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CS001 Assignment No. 2 Spring 2012 Solution

Sunday, April 29, 2012 Edit This
Why it is important to protect against computer viruses?
Computer viruses have a variety of disadvantages, and the fact they have no advantages means they should be avoided at all costs. A computer virus is a malware infection which can harm your computer by altering or destroying parts or all of your software system. It is created using a collection of dangerous files, which can be attached to various, downloads and even website cookies. This means computer users, if unlucky or careless, could easily contract a virus onto their computer without realizing. Computer viruses can be avoided with the use of ant-virus protection software. Read the following points to learn more about the disadvantages and dangers of the computer virus.
• Loss of software functioning

When a malware virus infects your computer, it is highly likely it will alter your software in such a way that you are unable to access certain computer functions. For instance, you will probably be unable to access to the Internet. Additionally, it is likely you will not be able to reset your computer or change the settings. This is because the creators of the virus don't want you to be able to get rid of it. They will do all they can to stop you researching methods of how to rid yourself of the virus and carrying them out.
• Exploitation of vulnerable people

Most computer viruses are created by Internet criminals looking to make money out of people. The virus is likely to show messages stating there is a problem with the computer, which can be fixed by providing a payment to a repairs company. Of course, in reality this 'company' is the criminal, and the payment will not rid the software of the virus. However, those with little computer experience may not realize this, and could provide a payment.

So it is mush Important to Protect against computer Viruses.

Question No 2: Marks 5

Search over internet and write a note about USB port and its usages.
A USB port is a standard cable connection interface on personal computers and consumer electronics. USB ports allow stand-alone electronic devices to be connected via cables to a computer (or to each other).
Many types of consumer electronics support USB interfaces. These types of equipment are most commonly used for computer networking:
• USB network adapters
• USB broadband and cellular modems for Internet access
• USB printers to be shared on a home network
For computer-to-computer file transfers without a network, USB keysare also sometimes used to copy files between devices.
Multiple USB devices can also be connected to each other using a USB hub. A USB hub plugs into one USB port and contains additional ports for other devices to connect subsequently.
Connect two devices directly with one USB cable by plugging each end into a USB port. If using a USB hub, plug a separate cable into each device and connect them to the hub individually.
You may plug cables into a USB port at any time regardless of whether the devices involved are powered on or off. However, do not remove cables from a USB port arbitrarily, as this can lose or corrupt data. Follow instructions provided with your equipment before unplugging USB cables.
Many PCs feature more than one USB port, but do not plug both ends of a cable into the same device, as this can cause electrical damage. 

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