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Importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Making a Heathy Information Society: A Case Study of Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria
There is widespread research interest in information and communication technologies (ICTs). According to Crede & Mansell , ICTs are crucially important for sustainable development in developing countries. Thioune (2003) notes that for the past two decades most developed countries have witnessed significant changes that can be traced to ICTs. These multi-dimensional changes have been observed in almost all aspects of life: economics, education, communication, and travel. In a technology-driven society, getting information quickly is important for both sender and receiver. ICTs have made it possible to quickly find and distribute information. Thoiune (2003) indicates that many initiatives have taken at the international level to support Africa's efforts to develop a communication infrastructure and. These efforts are designed to enable African countries, including Nigeria, to find faster ways to achieve durable and sustainable development.
Helmut cited by Akpore (1999), states that of the technological changes that have influenced our lives in recent years, information technology (IT) has had the greatest impact. This will continue at least until the end of the first half of the century, when other major technological breakthroughs in the area of new materials, biotechnology, or energy, may provide entirely new ways of living.
An information society is one that makes the best possible use of ICTs. Martin (1995) supports this view by describing it as a society in which the quality of life, as well as prospects for social change and economic development, depend increasingly upon information and its exploitation. In such a society, living standards, patterns of work and leisure, the education system, and marketplace are all influenced by advances in information and knowledge. This is evidenced by an increasing array of information-intensive products and services (Martin,
Annan (2002) notes that the information society is a way for human capacity to be expanded, built up, nourished, and liberated by giving people access to tools and technologies, with the education and training to use them effectively. There is a unique opportunity to connect and assist those living in the poorest and most isolated regions of the world. Informatization of society is a major hurdle that most nations, especially developing countries, are encountering. The information society or information age is a phenomenon that began after 1950, which brings challenges as we seek to integrate and expand the universe of print and multimedia sources. The two terms are often used to describe a cybernetic society in which there is a great dependence on the use of computers and data transmission linkages to generate and transmit information (Bruce, 1995).
The African Information Society (AISI) document (2005) argues that Africa should build, by the year 2010, an information society in which every man, woman, child, village, public and private sector office has secured access to the use of computers and telecommunications media. The objective is to provide every African with the possibility of using the communication and data processing services available everywhere else, just like any other citizens of the world.
ICTs for Informing Citizens
One of the identified agents through which the world will constantly experience change is technology. In the business of trying to make information available in the right form to the right user both at the personal and organizational levels, and at the right time, the bid to cope with great flood of information has led to the need for a more sophisticated way of handling information faster and better.
According to Anyakoha (1991), information technology is "the use of man made tools for the collection, generation, communication, recording, re-management and exploitation of information. It includes those applications and commodities, by which information is transferred, recorded, edited, stored, manipulated or disseminated". Hawkridge (1983) describes information technology as a revolution which has penetrated almost all fields of human activity, thus transforming economic and social life. UNDP (2001) asserts that even if sustainable economic growth facilitates the creation and diffusion of useful innovations, technology is not only the result of growth but can be used to support growth and development. ICTs are credited with the ability to transform, and deep and significant changes are expected from their widespread use in Africa. From this stand point Africans can take maximum advantage of the new technologies even if major challenges remain. These challenges include adapting ICTs to local conditions and uses in developing countries, and allowing each country understand those innovations and adjust them to their own development needs.
Therefore, development in Nigeria depends on the country's capacity to create wealth to significantly reduce poverty and to raise its capacity to create wealth at a sustainable level. In June 1996, the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology Development (UNCSTD) in collaboration with IDRC proposed five development indicators that focused on the improvement of the quality of life: education, health, income, governance, and technology (Crede and Mansell, If we consider these five as key indicators of development for Nigeria, ICTs can be socially beneficial only if they contribute to poverty eradication (higher income), improved health and education, better use and more equitable sharing of resources, and raising participation in the decision-making processes (and in this regard, access to information is crucial).
ICTs have been the basis for human existence from time immemorial and this has driven man to continuously seek ways to improve the processing of information and communicating such information to one another irrespective of distance and on a real-time basis (Ndukwe, 2002). Surviving in the information age depends on access to national and global information networks. ICTs are the bedrock for the survival and development of any nation in a rapidly changing global environment, and it challenges us to devise initiatives to address a host of issues such as reliable infrastructure, skilled human resources, open government, and other essential issues of capacity building (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2001).
