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Monday, November 09, 2009 Posted In CS and IT Edit This
char ch;
string miKind,miName,CsName;
int FnAmount , ndays;
cout<<"Please Provide Customer Name:\n";
cout<<"\nEnter the movie Discription\n";
cout<<"Enter 'R' for Regular Movie\n";
cout<<"Enter 'C' for children Movie\n";
cout<<"Enter 'N' for New Released Movie.\n";
cout<<"Enter 'E' for English Movie.\n";
cout<<"Please provide folowing informatuion:\n";
cout<<"Movie Name\n";
cout<<"Number of Days\n";
else if(ch=='C')
else if(ch=='N')
miKind="New Release";
else if(ch=='E')
cout<<"Invalid Entry";
cout<<"Customer Name: "<<<"\n";
cout<<"Movie type :"<<<"\n";
cout<<"Movie Name"<<<"\n";
cout<<"Number of Days"<<<"\n";
cout<<"Your Rental Amount is : "<<<"/n";
char ch;
string miKind,miName,CsName;
int FnAmount , ndays;
cout<<"Please Provide Customer Name:\n";
cout<<"\nEnter the movie Discription\n";
cout<<"Enter 'R' for Regular Movie\n";
cout<<"Enter 'C' for children Movie\n";
cout<<"Enter 'N' for New Released Movie.\n";
cout<<"Enter 'E' for English Movie.\n";
cout<<"Please provide folowing informatuion:\n";
cout<<"Movie Name\n";
cout<<"Number of Days\n";
else if(ch=='C')
else if(ch=='N')
miKind="New Release";
else if(ch=='E')
cout<<"Invalid Entry";
cout<<"Customer Name: "<<<"\n";
cout<<"Movie type :"<<<"\n";
cout<<"Movie Name"<<<"\n";
cout<<"Number of Days"<<<"\n";
cout<<"Your Rental Amount is : "<<<"/n";
Monday, November 09, 2009 Posted In CS and IT Edit ThisInformation System (CS 507)
Fall 2009
Assignment No. 1
Due Date:
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted before or on 9th November 2009.
Max Marks: 20
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Q: Write a note on the following
(Marks 5+5+5+5)
1. Describe the components of Computer-based information systems.
2. Describe various types of information systems by breadth of support.
3. Differentiate between information technology infrastructure and information technology architecture.
4. Identify the major information systems that support each organizational level
Answer No.1
Components of Computer-based information systems
Hardware is a device such as a processor, monitor, keyboard or printer
Software is a program or collection of programs that enable hardware to process data.
Database is a collection of related files or tables containing data.
Network is a connecting system (wire line or wireless) that permits different computers to share resources.
Procedures are the set of instructions about how to combine the above components in order to process information and generate the desired output.
People are those individuals who use the hardware and software, interface with it, or uses its output.
Describe various types of information systems by breadth of support.
Answer No.2
Types of information systems by breadth of support
Functional Area Information System
Functional area information systems or departmental information systems
• Function: Support the activities within specific functional areas.
• Example: System for processing payroll.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
• Function: Process transaction data from business events.
• Example: Walmart checkout point-of-sale terminal.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
• Function: Integrate all functional areas of the organization.
• Example: Oracle, SAP
Inter organizational Information System
Inter organizational information systems (IOS) are information systems that connect two or more organizations and support inter organizational operations such as supply chain management.
Function: Manage flows of products, services and information among organizations.
Example: Walmart Retail Link System connecting suppliers to Walmart.
Supply chain describes the flow of materials, information, money and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the end customers.
Electronic Commerce Systems
Function: Enable transactions among organizations and between organizations and customers.
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Differentiate between information technology infrastructure and information technology architecture.
Answer No.3
Information Technology Architecture. A high-level map or plan of the information assets in an organization which guide current operations and is a blueprint for future directions.
Information Technology Infrastructure. The physical facilities, IT components, IT services and IT management that support an entire organization.
Answer No.4
The six major types of information systems corresponding to each organizational level are:
• Transaction Processing Systems (TPS): serve the operational level of an organization.
• Knowledge work systems (KWS)
• Office automation systems (OAS) to serve the knowledge level of an organization.
• Decision-support systems (DSS)
• Management information systems (MIS) serve the management level of the organization.
• Executive support systems (ESS) serve the strategic level of an organization.
[[NOTE:- We always try our best to upload 100% correct solution BUT it is requested that you kindly review it before submission, please.]]

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