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Pak301 Assignment No. 2 solution
Sunday, January 09, 2011 Posted In Pak Edit ThisPak301
Fall 2010
Assignment # 02 Total Marks: 10
Due Date: January, 13
Try to be genuine and impressive in your approach.
How do you see the Constitution of 1956? Highlight its salient features.
Constitution of 1956
The Constitution of 1956 was a lengthy document. It consisted of 234 articles divided into thirteen parts and six schedules. Some salient features of the constitution are as under:
1. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The name of the country was adopted as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Objectives Resolution was included as Preamble in the constitution.
2. Federal System
The constitution provide for a federal system in the country. The powers were divided among the centre and the provinces. The subjects were divided into three lists; the Federal List, the Provincial list, and the concurrent list.
3. Unicameral Legislature
The Legislature was to consist of only one house. Both the wings of the country were given representation in the National Assembly. The National Assembly consisted of 300 members. 150 members were drawn from each wing. Thus the principle of parity was adopted.
4. Parliamentary System
Parliamentary system was adopted. According to it President was the Head of the State and the Prime MInister headed the government.
5. Independent Judiciary
The constitution provided for an independent judiciary in the country. A Supreme Court was constituted. It was headed by a Chief Justice. The Supreme Court, interpreted the constitution, advised the state whenever required and decided the issues arising among the governments.
6. The President
According to the 1956 Constitution the President was the head of the state. He was to be a Muslim of at least forty years ago. The tenure of his office was five years. In case of internal or external danger he could declare state of emergency in the country. He was authorized to appoint the Governors, the Judges of the Supreme Court, Auditor General and the Advocate General.
7. The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister was the head of the government. He was the leader of the Parliamentary ***** and was thus indirectly elected by the people. He was authorized to nominate his cabinet among the members of the National Assembly. The Cabinet was answerable to the Assembly.
8. Fundamental Rights
The Constitution of 1956 provided for the fundamental rights for the citizens of Pakistan.
9. Islamic Law
No law would be passed against the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and the existing laws would be made Islamic in character.
10. Language
Urdu and Bengali were made national languages.
Drawbacks of the Constition of 1956
1. A far-reaching devolution of power already a political reality, was not given a constitutional recognition and accepted as the basis, of the stale,
2. The federal list was substantially reduced and the provincial list greatly enlarged, transferring to the provinces among other subjects, control over mineral resources, recruitment of services, industries, internal communications and the tribal areas in the North-West Frontier. This was contrary to the practice of advanced countries where the federal principle has been used in building up a common nationhood through a strong Centre. The constitution in Pakistan instead of being an instrument for unity a country already divided by geography, sought to create two distinct political entities with maximum autonomy in the management of their affairs.
3. Regional loyalties were further consolidated by the introduction of parity of representation in the National Assembly. The Constitution was conceived in the belief that the political life of the country would always be tied to provincial moorings and will never rise to a higher plane of nationalism in which party affiliations would cut across the physical barriers. Parity was certain to foster parochial feeling equally in the region in whose favor it was to operate and in the region whose interests were adversely affected by it.
The Constitution of 1956 was a lengthy document. It consisted of 234 articles divided into thirteen parts and six schedules. Some salient features of the constitution are as under:
1. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The name of the country was adopted as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Objectives Resolution was included as Preamble in the constitution.
2. Federal System
The constitution provide for a federal system in the country. The powers were divided among the centre and the provinces. The subjects were divided into three lists; the Federal List, the Provincial list, and the concurrent list.
3. Unicameral Legislature
The Legislature was to consist of only one house. Both the wings of the country were given representation in the National Assembly. The National Assembly consisted of 300 members. 150 members were drawn from each wing. Thus the principle of parity was adopted.
4. Parliamentary System
Parliamentary system was adopted. According to it President was the Head of the State and the Prime MInister headed the government.
5. Independent Judiciary
The constitution provided for an independent judiciary in the country. A Supreme Court was constituted. It was headed by a Chief Justice. The Supreme Court, interpreted the constitution, advised the state whenever required and decided the issues arising among the governments.
6. The President
According to the 1956 Constitution the President was the head of the state. He was to be a Muslim of at least forty years ago. The tenure of his office was five years. In case of internal or external danger he could declare state of emergency in the country. He was authorized to appoint the Governors, the Judges of the Supreme Court, Auditor General and the Advocate General.
7. The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister was the head of the government. He was the leader of the Parliamentary ***** and was thus indirectly elected by the people. He was authorized to nominate his cabinet among the members of the National Assembly. The Cabinet was answerable to the Assembly.
8. Fundamental Rights
The Constitution of 1956 provided for the fundamental rights for the citizens of Pakistan.
9. Islamic Law
No law would be passed against the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and the existing laws would be made Islamic in character.
10. Language
Urdu and Bengali were made national languages.