At the heart of technology lie two main or branches of technology: computing and telecommunication. The technologies covered are the computer system, Internet/electronic mail (e-mail), mobile phone, and fax machine.
Computers were originally used by scientists for calculating numbers, and have gradually become useful in offices and industries. In recent times, simplified models that can be used by almost everybody have become common in schools and homes for accomplishing many varied tasks and applications (Madu 2000)
Fapohunda (1999) lists the uses that computers are now commonly put to: writing letters, and reports, printing books, newspapers, and magazines, drawing pictures and diagrams, doing statistics, mathematics and handling financial records, controlling traffic lights, flying aeroplanes, making and playing music and video, sending messages anywhere in the world.
The Internet is a global collection of many types of computers and computer networks that are linked together. It is increasingly becoming the solution to many information, problems, information exchange, and marketing (Adesanya, 2002). Eseyin (1997) describes the Internet as a mixture of many services with the two most commonly used being electronic mail (e-mail for short) and the World Wide Web (www). It plays a significant role in education, health, political processes, agriculture, economy, businesses and newsgroups. Woherem (2000) states that with Internet connectivity, one can do business all over the world without physical contact with the buyer or the need for a business intermediary.
Electronic mail (e-mail) is the exchange of text messages and computer files transmitted via communications networks such as the Internet (Nwosu, 2004). Fapohunda (1999) sees the e-mail system as the equivalent of postal mailing services, with the biggest difference being the time and cost involved. And not only written data, but all sorts of information in the form of video, audio, or photographs, can be sent via e-mail. Oketunji (2000) describes e-mail as an increasing popular method of communication, especially in the workplace.
Mobile Phones
Bittner (1989) defines mobile phones as a telephone system that can move or be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Mobile phones were once the tool of rich and busy executives who could afford both the luxury. Mobile phones are now the ICT that is reshaping and revolutionizing the communications globally. Its impact on the economic activities of nations, businesses, and small entrepreneurs is phenomenal. According to Marcelle (2000), the availability of this new technology has been reshaping the material basis of the society as well as bringing about a profound restructuring of economic, political, and cultural relations among states. Nigeria is not an exception.
According to Tiemo (2006) the importance of information cannot be overemphasized. People need information to plan and carry out their decisions. More than 90 percent of Africa's population could greatly benefit from information on better choice of food, safe water and basic nutrition, child care, family planning, immunization, prevention and control of endemic diseases. The combination of modern communication devices could play significant roles in the collection and dissemination of global information. Oji-Okoro (2006) supported this view by stating that mobile telephony usage by individuals enables them to communicate with loved ones, clients and business associates. For large businesses, it is a means of providing a service that leads to an increase in profits. For governments, revenues are gained through taxes and duties. As a tool for sustainable livelihoods, mobile telephones provide employment for many who could have been idle.
Fax machine
Telefacsimile systems permit the transaction of images (photos, printed images, maps, drawings) and their reproduction on paper at a remote receiver. Facsimile (fax) is not a new service; however, advances in digital imaging technology and microelectronics have caused a sharp drop in prices with a significant increase in capacities (O'Brien, 1996). "Long distance copying" might be an appropriate nickname for this telecommunication process. Any document, whether it is handwritten, contains pictures, diagrams, graphs, charts or typed text can be transmitted at a great speed for relatively low cost. The fax system is widely available; most organizations have at least one fax machine.
This study uses a survey. The instrument for data collection is the questionnaire which consisted of two parts. Part A collects data on the personal characteristics of the respondents. Part B is ICTs.
A sample of 120 respondents was used. The respondents were drawn from the Ethiop East local government area of Delta state. Data was analyzed using frequency counts and simple percentages.
CS604 Assignment Solution
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Edit This
Question 1: [Marks 10]
Let us consider a situation in which functionality is placed in device controller instead of keeping that functionality in kernel.
Write down any two advantages and any two disadvantages of this scenario.
Kernel modules offer a unique trick to maximize the functionality of the kernel, which is placing functionality in device controller instead of keeping it in kernel. We get following advantages and disadvantages by doing this:-
Operating systems remain safe from bugs which cause operating systems crash.
System performance is improvised as functionality is given to device controller instead of kernel.
Kernel is simplified by taking algorithms out of it.
In case of existing bugs or errors, device driver firmware software has to be upgraded, which is a difficult in newly installed hardware.
Embedded algorithms can decrease the system performance as it will consume the more resources of the system.
