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Mgt501 Assignment No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Semester "Spring 2011"
"Human Resource Management (MGT501)"
Assignment No. 1 Marks: 15
"The growing importance of HR"

With the march of awareness towards Human Resource Management, an HR Manager in an organization has become a hub or a central person whom must be consulted while taking any important decision regarding the organization.

The new trends like workforce diversity, technological advancement, globalization and emergence of knowledge workers has changed the themes of treating workers as machines. Now workers are treated as the most dynamic and valuable assets for the organizations that cause in separation of HR activities from the administrative activities.

With the given scenario, you are required to answer the following questions.

Q1. In your opinion, how HR activities are different from administrative activities? (10 marks)
Q2. Provide an example to explain that HR Manager must be consulted while taking any important decision. (05)
Word Limit: 300 at the most
Marks: 15


Question no # 1
In your opinion, how HR activities are different from administrative activities?
According to most recent facts and researches an HR Manager in an organization has become a central person who must be consulted while taking any important decision regarding the organization which cause in separation of HR activities from the administrative activities.

HR activities
1. HR sets payroll for employee.
2. HR helps in selection and hiring.
3. HR sets work time for employees.
4. HR provides compensation benefits
5. HR helps in designing leaves system
6. HR affords insurance coverage to employees.
Administrative activities
1. Administration makes sure its transfer to employees in time.
2. Administration helps in training and development.
3. Administration makes sure its implementation.
4. Administration makes sure its transfer.
5. Administration helps in Maintain the leave management system.
6. Administration helps in maintaining the record of insurance coverage.
Question no # 2
Provide an example to explain that HR Manager must be consulted while taking any important decision?
In this competitive world role of HR Manager is very demanding and makes HR Manger involve in each decision of organization.

In my views HR Manger must be consulted while taking important decision of hiring new employees because in the end these are people (employees) who make the difference. If an organization hires good, honest, educated, energetic, dedicated and experienced persons then organization will grow faster than market.

Mgmt623 HRM623 GDB No. 1

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In , Edit This
The Michigan Studies identified two leadership behaviors: job-centered and employee-centered.Can a manger be both job and employee oriented in any circumstances? Discuss critically.

Mgmt630 HRM630 GDB No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In , Edit This
Do you think that strong brands make financial contributions to the company? 

Give your opinion and discuss few examples

Brand concept came into being as a result of economic development and since then it is a very strong concept eisted and essentially implemented today in every business the more recognised brand is regarded as the stronger brand. Now strong brands help to make financial contribution to the company because as being a stronger brand it has the higher value for the company and can lead company into more deiversified areas ultimately gaining new market share and create value for brand and improving the returns. Now the brands which are stronger can encourage companies to diversify on basis of Goodwill they have and can get nore profits out of new products launched or intoduced. Because strong brands have greater market share and lower costs with larger returns so its the Brand strength which make it easy to diversify in order to expand and earning more Financial advantages to the company.

Pepsi intoducing Juices and drinking Waters with its on going Cola Product.

Nestle intoducing Juices with its on going Drinking water and Skimmed Milk Products.

Shangrilla launching their ketchup with their on going sauces products


“Telecommunication sector of Pakistan is in one of the most dynamic and knowledge based sectors of Pakistan. Discuss how the effective development and concentration of seven levers of strategy can help these organizations to attain a strategic advantage. Elaborate your answer with the help of real life example.“

Telecommunication sector of Pakistan is in one of the most dynamic and knowledge based sectors of Pakistan. Telecommunication sector of Pakistan is advancing in telecom sectors as other advanced countries in the world. Many companies are investing in telecom sectors in pakistan. . some of them are Telenor, Orscom, Chuna telecom, Warid and Wateen. No company is able to take competetive advantage within the country by offering facilities of global standards for long duration

The seven levers of strategy deals with knowlege about product, people and process.

If we use this type of knowledge at all steps of product development and it distribution, than we can gain competetive advantages. If we are leaders in innovation, than we are maximum profit takers.

