas of focus could be flow, employee involvement and quality.Just-in-time (JIT) is an inventory strategy that strives to improve a business's return on investment by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs.This saves warehouse space and costs.
Whereas PERT is applied to very large-scale, one-time, complex, non-routine infrastructure and Research and Development projects And GANTT CHART became a common feature of web-based applications, including collaborative groupware.
MCM301 Assignment 02
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 Posted In mcm Edit ThisSemester "Fall 2010"
"Financial Accounting II (MGT401)"
Assignment No. 02 Marks: 10
During 2009, company XYZ Ltd. found that certain items had been included in the inventory at 31st Dec, 2008, valued at Rs.4.5 millions which had in fact been sold before the year end. The following figures were reported for the year 2008:
Rs. (‘000)
Sales 50,400
Cost of goods sold (34,570)
Profit before taxation 15,830
Income tax (4,749)
Net Profit 11,081
While the draft figures for the year 2009 are as follows:
[font=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]
Rs. (‘000)
Sales 70,000
Cost of goods sold (55,800)
Profit before taxation 14,200
Income tax (4,260)
Net Profit 9,940
The cost of goods sold for the year 2009 includes the value of error in inventory equal to Rs.4.5 millions. Income tax is applied on the company by the taxation agency . 30 % p.a.
Prepare the restated income statements for the year 2009 and 2008 as comparative by adjusting the aforementioned inventory error. Show the related calculations of inventory error adjustment as it also carry marks.

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