Question 2: [Marks 5]
Let us consider a scenario in which a job/process loses its ability of using a CPU when it gets rolled out of memory.
A process is a program in execution. When a process is sent to printer it gets rolled out of memory and goes to printer. But if printer is failed to respond on the given task then the process will lose its ability to use the CPU.
Explain a scenario in which a job/process loses its ability of using a CPU without getting rolled out of memory.
When an interrupt occurs process loses its ability of using a CPU without getting rolled out of memory. This interrupt can be errors in process like division by zero or illegal operation.
CS504 Solution
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Edit This
Budget- Introduction & Budgetary Control
A plan which for a definite period, covers, all phases of operations in the future is known as a business budget. Policies, plans, objectives & goals are formally expressed by it & are laid down in advance for the concern as a whole & for each of its sub-divisions by the top management. Thus an overall budget will be there for the concern comprosed of several sub-budgets which are in the form of departmental budgets. Expense limitations are expressed by the budget in the expense budgets & in the sales budget, revenue goals are expressed & for the purpose of realizing the desired profit objective, these must be attained. Besides, plans relating to items such as levels of inventory, additions to capital assets, plans of production, plans of purchasing, requirements of labour, requirements of cash etc. are expressed by the budget. Thus, for a given period, budget is a formal management plans’ & policies’ statement which can be used in that period as a guide or blue print.
The basic elements of a budget are:
- (a) For a specified period of time, it’s a future plan of activity,(b) Budget can be expressed in monetary or physical units or in both,(c) Before the period during which the budget is supposed to operate, it is prepared i.e. it is prepared in advance.(d) Before the preparation of the budget, it is necessary to lay down the objectives which are required to be attained & the policies which are required to be pursued for the achievement of those objectives.
Budgetary Control:
Throughout the budget period, the use of budgets & budgetary reports for the purpose of coordinating, evaluating & controlling day-to-day operations according to the goals which are specified by the budget is involved by budgetary control. The mere presentation of budget doesn’t have much value, its real value lies in the aspects of the planning & its utilization during the period for the purposes of control & coordination. Under budgetary control, actual results are constantly checked & evaluated & comparison of actual result is made with the budgeted goals & wherever indicated, corrective action should be undertaken. The following steps are involved in the process of budgetary control:
- (a) The objectives which are required to be achieved by the business should be defined & specified by budgetary control.(b) For the purpose of ensuring that the desired objectives are accomplished, business plans are needed to be prepared by budgetary control.(c) Budgetary control translates the plans into budgets & relates to particular sections of the budget, the responsibilities of individual executives & managers.(d) Budgetary control constantly compares the actual results with the budget & the differences between the actual & budgeted performance are calculated.(e) For the purpose of establishing the causes, the major differences are investigated by budgetary control.(f) In a suitable form, budgetary control presents the information to the management, relating to variances to individual responsibility.(g) In order to avoid a repetition of any over-expenditure or wastage, management takes corrective actions. Alternatively, where due to the change in circumstances, the budgeted targets cannot be achieved, the budget is revised.
Difference between Budget, Budgeting & Budgetary control:
Individual objectives of a department etc. are indicated by budget, whereas the act of setting the budgets is known as budgeting. All are embraced by budgetary control & also the science of planning the budgets themselves & as an overall management tool, the utilization of such budgets, for the purpose of business planning & control are included in budgetary control. Thus, the term by budgetary control is wider in meaning & both budget & budgeting are included in by budgetary control.
Objectives of Budgetary Control:
The objectives of budgetary control are:
- (1)Compel for planning: As management is forced to look ahead, responsible for setting of targets, anticipating of problems & giving purpose & direction to the organization, this feature is the most important feature of budgetary control.(2)Communication of ideas & plans: Communication of ideas & plans to everyone is effected by budgetary control. In order to make sure that each person is aware of what he is supposed to do, it is necessary that there is a formal system.(3)Coordinating the activities: The budgetary control coordinates the activities of different departments or sub-units of the organization. The coordination concept implies, for example, on production requirements, the purchasing department should base its budget & similarly, on sales expectations, the production budget should in turn be4 based.(4) Establishing a system of control: A system of control can be established by having a plan against which progressive comparison can be made of actual results.(5) Motivating employees: Employees are motivated for improving their performances by budgetary control.