Telenor is the telecom company which is using seven lever of strategy to gain maximun advantage in pakistan. Different types of packages for different types of people according to their wish are available. Internetmore facility can be utilized to do work on internet. Loan facility is available. Customer and franchised centre are spreaded all over the pakistan to serve customers. Comedy and songs on one dial are presented. Official partner of cricket worldcup 2011 for pakistan team. They are providing services to their customers according to their wishes. Call conference facilites are present. Doctors service at 911 is available. Railway and airline ticket helps can be accessed. Police help line for emergency is present. Call back facility is present

Mgmt627 HRM627 GDB No. 1

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In , Edit This

Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) was initiated by Government of Pakistan with initial allocation of Rs.34 billion (US $ 425 million approximately) for the financial year 2008-09.
BISP is being implemented in all four provinces (Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa) including Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT).
The Programme aimed at covering 3.5 million families in the financial year 2008-2009.
The allocation for the last fiscal year was Rs. 70 billion to provide cash assistance to 5 million families which constitutes almost 15% of the entire population. Thus the programme aims at covering almost 40% of the population below the poverty line allocation for the CFY is 50 Billion.
Source: You are required to write the names of four stakeholders of this program along with max 2-3 line justification for each stakeholder.

following are some stakeholders:

gov of Pakistan

ICT, AJK and provinces

local administration and federal administration

HRM624 GDB No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
A person says, “It is all well and good to talk about friendship and cooperation, but not everyone is sweetness and light. The people who talk like this are just dreamers. They have a good stance but if everybody acted that way we have all get taken advantage of. There is a good reason that the adversarial system of justice has been around and it works better than any other alternative”.

Do you agree with this person or not regarding adversarial system? Justify your position – keeping in view the whole scenario

Starting Date Monday, April 11, 2011
Closing Date Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2-Contrast Effects
3- Like-me Effect
4- Halo Effects


Yes I agree with this person that adversarial system is good for justice rather than any other system. We can solve many problems and make ourselves away from many conflicts. When everyone taking advantage from others, in such it is very important to have such a system that can save friendship and cooperative peoples from agree and selfish peoples. In this regard adversarial system is very important and good for justice.

STA630 Assignment No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Research Methods (STA630)
Assignment No. 1
Marks: 20

Literature review is not simply reading the relevant literature. It is about reading, and collecting the relevant material and writing in a sequential manner that can link the selected topic and literature. It is done to provide the background information of your study.

A literature review consists of an outline of the relevant and significant literature on a particular research area. It provides a review on critical points of existing knowledge on a topic. This assignment is of practical nature and the purpose is to indulge you in an activity which will help you to write literature review in project/thesis. It will also help you in reading articles, extracting required information and developing linkages between two or more variables. It will really help you if you try to attempt this assignment devotedly having objective of learning in your mind.

Before preparing your assignment read the given instructions carefully. A ‘model’ literature review has also been given below for your guidance. Furthermore, procedure of collecting articles for review from Google is given at the end. Follow the instructions and make a wonderful assignment.

Best of Luck!

Write a literature review on the following topic:
“Effect of Training and Development on the Organizational Learning” 

Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.

Literature review – concepts
• Please watch Lesson 8 and 9 of STA630 and read relevant handouts for details of Literature Review.
• It has also been discussed in Chapter 4 of recommended text book of Research Methods (by Uma Sekaran, 4th edition).
• Note that literature review does not mean to copy the material as it is; rather you have to build arguments by using the relevant material.
What you have to do for literature review in this assignment:
• Identify the variables in the topic given
• Collect the articles for these variables
• Try to establish a link between the two variables as done in the example given

• Make sure that you upload the solution file before April 15, 2011. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail after the due date.
Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to prepare your document in MS-Word 2003 format (doc).
• Use black font color only.
Solution guidelines:
• Your solution should not exceed 450 words. Exceeding the required limit will result in deduction of marks
• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search “APA reference style” in Google and read various website containing information for better understanding or visit ... APA01.html
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge do not rely only on handouts but watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.

Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will be graded Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is copied from other students, internet, books, or journals etc.
How to collect articles:
Use HEC Digital Library to search/ download articles.
The other source for free articles is Google Scholar. Please follow the procedure given below to find articles on Google Scholar:
Click here for Google scholar
Write the topic or relevant factors
It will search the relevant material for you.
Related Articles option
Advance Search
Cited by option
Click the link you think is most appropriate and relevant to the topic given, save the material, read it and write by properly acknowledging and referring the author. Please follow the sample provided. You can also use advance search link to specify the options.

Using “cited by option” and “Related Article option” will help you in finding the articles in which that particular article has been cited/used and the related topic respectively. These options are also useful in finding the relevant material.

Model Literature Review on Effect of Empowerment Practices on Organizational Commitment
Over the 50 years empowerment or participation is the subject of research. (Nykodym, Simonetti, Nielsen &Welling, 1994).Empowerment is the ability of the employee to make the choices which are perceived as the difference for the employer. One element of this ability is that at any given time choices are open to the employee and after making the choice employee will be able to continue making choices. (Guy, 2003).A number of researchers define empowerment; the original meaning of empowerment is giving power to the other person or authorize. (Tulloch, 1993).It is being considered that empowerment is the part of a process and it is the combination of the subordinate psychological state that is affected by the supervisor behavior of empowering the subordinate. (Pastor, 1996).