Drawbacks of the Constition of 1956
1. A far-reaching devolution of power already a political reality, was not given a constitutional recognition and accepted as the basis, of the stale,
2. The federal list was substantially reduced and the provincial list greatly enlarged, transferring to the provinces among other subjects, control over mineral resources, recruitment of services, industries, internal communications and the tribal areas in the North-West Frontier. This was contrary to the practice of advanced countries where the federal principle has been used in building up a common nationhood through a strong Centre. The constitution in Pakistan instead of being an instrument for unity a country already divided by geography, sought to create two distinct political entities with maximum autonomy in the management of their affairs.
3. Regional loyalties were further consolidated by the introduction of parity of representation in the National Assembly. The Constitution was conceived in the belief that the political life of the country would always be tied to provincial moorings and will never rise to a higher plane of nationalism in which party affiliations would cut across the physical barriers. Parity was certain to foster parochial feeling equally in the region in whose favor it was to operate and in the region whose interests were adversely affected by it.
Constitution of 1956:
Thr first constitution was introduced in Pakistan on 23 March 1956.23rd March as you know is an important day in the history of Pakistan. You would recall that on 23rd March 1940 The Lahore Resolution was presented for approval in the annual session of ML held at Lahore. So when this constitution was introduced it was decided that it should be introduced on such a day of historical importance. Therefore on 23rd March this constitution was introduced.
And now we will discuss the basic features of The 1956 Constitution, so that you had an idea of what kind of constitutional system came into being with the introduction of the Constitution. What kind of state institutions were created, what kind of relationship
Of different state institutions with each other with the public at large, how the power was distributed and how the power was to be exercised
1. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The name of the country was adopted as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Objectives Resolution was included as Preamble in the constitution.
2. Federal System
The constitution provide for a federal system in the country. The powers were divided among the canter and the provinces. The subjects were divided into three lists; the Federal List, the Provincial list, and the concurrent list.
3. Unicameral Legislature
The Legislature was to consist of only one house. Both the wings of the country were given representation in the National Assembly. The National Assembly consisted of 300 members. 150 members were drawn from each wing. Thus the principle of parity was adopted.
4. Parliamentary System
Parliamentary system was adopted. According to it President was the Head of the State and the Prime Minister headed the government.
5. Independent Judiciary
The constitution provided for an independent judiciary in the country. A Supreme Court was constituted. A Chief Justice headed it. The Supreme Court, interpreted the constitution, advised the state whenever required and decided the issues arising among the governments.
6. The President
According to the 1956 Constitution the President was the head of the state. He was to be a Muslim of at least forty years ago. The tenure of his office was five years. In case of internal or external danger he could declare state of emergency in the country. He was authorized to appoint the Governors, the Judges of the Supreme Court, Auditor General and the Advocate General.
7. The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister was the head of the government. He was the leader of the Parliamentary ***** and was thus indirectly elected by the people. He was authorized to nominate his cabinet among the members of the National Assembly. The Cabinet was answerable to the Assembly.
8. Fundamental Rights
The Constitution of 1956 provided for the fundamental rights for the citizens of Pakistan.
9. Islamic Law
No law would be passed against the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and the existing laws would be made Islamic in character.
10. Language
Urdu and Bengali were made national languages.
Drawbacks of the Constition of 1956
1. A far-reaching devolution of power already a political reality, was not given a constitutional recognition and accepted as the basis, of the stale,
2. The federal list was substantially reduced and the provincial list greatly enlarged, transferring to the provinces among other subjects, control over mineral resources, recruitment of services, industries, internal communications and the tribal areas in the North-West Frontier. This was contrary to the practice of advanced countries where the federal principle has been used in building up a common nationhood through a strong Center. The constitution in Pakistan instead of being an instrument for unity a country already divided by geography, sought to create two distinct political entities with maximum autonomy in the management of their affairs.
3. Regional loyalties were further consolidated by the introduction of parity of representation in the National Assembly. The Constitution was conceived in the belief that the political life of the country would always be tied to provincial moorings and will never rise to a higher plane of nationalism in which party affiliations would cut across the physical barriers. Parity was certain to foster parochial feeling equally in the region in whose favor it was to operate and in the region whose interests were adversely affected by it.
The Constitution vested the executive authority of the President in the Federation. The President had the discretionary powers to make the appointment of the Chairman and members of the Election Commission, Delimitation Commission and Public Service Commission. He also had the power to appoint the Prime Minister from amongst the members of the National Assembly. However, his appointee had to take a vote of confidence from the Assembly within two months of his appointment. The President also had the power to remove the Prime Minister if he felt that the Prime Minister had lost the confidence of the majority of the National Assembly members.
In this respect that is whether the PM has the majority support or he has lost the support the president was to be the sole judge. If president is convinced that for one reason or the other the PM has lost the confidence of the NA then he could ask the PM to resign. But there is a convention constitutional convention that he could ask the PM to demonstrate his support on the floor of the house. But under 1956 Constitution, President was not obliged to ask him to show his strength. He could if he convinced can remove the PM.