Requisites of an effective system of budgetary control:
- (a) There should be a clearly defined organizational structure where are area of responsibility is emphasized.(b) Within the budgeting process, the employees should participate.(c) For the purpose of relying the measurement of performance, there should be adequate accounting records & procedures.(d) Budgetary control needs to be flexible, so that the plans & objectives may be revised.(e) An awareness of the uses of the budgetary control system should be spread by the management.(f) An awareness regarding the problems of budgetary control & especially the individual’s reactions to budgets should be spread by the top management.
Advantages of Budgetary control:
The advantages of budgetary control system are as follows:
- (1) The objectives of the organization as a whole & the results which should be achieved by each department within this overall framework are defined by the budgetary control.(2) When there is a difference between actual results & budget, then the extent by which actual results have exceeded or fallen short of the budget is revealed by the budgetary control.(3) The variances or other measures of performance along with the reasons of difference between the actual results with those from budgeted is indicated by the budgetary control. Also, the magnitude of differences is established by it.(4) As the budgetary control reports on actual performance along with variances & other measures of performance; for correcting adverse trends, a basis for guiding executive action is provided by it.(5) A basis by which future budget can be prepared or the current budget can be revised is provided by the budgetary control.(6) A system whereby in the most efficient way possible the resources of the organization are being used is provided by the budgetary control.(7) The budgetary control indicates how efficiently the various departments of the organization are being coordinated.(8) Situations where activities & responsibilities are decentralized, some centralizing control is provided by the budgetary control.(9) The budgetary control provides means by which the activities of the organization can be stabilized, where the organization’s activities are subject to seasonal variations.(10) By regularly examining the departmental results, a basis for internal audit is established by the budgetary control.(11) The standard costs which are to be used are provided by it.(12) For the purpose of paying a bonus to employees, a basis by which the productive efficiency can be measured is provided by the budgetary control.
Limitations of Budgetary Control:
The main limitations of budgetary control are:
- (1) It used the estimates as a basis for the budget plan.(2) In order to fit with the changing circumstances the budgetary programme must be continually adapted. Normally for attaining a reasonably good budgetary programme, it takes several years.(3) A budget plan cannot be executed automatically. Enthusiastic participation is required by all levels of management in the programme.(4) The necessity of having a management & administration will not be eliminated by any budgetary control system. The place of the management is not taken by it; rather it is a tool of the management.
Assignment # 1 CS504 Idea Solution Fall 2012
Question 1
Write business requirement of online budgeting control system.
Business Requirements
This web based online budgeting control application is to provide an electronic
environment for fast processing of university budget related tasks.
This application will help to control budget and will be beneficial for all.
Question # 2
Write functional requirements of online budgeting control system.?
As it is a web online application so functional requirements should be as follows
Functional Requirements
Login Management
This system should allow the users to login to get access to online budgeting control system
Logout Management
This system should allow the users to logout after login whenever they want.
Account management
This system should allow the user to update account information and should allow the admin (staf) to add delete update user accounts
Report Management
This system should allow only the admin to generate different types of reports
Budget Requests Management
This system should allow gathering annual budget requests from all the departments
and finalizing the budget.**************** It will be used by the head of different departments to request for the budget allocation.
Budget Control/Management
This system should allow the user to control the budget which is allocated and finalized
between all departments.
Budget control manager of financial department will accept, reject or approve the
requests from any department for some valid reason.
(More can be added )
Question # 3
Write non-functional requirements of online budgeting control system.
Non Functional Requirements
1- Usability or user friendliness
This System should be user friendly It will fulfill all user requirements
2- Multiple Users
This system should allow multiple users at a time
3- Performance
This system should be able to provide fast and better performance in order to satisfy all the users.
4- Decision Making
This system should be able to provide all the information required and should help the users in decision making.
CS502 Assignment 1 Solution Fall 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Edit This
Describe a Θ(n lg n)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x.
There is more than one algorithm that satisfies this problem. You should have described an algorithm and done the necessary proof for correctness, as well as proved the asymptotic running time. If your algorithm utilizes an algorithm covered in the text, you may assume it is correct and use the results of its run-time analysis.
First run merge sort on S to get the sorted array S
0 = s
, s
, ..., s
, where
i ≤ s
for all i. As proved in Cormen, this runs in Θ(n lg n)-time.