In providing quality of services employee empowerment is the major factor that has the significant impact. (Samat, Ramayah & Saad, 2006).Services providing organizations are paying more attention towards employee empowerment in order to improve the service quality. (Cacioppe, 1998).Empowerment is the process that basically motivates the employees to make use of their experiences and skills by providing the power and authority so that the employees work effectively. (Eccles, 1993).

Empowerment includes employee commitment and involvement level. (Val & Lloyd, 2002).Previous researches show that empowerment is positively linked with work satisfaction. Empowerment was envisaged by an individual locus of control, availability of information and self esteem. Spreitzer’s (1995) .Empowerment significantly impacts the employee intention to leave the organization. (Avey, Hughes, Norman, Luthans, 2007).Empowerment should be divided in two components that are psychological and behavioral. ( Meyerson & Kline, 2007). Employees develop higher level of trust in their managers when they feel empowered (Moye & Henkin,2006).By giving power to the employees in decision making can lead to greater responsibility on the behalf of employees in achieving job and customer satisfaction.(Jarrar & Zairi,2002). So by empowering teachers it assist them in improving leadership skills, improves work-life quality, and improve professionalism. (Dee, Henkin & Duemer, 2003). Empowerment plays a significant impact on organizational commitment of the employee. (Lee, Nam, Park & Lee, 2006).

Defining empowerment
Supporting with literature
Establishing link with own research

From 30 years the concept of organizational commitment is evolving. (Putterill & Rohrer, 1995).Organizational commitment of the employees get positively influences if there are opportunities to work challenging tasks.(Chew & Chan, 2007).According to Parish, Cadwallader & Busch (2008) Employees commit more positively to the change occurring at workplace only when they judge the role autonomy. Depending upon the level of attachment of an individual the consequences of commitment varies accordingly (O’Reilly & Chatman, 1986).

Defining Commitment The success of the organization depends upon the organizational commitment that can be gain by the involvement of the employee. (Denton, 1994) In the innovation process it is very important employ the knowledge and skills of the employees. (McEwan & Sackett, 1997).The degree to which employees inquire about empowerment varies significantly. (Greasley ,Bryman, Naismith & Soetanto, 2008).Previous researches founded that organizational commitment increases accordingly as the work empowerment perception

Linking commitment and empowerment
increase.( Liu ,Chiu &Fellows, 2007).organizational learning is facilitated by the empowerment which ultimately enhances the commitment level. (Bhatnagar, 2007).

Avey.J.B., Hughes.L.W., Norman.S.M., & Luthans.K.W. (2008). Using positivity, transformational leadership and empowerment to combat employee negativity. Leadership & Organization Development Journal,29 (2), 110-126.

Bhatnagar. J. (2007). Predictors of organizational commitment in India: strategic HR roles, organizational learning capability and psychological empowerment The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (10) ,1782-1812.

Cacioppe.R. (1998). Structured empowerment: an award-winning program at the Burswood Resort Hotel. Leadership & Organization,Development Journal 19(5), 264–274.

Referencing Format

Dee.J.R., Alan B. Henkin.A.B. & Duemer.L.(2003).Structural antecedents and psychological correlates of teacher empowerment.Teacher Empowerment, 41(3), 257-277.

Denton.D.K. (1994). Empowerment through Employee Involvement and participation Ford’s Development and Training Programs. Empowerment in Organizations, Vol. 2 No. 2, 1994, pp. 22-28

Greasley.K., Bryman.A., Dainty.A., Price.A., Naismith.N., & Soetanto.R.(2008). Understanding empowerment from an employee perspective What does it mean and do they want it?. Team Performance Management,14 ( ½), 39-55.

Guy.F.(2003). High-involvement work practices and employee bargaining power. Employee Relations, 25 (5), 453-469.

Jarrar.y.f., & Zairi.M. (2002). Employee empowerment-a UK survey of trends and best practices. Managerial auditing journal, 17(5), 266-271.
Lee.Y.K., Nam.F.H., Park.D.H., & Lee.K.A.(2006). What factors influence customer-oriented prosocial behavior of customer-contact employees?. Journal of Services Marketing,20(4) ,251–264.

Liu.A.M.M., Chiu.W.M., & Fellows.R.(2007). Enhancing commitment through work empowerment. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 14(6),568-580.

McEwan.A.M., & Sackett.P.(1997). Theoretical considerations of employee empowerment within computer integrated manufacturing production. Empowerment in Organizations, 5 (3), 129-138.

