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CS605 Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 Announced

Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Q1. Suppose you are working as a project manager in a leading software product company. You were assigned to develop complete software for JS group. JS Group controls and operates market-leading financial services companies in Pakistan across sectors including asset management, commercial banking, Islamic banking, insurance, investment banking, financial advisory services, stock brokerage, company research, consumer credit rating, factoring and micro finance. Currently all there departments working manually, so you need to develop software that will replace the current manual system with the computerized system. You also assigned to develop a dynamic website for this company. 

What team structure for the above situation would you choose and why? (10 Marks)

Q2. You are working on a project and you have to decide which language you will select for its development. Let us consider that the same functionality is implemented in Assembly Language and in Java language. Lines of code in Assembly language are 5 times as compared to Java language because coding in Assembly is much more difficult and time consuming as compared to Java. The requirements, design and documentation activity in person month are the same in both the languages but integration & testing and Management activity is twice in assembly language.

You have to fill out the above table according to the given scenario and calculate total effort, total cost, and lines per person month. (10 Marks)

Assembly Language Java Language Difference
Source code Size 10,000
Activity in person months
Requirements 5 5
Design 10 10
Coding 40 10
Documentation 10 10
Integration and Testing 15
Management 15
Total Effort         95
Cost per Line Rs25 Rs50
Total Cost
Lines Per Person-Month

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