SUM-X(S, x)
2 i ← 1
3 j ← n
4 while i < j
5 do if S[i] + S[j] < x
6 then i ← i + 1
7 else if S[i] + S[j] > x
8 then j ← j − 1
9 else return S[i], S[j]
10 if i = j
11 then return nil
Proof of correctness: Assume that the set S is sorted, so that s1 < s2 < ... br/>sn. For 1 ≤ p < q ≤ n, call (p, q) an x pair if sp + sq = x. There may be many such x pairs. Initially i = 1 and j = n. SUM-X maintains a pair (i, j) and either increases i or decreases j until it finds an x pair, or i = j. If si + sj > x then j is decremented, and if si + sj < x then i is incremented.
If there are no x pairs in S then SUM-X terminates without finding such a pair. Assume there is at least one x pair. Let (i, j) be the first loop at which either the left index i or the right index j agrees with some x pair. Without loss of generality suppose that j = q and i ≤ p, thus si + sq ≤ x. This means that si + sq = x and i = p, or si + sq < x and i is increased until i = p. Hence, SUM-X finds an x pair.
The worst-case run time of SUM-X is O(n lg n). After the set is sorted, the procedure to find the two elements that sum to x has a worst-case time of O(n).
A second solution is to run merge sort to get the sorted array S
. Then for
each element in S
compute di = s
i − x and do a binary search for di
in S
. In
the worst-case we search for n elements using binary search. The worst-case run time analysis of binary search is O(lg n). Therefore, the algorithm is Θ(n lg n)
CS410 Assignment 1 Solution Fall 2012
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Edit This
use Dev C++ and create a new c++ project
create an integer type array of 5 elements
create an char type array of 5 elements
create a pointer of type integer and copy the values of integer array to this pointer one be one and increment the pointer
then copy the char array's values in the pointer of type integer
print the specified output and give some explanation about the above.
For syntax visit C++ tutorial site
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int *x[5];
int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
char b[5] = {'a','b','c','d','e'};
int i;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
printf("%d\n", x[i]);
//for(i=0; i<5; i++){
//printf("%d", (*x)[i]);
return 0;
// This program demonstrate the functions of arrays and pointer realtionship
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int x[5] = {0,1,2,3,4}; //declared array of pointer integer type five element4
int *xptr;
int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; //Declare and initialize integer array of five elements
char b[5] = {'a','b','c','d','e'}; //Declare and initialize an array of character type
int i;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
cout"\n A["i"]:"*xptr;
// example about structures
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct movies_t {
string title;
int year;
} mine, yours;
void printmovie (movies_t movie);
int main ()
string mystr;
mine.title = "2001 A Space Odyssey";
mine.year = 1968;
cout << "Enter title: ";
getline (cin,yours.title);
cout << "Enter year: ";
getline (cin,mystr);
stringstream(mystr) >> yours.year;
cout << "My favorite vu39 movie is:\n ";
printmovie (mine);
cout << "And yours is:\n ";
printmovie (yours);
return 0;
void printmovie (movies_t movie)
cout << movie.title;
cout << " (" << movie.year << ")\n";
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int *x[5];
int a[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
char b[5] = {'a','b','c','d','e'};
int i,j;
printf("4th points Answer\n");
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
printf("%d\n", *x[i]);
printf("5th points Answer\n");
for ( j=0; j<5; j++)
printf("%d\n", *x[j]);
printf("6th points Answer\n");
for ( j=0; j<5; j++)
printf("%d\n", a[j]);
return 0;
Copy understand and then paste the code...
CS408 Solution
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Edit This
Constructing a Process Flowchart
Step 1: Determine the Boundaries
- Where does a process begin?
- Where does a process end?
Step 2: List the Steps
- Use a verb to start the task description.
- The flowchart can either show the sufficient information to understand the general process flow or detail every finite action and decision point.
Step 3: Sequence the Steps
- Use post-it notes so you can move tasks.
- Do not draw arrows until later.
Step 4: Draw Appropriate Symbols
- Start with the basic symbols:
- Ovals show input to start the process or output at the end of the process.
- Boxes or rectangles show task or activity performed in the process.
- Arrows show process direction flow.
- Diamonds show points in the process where a yes/no questions are asked or a decision is required.
- Usually there is only one arrow out of an activity box. If there is more than one arrow, you may need a decision diamond.
- If there are feedback arrows, make sure feedback loop is closed; i.e. it should take you back to the input box.
Step 5: System Model
- Draw charts using system model approach.
- Input - use information based upon people, machines, material, method, and environment.
- Process - use subsets of processes in series or parallel.