Meyerson.S.L., & Kline.T.J.B.(2008). Psychological and environmental empowerment: antecedents and consequences. Leadership & Organization Development Journal ,29 ( 5) ,444-460.

Moye.M.J., & Henkin.A.B.(2006). Exploring associations between employee empowerment and interpersonal trust in managers. Journal of Management Development,25 (2), 101-117.

Nykodym.N., Simonetti.J.L., Nielsen.W.R., & Welling.B. (1994). Employee Empowerment. Empowerment in Organizations, 2 (3), 45-55.

Pastor.J.(1996). Empowerment: what it is and what it is not. Empowerment in Organizations,4(2) , 5–7.

Samat.N., Ramayah.T., & Saad.N.M. (2006). TQM practices, service quality, and market orientation some empirical evidence from a developing country. Management Research News ,29(11), 713-728.

Spreitzer.G.M. (1995). Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. The Academy of Management Journal, 38(5 ) ,1442-1465.

Val.M.P.D., & Lloyd.B. (2003).Measuring Empowerment. Leadership and organization development journal,24(2),102-108.

Helping Material for solution

While most of the international literature uses the terms training and development, the South Africa literature tends to use the term, skills development. However, for the purposes of this report, the assumption is that training and development and skills development mean the same thing.

Skills development is a priority issue globally and South Africa is no exception to this phenomenon. Several studies have been conducted into skills development and its importance to human resources development. It is noted by Nel et al (2001:43 5), that education and training has been the most powerful lever for improving both individual opportunity and the institutional competitiveness of countries worldwide.

In relation to the above-mentioned points, it is important to understand the concepts of education, training and development.

Nel et al (2001:467), describe education as the activities aimed at providing knowledge, skills, moral values and understanding required in the normal course of life.

According to Nel et al (2001:467), training and development are defined as the factors that guide an individual and prepare him or her to perform specific activities as directed by the job they occupy. Training and development are essentially learning experiences in that they seek a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his or her ability to perform on the job (Nel et al, 2001:467).

Furthermore, Nel et al (2001:467), state that training is a planned process which is aimed at modifying attitude, knowledge or skills behaviour and is directed at improving an employee's work performance. It is important that training is results-oriented and is measurable in terms of the organisation's requirements. To this end training must make a real contribution to improving the goal achievement and the internal efficiency of the organisation (Nel at al, 2001:467)

On the other hand, Nel at al (2001:468), point out that the development focuses on future jobs within the organisation. It refers to the acquiring of new skills and abilities as the individual's career progresses. Therefore, development pertains to the development opportunities within a job for a specific employee, with reference to that individual's personal growth and goals.

Desimone et al (2002:11), describe human resources development as the integrated use of training and development, organisation development and career development to improve individual, group and organisational effectiveness. Human resources development also takes strategic management decisions into account.

Nel et al (2001:436), point out that in order for training to be successful and to yield positive returns it is important that training and education policies be shaped within the prevailing macro-social and economic circumstances as well as the national strategic vision of a particular country. Strategic management involves decisions and actions that aim to provide a competitively superior fit with the external environment and enhance the long run performance of the organisation (Desimone et al, 2002:12). This supports the point by Desimone et al (2002:12), that the external environment is important in considering human resources development.

In the South African context, the country has undergone profound socio-economic transformation in that old apartheid structures have been dismantled and have been replaced by egalitarian and democratic structures (Department of Labour, 2002:1). These changes have brought about changes in the economy of the country, which has migrated from activities based in primary sectors such as agriculture to more knowledge-based activities, which require a high level of skills (Department of Labour, 2002:1). According to the Department of Labour (2002:1), the legacy of apartheid denied access to quality education to a vast majority of the population, therefore resulting in a large sector of the population lacking key competencies required to meet the challenges of the economic change within the country's macro environment. It is against this background that the country needs to identify areas of skills shortages and put plans in place to develop and improve the quality of the human resources within the country so as to transform the economy from a low skills base to one that is committed to life long learning. The South African government fully appreciates

the need for skills development and has committed itself to human resources development strategies in an effort to be more responsive to the education and training needs of South Africans and to make South Africa more competitive (Department of Labour, 2002:1).

Organizational Learning
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of personal characteristics (goal orientation) and contextual characteristics (organizational learning culture and developmental feedback) on employees' career satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention.

Design/methodology/approach – Subjects were drawn from four Fortune Global 500 companies in Korea. Descriptive statistics and hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to explain the variance in outcome variables. 

Findings – The results indicate that career satisfaction is predicted by organizational learning culture and performance goal orientation. Organizational learning culture, developmental feedback, and learning goal orientation are the significant predictors of organizational commitment. Finally, organizational learning culture, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment turn out to be the predictors of turnover intention. 

Practical implications – By enhancing organizational learning culture and by considering goal orientation, human resource development/organization development practitioners could play important roles in improving organizational commitment, in career satisfaction, and in decreasing turnover. 

Originality/value – The theoretical contribution of this paper lies in its inclusive approach encompassing both the personal and contextual factors (such as organizational learning, leadership, and personality) on career and organizational commitment research. It is an interesting finding that while performance goal is associated with career satisfaction, learning goal orientation is related with organizational commitment.
Another Solution:

Learning Organization: We can say that a learning organization is one which seeks to build it’s own future. Learning is an ongoing process and a learning organization is one which develops and changes itself according to the situations and conditions it can be either inside or outside of an organiztion.Learning organization does not mean to have the most fashionable management trends, but it mean to provide an enviroment in which open creative thoughts, and ability to communicate new ideas are welcomed and accepted. Learning organizations encourage an enviroment in which people can produce the results they want. Learning organizations are more healthier workplaces to work because of the followings:

1: they boost the skills to handle changes,  2: these organizations presents hope to the people that things would get better or improved. 3: learning organizations develop a more committed work force. These organizations continuously improve quality of products and services. 5: learning organizations gather independent thoughts.

Developing organization:  A developing organization is one which is indulge in the constant testing of experiences and the conversion of that experiences into knowledge that is achieveable and relevant to the objectives of the organization.In learning organization managers should build turst in their employees, redirect the behaviour of their employees when they make any mistake, and encourage to work as a team for the achievement of the objectives of the organization. How the trainging & development department takes parts in building up the required skills in it’s workers to work well. Each organizaiton has it’s own pattern to work. Organizaiton learning is a process of studies theories about the ways an organinzation learns. We can say that an organization which is fast in learning and taking on innovations is likely to survive in this age of competition. The planning process helps people to learn from their past experiences .we can define organization learning by the following models of study.

1: single loop 2: double loop learning
Gergory bateson’s concepts of first and second order learning was the base of these models. An organization changes according to the conditions and results in the single loop learning. They ask about the things and if they are capable to capture the things related to those questions are include in double loop system learning. In the learning organization, people must realize that the beginning comes with a change of mind. Create an idea for the organization and write a mission statement with the help of all employees. By integrating human and technical systems, communicate a change in the culture of the organization. Managers should allow all employees to question key business practices. To become a learning organization is the most important thing because it brings everyone together to work as a team.

Mgt503 Assignment No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Semester “Spring 2011”
“Principles of Management (MGT503)”

Assignment No.1 Marks:20

“Administrative View of Management”
National Community College (NCC) was opened in 1980 in Karachi to provide quality education to the students. Its mission is to mould the future of nation by moulding people who will ascertain the future of people of its country

In NCC there are clear rules and procedures and being part of this college, everyone is obligated to strictly follow the rules. NCC enforces that rules must be followed to ensure quality of education. For this purpose there is a regularity committee to ensure that all the rules are properly enforced. Board of governors set direction for whole organization to achieve its purpose.

Faculty members are very devoted and dedicated to their responsibilities and are very committed to the students, too. They are constantly under pressure as they must make sure that student’s performance should be up to the expectations. Compensation package is appreciative and based on performance, qualification and experience. Teachers are graded by exam results as well as feedback from their students.

NCC offers jobs on contract basis so job-switching is highly practiced by the teachers. Due to this, when changes are made to teachers, lessons are not as effective as they should be.

Generally, teachers are brilliant and efficient in their work. Their role is not only just to teach what they have specialized in but also they are involved in sports and other co-circular activities. Sometime teachers also perform role of counselors and coaches. So their job scope is more diverse and mostly they are unable to concentrate their relevant field of study.

Discuss which principles of Effective Management (as developed by Henri Fayol) have been practiced in NCC?

Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after
watching video lecture no. 1 to lecture no 9 and reading handouts as well as
recommended text book).
2. Video lectures can be downloaded for free from
Opening Date and Time 11 April , 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time 15 April , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.

• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No
assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been
uploaded by the instructor.
Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
• Use black and blue font colors only.
Solution guidelines:
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an
analytical assignment.
• Give the answer according to question
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but
watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc…


IDEA Solution MGT 503

Division of work
NCC teachers are brilliant and efficient in their work.

NCC enforces that rules must be followed to ensure quality of education.
In NCC to maintain discipline there are clear rules and procedures and being part of this college, everyone is obligated to strictly follow the rules.
Unity of command
Board of governors set direction for whole organization to achieve its purpose.
Unity of direction
For unity of direction there is a regularity committee to ensure that all the rules are properly enforced.