- Output - use outcomes or desired results.
- Control - use best in class business rules.
- Feedback - use information from surveys or feedback.
Step 6: Check for Completeness
- Include pertinent chart information, using title and date for easy reference.
Step 7: Finalize the Flowchart
- Ask if this process is being run the way it should be.
- Are people following the process as charted?
- Do we have a consensus?
- What is redundant; add what is missing.
The purpose of process mapping is to use diagramming to understand the process we currently use and ask what is expected of us; what should we be doing to provide better customer focus and satisfaction. It will identify what best practices we need to incorporate and find appropriate benchmarks for measuring how we can arrive at better ways of communicating our services. As Dr. George Washington Carver put it – "It is simply service that measures success."
Mr. Imran is not a regular user of the elevator system. So, his mind is doing following processes.
- Perceptual System
- Cognitive System
- Motor System
I will explain these, how Imran drives the elevator system for the first time. When
he entered in the elevator for the first time, his perceptual system is came into action. The perceptual system perceive the around environment using eyes and get the input (image of the panel that drives the elevator) and send this image to memory for further processes.
And then motor system came into action and turned the imran’s eyes again toward the panels for getting more information.
Imran’s eyes look again on the panels, got an image of elevator using instruction and read one by one. When he read the first instruction, cognitive and motor systems working simultaneously and instructions are also storing in the long term memory. After this perception system again perceive the button panel. It gives all the information to memory. When he looks the “Door close” button, the perception system sends the image of the button to memory where cognitive process comes into action. It compares the new information with the already stored information. The cognitive system tells the meaning of this information to the motor system. It comes into action and Imran’s hand bush the “Door close” button. Similarly, the next information processes and he push the “1” for his desire location.
ENG201 Solution
Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Edit This
Pick one Modify it according to your need so that you can get maximum Marks.
Sample 1
John Applicant
1 23 Main Street
Albany, NY 12345
(111) (111 -1111)
Office Manager
National Painting Society, New York, NY
June 2007 - Present
- Maintenance of office library, including cataloging, distribution, and record keeping
- Assuring office is neat, and stocked with necessary tools for functionality
- Member management, including email reminders, member roster, and records of financial dues
- Assist with planning and execution of all society events
- Management of summer interns including interviewing, tasks delegation, and scheduling
Administrative Assistant
Saratoga Springs City Hall, Saratoga Springs, NY
September 2003- May 2004
- Assist clientele as they enter office and via phone
- Perform filing, data management, drafting and editing short office memos
- Assist with all other office administrative duties
Office Assistant
Skidmire College, Saratoga Springs, NY
September 2002- May 2004
- Inputting data, office errands, internship and alumni updates
- Scheduling appointments and assisting students with registration and finding information
Hunter College
May 2002
Bachelor of Arts in English, department honors
- Experience with maintaining office budget
- Ability to work with several operating systems, including Windows, Mac OSX and Linux
Sample 2
Hailey Sharpe
Home 555-555-5555 Cell 555-555-1234
456 Oakwood Terrace
Philadelpia, PA 12121
Bachelor of Arts, XYZ College, XYZ Town, NY, May 2010
Double Majors: English and American Studies
Minors: Spanish and Honors Forum
Overall GPA 3.995; Highest Honors each semester
Business and Technology Experience
Real Estate Finance Intern, Raymond Charles Incorporated, Trenton, NJ, Summer 2009
• Budgeted operating expenses and determined rent schedule through rent averaging process.
• Performed comparative analysis of operating expenses in Excel
• Utilized centralized rent roll to verify monthly rental remittance from invoices for accuracy.
• Summarized lease document for legal abstract and Lease Management System.
Computer Assistant, Center for Information Technology Services, XYZ College, 2007-2009
• Answered students’ questions regarding issues with PowerPoint, Excel, and Microsoft Word
Data Entry, Wall Street Investment Assistance, New York, NY, Winter Break 2008
• Requested and verified dividend reclassification information from fund company executives.
• Entered data received on WIA’s database.
PriceFly Airlines Project, Accounting Course, XYZ College, Fall 2007
• Calculated liquidity, solvency and profitability ratios of Southwest Airlines for 2006-2007 fiscal years.
• Analyzed ratios to determine trends, and used Excel spreadsheet to exhibit these trends.
Data and Systems Department Assistant, New York Journal, New York, NY, Summer 2006• Assisted computer operators with payroll and sales administration data encoded tapes.