Subordination of individual interests to the general interest
Faculty members are very devoted and dedicated to their responsibilities and are very committed to the students.

Compensation package is appreciative and based on performance, qualification and experience.

In NCC Teachers are graded by exam results as well as feedback from their students

Everyone in NCC is obligated to strictly follow the rules.

Teacher’s role is not only just to teach what they have specialized in but also they are involved in sports and other co-circular activities.

Stability of tenure of personnel
NCC offers jobs on contract basis so job-switching is highly practiced by the teachers.

National Community College (NCC) took the initiative to mould the future of nation by moulding people who will ascertain the future of people of its country

Esprit the corps
Teachers are graded by exam results as well as feedback from their students.

Mgt201 GDB No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
A few days ago, Mr. A has purchased a lottery. Fortunately, he has received a letter from the lottery officials that he has won that lottery. Additionally, it has been mentioned in the letter that he has to choose between one of the two given alternatives as his Prize money: 

A:Rs. 4,000 every year for next 10 years or;  
B:Rs. 54,000 after 10 years. His opportunity cost is 11%. 

Required: Find the value of each alternative. Which alternative is acceptable for Mr. A and why?


Option A
= 23556.93

Option B
= 54000/(1.1^10)
= 20819.34

Option A is Acceptable as it has high Present Value 

Here in option B calculation is as follows:



Another Solution:

This is annuity concept so first we bring all the values to one common point and then compare. Here first we find the present value of Alternative A and then find the present value of B and compare which ever is higher that will be acceptable.

Value of alternative A= =4000/1.11+4000/(1.11^2)+4000/(1.11^3)+4000/(1.11^4)+4000/(1.11^5)+4000/(1.11^6)+4000/(1.11^7)+4000/(1.11^8)+4000/(1.11^9)+4000/(1.11^10)
= 23556.93

Value of alternative B= 54000/(1.1^10)
= 20819.34

Alternative that is acceptable= Option A

Reason= Because Option A will be higher in present value than option B

MCM401 Assignment No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Semester “Spring 2011”
“Fundamentels of Public Relations (MCM401)”
“Assignment No. 01”
Task No. 01 Marks : 15

Public Relations Plan for Standard Charted Bank

Problem To Be Addressed
We desires to earn a profit &wants to stimulate economic success and improve the lives of the people

Current Situation
Our bank is providing the chances to make more investment and high interest rate. In this way we are facilitating our customers in more easiest way but on the other side we are also offering them jobs. We are create events to join the business on their own behalf we are offering the loans on low rate so that they can make their loans easily back to us with easy monthly installments. On national levels and international level we are well recommended and doing good job as per our abilities due to great team work.

Description of Targeted Publics
1- companies
2- stock markets
3- share holders
4-government Goal
A - Earn a profit
B - Create money
C - Initiate loans
D - Help customers

Media Strategies
1. Contact local reporters for feature stories in the local papers
2. Press releases about fundraisers
3. Look into being a guest on local radio talk shows.

Feedback and Adjustment of Plan
1. Monitor presentations
a. Get feedback from speakers
b. Get feedback from pastors/directors
2. Make adjustments as needed

Appearances, Tours and Display Opportunities
In order to establish and maintain a high visibility image in the community, it is important to identify opportunities for personal visits and appearances to [YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME] projected by the target publics. In order to take advantage of these opportunities we will:
. Research, design, organize, update and maintain trade show display booth
· Recruit staff volunteers to assist with display staffing
· Train staff on booth set up, to include obtaining contacts for follow-up and evaluation
· Develop materials and incentives to draw customers to trade show booths

Promotional Materials
Research, write, design and produce appropriate promotional materials as needed, including invitations, hand-outs, letters, etc. Work with staff members on development and delivery of appropriate printed materials packages as needed for direct mail and/or personal contact.

· Budget and place buys for TV, radio, Internet and print advertisements
· Script, film, supervise production of video advertisements
· Create and produce print advertisements
· Script and distribute broadcast PSAs as required
· Budget and place telephone directory advertising
· Buy and design billboards/busboards

MCM431 Assignment No. 1 solution

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Semester “Spring 2011”
“Development Communication”
MCM431 Assignment No. 01
Marks: 15

Question No.1 (5)
What you understand by the term Sustained Development?

According to the WCED, this is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Sustainable development implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality, each reinforcing the other. The essence of this form of development is a stable relationship between human activities and the natural world, which does not diminish the prospects for future generations to enjoy a quality of life at least as good as our own. Many observers believe that participatory democracy, undominated by vested interests, is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development (Source: Mintzer, 1992).


Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development respects the limited capacity of an ecosystem to absorb the impact of human activities.

Question # 2:-
Women Development is on the top list agenda of United Nations. Why this phenomenon is important for Pakistan? Support your answer with valid reasons.

The need for integrating women in the development process was placed on the international agenda in 1975, when the UN observed International Women's Year.

Among the many concrete steps taken in this regard after the 1975 world conference on women was the creation of two UN bodies, UNIFEM and INSTRAW.

A result of the energetic advocacy of women at the first world conference on women, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1976 to provide direct support to development projects for women. Originally set up as the Voluntary Fund for the Decade for Women, the Fund was asked to help improve the living standards of women in developing countries by addressing their concerns through providing direct technical and financial support and by promoting the inclusion of women in the decision making process of mainstream development programmes. In 1985, the Fund became an autonomous body in association with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and was renamed UNIFEM.

Sometimes described as a bridge between international organizations, policy makers and disadvantaged women, UNIFEM is an aid to and advocate for women of the developing world. Currently, UNIFEM works at the country level through its 10 regional offices. Among its priority areas are trade and industry, credit, science and technology, agriculture and food security, and policy-making and national planning.

It also targets critical issues on the global agenda to ensure that gender is included in international policies such as those related to refugees and displaced persons, violence against women, human rights, global governance and environment. UNIFEM has recently established a woman's human rights programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of women's organizations that work on human rights.

The United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), established in 1975 by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the first world conference on women, is an autonomous body within the UN system with a mandate to carry out research, training and information activities worldwide to promote women as key agents for sustainable development.

Operating from its headquarters in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the Institute performs research projects to identify barriers that impede women's equality in the process of social, economic and political development. INSTRAW analyzes existing research material by interacting and working with Governments, UN agencies and academic institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations and other entities. INSTRAW's experience has proved that the greatest problem affecting women is invisibility. With this purpose, INSTRAW develops new ways of understanding, new methodologies and statistics for training programmes and methods linked to issues such as:

Economic empowerment;
• Collection of statistics and indicators on women's work in the formal and informal sectors;
• Availability of statistics on elderly women;
• Women and time-use;
• Statistics on women in the informal sector in industry, trade and services;
• Migration of women and the methodological issues involved in the measurement and analysis of internal and international migration;
• Women, water and sanitation and women and water management;
• New and renewable sources of energy;
• Women and environmental management;
• The role of women in environmentally sound and sustainable development;
• The image and participation of women in alternative and mass media;
• Gender and development studies, including training material.
We look at the history and our religion, the women were allowed to do business and they were quite good at it, biggest example is Hazrat Khadija (may peace be upon her) the first wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him). The role of women in country’s development and rapid growth is simply can not be ignored but the fact remains that their potential is not being fully utilised in Pakistan as yet.

Women in Pakistan are expected to adopt the role of a house wife and to serve the whole family. I have seen alot of talented, highly educated ladies who could become very good entrepreneurs, are spending their time in managing the house and the family despite their strong urge to set up their own businesses. The reason comes out as usual “they are not allowed by their families or husbands”

I consider that violation of basic human rights that our religion gave the women 1400 years ago. The man’s ego wont allow his life partner to earn equally or more than him.

The in laws think that a women’s role is just to look after them. Come on folks! She has a heart too, she has her own dreams which she always put aside to play her role as a house wife. In my opinion women are far more better than us in time management, they are task oriented, better and multi tasking and far better in communication skills if they have a solid educational back ground. They manage kids, manage the house, look after her husbands parents and at times whole family, she manages the routine house hold, she is very good at budgeting and savings, very good administrator, very good at handling stress and pressure, good in convincing through logic and above all very patient. So why waste such a tremendous talent?

If we go through the statistics, nearly 65% of the female doctors dont do jobs after their marriages, 80% of business graduates sit at home after marriages, not even 10 % of the educated women are enterprenuers and running their own business on their own, their scope of jobs is always limited to teaching, customer care, call centres, designing, training and fashion. They need a fresh break as they could do far better than that. Men by nature in Pakistan are un-organised and dont contribute any thing to manage the house apart from bringing the money to run it. The lady of the house needs his support as she works like a robot in a monotonous routine for years. Our Prophet may peace be up on him, used to do all chores at home by himself despite having more than one wives. But here in our society, the man needs his wife to get his house organised, his kids very well looked after, special attention to his parents, a nice clean and calm house, a VIP treatment to his friends and relatives, his ward robe organised, take care of family affairs, attend the family functions with enthusiasm, manage house hold from groceries to shopping for him and kids. If she could do all that why not try talents in her field of interest if she wans to try her luck in business or in a job.