Assistant Supervisor, K.T. Shuttle & Tours, Fairbanks, AK, Summer 2005
• Calculated profits and used Excel spreadsheet to create invoices for tour company vouchers.
• Coordinated arrivals and departures of tourists, and provided information about tours.
Other Experience
Resident Assistant, Office of Residential Life, XYZ College, 2005-2010
• Organize weekly study breaks, and counsel students on academic and social issues.
• Work with Campus Safety and other offices to provide safe environment for students.
Math Tutor / Grader, Mathematics Department, XYZ College, 2005-2006
• Helped students develop quantitative skills in calculus math classes.
• Assisted calculus professor by grading student homework each week.
Computer Skills
Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Lexis/Nexis, Netscape, and Mathematicas 3.0
Sample 3
James E. Windsor
2000 NE 31st AVE.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33302
Phone 594-563-7467
- Substantial experience and outstanding skills in customer service with seventeen years at PRC Realty Systems including five in management.
- Accustomed to working in fast-paced environments with the ability to think quickly and successfully handle difficult clients.
- Use the Internet daily and know the workings of it from real estate to ecommerce.
- Completed two real estate courses during the last five years while working full-time. Passing the state test for agent licensing in New Mexico and becoming a broker in Florida. Working part time as a Realtor during this time.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, ability to work well with others, in both supervisory and support staff roles.
- Willing to relocate and travel.
Installation Manager, Business Center Concepts, Inc., 2009 - present
- Installing the "The Office", a business center offered by AlphaNet Hospitality Systems Inc. at hotels across the country. "The Office" provides guest with a personal computer complete with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint software, Internet and email access as well as printing, scanning, faxing, and photocopying capabilities. Installation includes assembling a desk, connecting credit card readers to each component and using an Ethernet system to connect each unit to the master. Provide training to hotel staff and management in use of each component and having all installation contracts signed.
Sales Manager, Advanced Technology Components, Inc., 2008 - 2009
- ATC is a procurement specialist for the military, defense and aerospace industries. They supply clients with electronic components for current projects.
- Developed strong relationships with established accounts while acquiring new accounts.
- Coordinated the administration of product orders, understood customer needs and guaranteed delivery of company's commitment.
Owner/Operator, Entertainment Services, 2005 - 2008
- Marketed video vending machines to restaurant and cocktail lounges
- Installed and serviced machines
- Made weekly customer service calls to existing customers.
Realtor/Broker, Reca Better Homes and Gardens/Miller Properties, 2000-2005
- Real Estate professional specializing in residential resale and new homes sales. Worked real estate full-time and part-time while doing other jobs.
Account Manager, PRC Realty Systems, 1982 - 2000
- PRC Realty Systems provides web-based computer software to boards and associations of Realtors across the United States.
- In charge of servicing multiple accounts which included all contractual items; supervising the on-site staff; preparing the budget; negotiating contract renewal; installation of new hardware and software; agent training; maintaining customer relationship with Directors, MLS committees and Board staff.
Brokers Certificate, Gold Coast School of Real Estate
Agent Certificate, New Mexico School of Real Estate
Certificate, Electronic Technician, TVI
Junior year, Geography, University of New Mexico
Sample 4
Hailey Sharpe
Home: 555-555-5555 Cell: 555-555-1234
456 Oakwood Terrace
Philadelpia, PA 12121
Bachelor of Arts, XYZ College, XYZ Town, NY, May 2010
Double Majors: English and American Studies
Minors: Spanish and Honors Forum
Overall GPA 3.995; Highest Honors each semester
Study Abroad: Bath, England - January 2008; Madrid, Spain - Spring 2009
Related Experience
Intern, American Museum in England, England
Spring 2009
• Worked with the Education Director of the Museum, assisting and observing education programs for schoolchildren
Recruiting Assistant, Career Services, XYZ College
Sept. 2007 - present
• Promoted from Career Services Assistant to Recruiting Assistant in fall 2008
• Nominated by supervisor as XYZ Student Employee of the Year based on outstanding performance
• Perform general administrative duties to support professional staff
Student Leader, Town Reading Program for Children, XYZ, NY
Jan. 2007 - present
• Discuss and analyze a piece of young adult fiction with 4th and 5th grade students
• Generate discussion questions to stimulate literary conversation between students
• Organized a festival for the children that involved activities relating to the story and provided a presentation on the cultural significance of the book
Calculus Tutor, XYZ College, XYZ Town, NY
Jan. 2008 - May 2008
• Assisted college student in understanding concepts and preparing for exams in her Calculus I class
Volunteer at Early Childhood Center, XYZ College, XYZ Town, NY
Jan. 2008 - May 2008
• Interacted with preschoolers, helping run and organize activities i.e. arts and crafts and reading time
Summer Counselor, Jewish Community Center, Philadelphia, PA
Summer 2004 - Summer 2007
• Created a weekly schedule for children ages 3-6 at a full-time summer camp
• Implemented and ran activities for a group of up to 15 children
English Tutor, Philadelphia, PA
Summer 2006
• Prepared weekly lesson plans to help a student prepare for her high school English course
• Taught essential aspects of writing a paper; how to devise a thesis, create a conclusion, etc.