I have met a lot of muli-talented ladies who are running big businesses excellently and managing their house equally good. In order to grow as nation we need their presence in all fields whether its education, IT, Telecom, Small and medium enterprises, Textiles, Banking, Health care, Fashion, Electronic and print media, HR and all other possible venues for them.

The biggest support they need is from their life partners who could convince their family members that they can do far better than what they are already doing provided given a fair chance to them to perform and prove their worth. They need to join hands with men to contribute to the over all growth of the country but for that they need equal opportunities in the jobs and assurance from their families that they can pursue their carriers in the way they want with out disturbing their family life. It is often considered that women who want to do job or want to set up their own businesses want an un necessary freedom and can be victom of modern society evils.

But this is not the case, men have always kept double standards, they do things which they are not supposed to do in accordance with our religious norms and social taboos but on the other hand they would always build barriers and walls around women so that they can not get to know whats going on in the world around them and lead a life of a well’s frog! If men know how to carry themselves in the society so should be the women, its a mere dillema that men always considered them the best in decision making and handling crisis but I have seen working women performing miracles in the work they do by adopting firm business and work ethics and above all cause of their natural ability to cope hard work and stress. It time for all women to stand up and speak for their basic living right and with their presence already in the national assembly, raise their voice to get his right to change the world around them which is wrongly dominated by the men. they have education, talent and a strong will to compete men in all fields of practical life. there presence should not be limited to certain agreed and determined fields by our society, they should be given a chance to pursue their dreams, earn their own livelihood, become less dependent on men who always use women’s dependency as their weakness. We need a rapid growth to have a strong stance against the overall economic turmoil in the country and across the world and for that we should allow women to come forward and join hands with men to be part of the progress and growth of Pakistan in the days to come.

Economic indicators suggest that life will be very tough in the coming years, a single earning hand in a house hold wont be sufficient to survive. Governement can not always come to our support and if you talk of Pakistani governments officials and our leaders, they are too busy in making a life time fortune in the time they are in government and power, so realistically we should not be relying on them at all. Men and women have to work together to survive in the coming days. Our society has already seeing a change where kids now work and study at colleges at the parallel to cover their education expenses and the next step would be the partnership of men and women to carry the burdon of expenses by equal sharing. I would request all women with bachelors, masters and PHD degrees and doing nothing, to come forward and join hands with all of us. They are as much entitled as men to choose their destiny in life, its not correct that if they are married they lead their life on men’s dictation whether its right or wrong. Our religion allows women to work and earn with ceratin conditions which are not at all difficult to manage. Its a dilemma that we would hire the most beautiful lady we can in our office but we will not allow our wives to go out and work with a reason that our society is not good enough to allow them to work outside. What is the out side world for women in Pakistan, its a world full of men like us who should learn to give respect to women at the work place then the society would easily accomodate alot more working women. We should develop a working environment where all parents and husbands send their daughters and wives with out any worry and second thoughts to their work places.

Its not all about dominating women, it should be all about accomodating them when they already sacrifice each and every second of their life for our comfort and ease. I am positive that Women in Pakistan certainly deserve more space and confidence from us than they are currently getting. Its their life as well but we are currently trying to control each movement in their life like puppet masters controlling the moves and moods of a puppet but women are human beings not robots or puppets, they have likes and dislikes, they have ambitions, they have plans for themselves also, they want to get fame out of their work and business, they want to achieve success, they want to be treated well, they need an understaning life partner, they need us to provide comfort to them in life, they need their share in the progress and development of Pakistan, they need to be in the field of work they find appropriate, they need to equal chances to earn their livelihoods, they need to maintain their grace and dignity, they need a bunch of family members around them who show confidence in them and ensure their full support to let them see success in life.

But a society dominated by men in Pakistan is hardly doing it, they want the out side world of theirs a total secret to their female life partners, they dont share rather they snatch and impose, they heart feelings rather then boosting the morales with encouragement. We had a female head of the state by the name of Ms. Benazir Bhutto, whos was miles ahead of all male politicians of her time in terms of courage, determination, know how of internal and external politics, planning for the betterment of the deprived people in Pakistan and above all had all necessary administrative and managerial skills to manage and run a government dominated by 95% of men. She was better than most of them, if we cant accept it we should have a look at the independt analysis of experts and specialists in the field who still rate her death as a huge loss to Pakistan and democratic movement here.

Can we be a far more open minded and realistic when it comes to possible good role of women in Pakistan’s growth? I strongly urge that its about time that we all do it.

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