Algebra Tutor, Wilmington High School, Philadelphia, PA
Spring 2006
• Assisted high school freshman in understanding concepts and preparing for exams in Algebra I
Other Experience
- Clarinet player in various wind ensembles, chamber orchestras, and competitions
- Marketing Assistant, Marketing and External Affairs, ABC College
- Editorial Assistant, Public Official Magazine, Technology and Government
Sample 5
Jane Applicant
1 23 Main St. Pasatota, Florida 12345
(111) (111 -1111)
2007 - 2012
HR Coordinator, Asereth Medical Services, Pasatota, FL
Collaborated with each office territory and developed processes to enable compliance and recruitment of national field employees following medical client guidelines and contracts.
- Processed background checks and coordinated drug screenings.
- Expedited preparation and compliance of files for health organization accreditation.
- Scanned confidential documents into electronic filing system and categorized them for retrieval and review.
- Monitored employee file compliance by utilizing computer system to generate reports.
- Audited each employee file to update incomplete and missing paperwork in a timely manner.
Interim Operations Manager, Borders Books, Music and Cafe, Pasatota, FL
Recruited and scheduled staff ensuring balanced coverage at the information desks, on the floor to restock merchandise, at the cash registers and compliance with Seattle's Best contract by assigning two café sellers in the store café at all times.
- Revised and adapted weekly schedule to consist of maximum 1400 hours as regulated by the Home Office.
- Supervised, coached and counseled staff of 50 employees.
- Trained employees on cash register management and coordinated all orientation sessions for new hires.
- Documented stolen items on a daily basis and forwarded reports to Loss Prevention Manager.
- Channeled pro-active quality by working closely with management and being aware of upcoming events.
2003 - 2007
Operations Supervisor, Borders Books, Music and Cafe, Pasatota, FL
Processed new hire information, transfers, promotions and terminations using Peoplesoft. Ensured all employee time punches in timekeeping system were correct and electronically sent to Home Office.
- Researched employee issues with regards to payroll and benefit questions by contacting appropriate department and reviewing the company handbook and policies.
- Created and prepared paperwork for all new hires, tracked attendances, recorded personal and vacation time and ensured that benefits department was notified of all leaves of absence on a weekly basis.
- Coordinated daily operations and morning staff meetings, addressed and resolved customer complaints.
2000 - 2003
Bookseller, Borders Books, Music and Cafe, Pasatota, FL
Assisted new and return customers with locating and selecting merchandise, by ordering out of stock merchandise for in-store pickup and home delivery.
- Awarded Employee of the Month twice and achieved a score of 100% on 3 consecutive phone surveys.
- Supported management by restocking merchandise and maintaining excellent customer service standards.
- Managed cash register credit card, cash and return transactions always maintaining a balanced register.
Pasadena City College
College Accounting 101
Instruction on basic accounting skills such as journalizing, posting entries in the general ledger, preparing financial statements.
Bromley Technical College, Bromley, Kent, UK
Certificate of Part 1 of Legal Executives Exam
Studied contract, civil, common, criminal, land law, and conveyancing.
- Computers: Knowledge of Peoplesoft and Oracle
- Volunteer work: Pasadena Museum of History, Docent-in-training, 2009 - Present and Alhambra Historical Society, 2009 - Present
Q 2 Answer:
Though Impromptu method saves the time which is to
be consumed on preparing the speech but Extempore method surely provides the
user with more comfort and ensures the good quality of presentation.
It is a time saving method.
It’s a time consuming method.
It asks to deliver on the spot.
It is planned before delivering.
It might lack completeness.
It ensures good quality of presentation.

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