Thr first constitution was introduced in Pakistan on 23 March 1956.23rd March as you know is an important day in the history of Pakistan. You would recall that on 23rd March 1940 The Lahore Resolution was presented for approval in the annual session of ML held at Lahore. So when this constitution was introduced it was decided that it should be introduced on such a day of historical importance. Therefore on 23rd March this constitution was introduced.
And now we will discuss the basic features of The 1956 Constitution, so that you had an idea of what kind of constitutional system came into being with the introduction of the Constitution. What kind of state institutions were created, what kind of relationship
Of different state institutions with each other with the public at large, how the power was distributed and how the power was to be exercised
1. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The name of the country was adopted as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The Objectives Resolution was included as Preamble in the constitution.
2. Federal System
The constitution provide for a federal system in the country. The powers were divided among the canter and the provinces. The subjects were divided into three lists; the Federal List, the Provincial list, and the concurrent list.
3. Unicameral Legislature
The Legislature was to consist of only one house. Both the wings of the country were given representation in the National Assembly. The National Assembly consisted of 300 members. 150 members were drawn from each wing. Thus the principle of parity was adopted.
4. Parliamentary System
Parliamentary system was adopted. According to it President was the Head of the State and the Prime Minister headed the government.
5. Independent Judiciary
The constitution provided for an independent judiciary in the country. A Supreme Court was constituted. A Chief Justice headed it. The Supreme Court, interpreted the constitution, advised the state whenever required and decided the issues arising among the governments.
6. The President
According to the 1956 Constitution the President was the head of the state. He was to be a Muslim of at least forty years ago. The tenure of his office was five years. In case of internal or external danger he could declare state of emergency in the country. He was authorized to appoint the Governors, the Judges of the Supreme Court, Auditor General and the Advocate General.
7. The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister was the head of the government. He was the leader of the Parliamentary ***** and was thus indirectly elected by the people. He was authorized to nominate his cabinet among the members of the National Assembly. The Cabinet was answerable to the Assembly.
8. Fundamental Rights
The Constitution of 1956 provided for the fundamental rights for the citizens of Pakistan.
9. Islamic Law
No law would be passed against the teachings of Quran and Sunnah and the existing laws would be made Islamic in character.
10. Language
Urdu and Bengali were made national languages.
Drawbacks of the Constition of 1956
1. A far-reaching devolution of power already a political reality, was not given a constitutional recognition and accepted as the basis, of the stale,
2. The federal list was substantially reduced and the provincial list greatly enlarged, transferring to the provinces among other subjects, control over mineral resources, recruitment of services, industries, internal communications and the tribal areas in the North-West Frontier. This was contrary to the practice of advanced countries where the federal principle has been used in building up a common nationhood through a strong Center. The constitution in Pakistan instead of being an instrument for unity a country already divided by geography, sought to create two distinct political entities with maximum autonomy in the management of their affairs.
3. Regional loyalties were further consolidated by the introduction of parity of representation in the National Assembly. The Constitution was conceived in the belief that the political life of the country would always be tied to provincial moorings and will never rise to a higher plane of nationalism in which party affiliations would cut across the physical barriers. Parity was certain to foster parochial feeling equally in the region in whose favor it was to operate and in the region whose interests were adversely affected by it.
The Constitution vested the executive authority of the President in the Federation. The President had the discretionary powers to make the appointment of the Chairman and members of the Election Commission, Delimitation Commission and Public Service Commission. He also had the power to appoint the Prime Minister from amongst the members of the National Assembly. However, his appointee had to take a vote of confidence from the Assembly within two months of his appointment. The President also had the power to remove the Prime Minister if he felt that the Prime Minister had lost the confidence of the majority of the National Assembly members.
In this respect that is whether the PM has the majority support or he has lost the support the president was to be the sole judge. If president is convinced that for one reason or the other the PM has lost the confidence of the NA then he could ask the PM to resign. But there is a convention constitutional convention that he could ask the PM to demonstrate his support on the floor of the house. But under 1956 Constitution, President was not obliged to ask him to show his strength. He could if he convinced can remove the PM.
Eng101 Assignment No. 3
Sunday, January 09, 2011 Posted In eng Edit ThisAssignment No. 3 (Fall 2010)
English Comprehension (ENG101)
Total Marks: 15, Lectures: 22-32
Due Date: January13, 2011
- No assignment will be accepted via e-mail after the due date.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else without acknowledging the actual author. It also means copying and pasting the material from handouts and internet source without rephrasing it in his/her own words.
Q1. Write a paragraph on the given topic. It should comprise of 100-150 words.
Marks 10
An Online Class Compared to a Traditional Class.
Q2: Which of the following is punctuated correctly? Choose the correct option. 5
A. Last week for example, we spent three hours, arguing about the budget.
1. Last week, for example, we spent three hours arguing about the budget.
2. Last week for example we spent three hours arguing about the budget.
3. Last week, for example we spent three hours arguing about the budget.
4. Given sentence is correct.
B. Joseph will not eat at the Burger Point because it has a bad reputation.
1. Joseph will not eat at the Burger Point, because it has a bad reputation.
2. Joseph, will not eat at the Burger Point because it, has a bad reputation.
3. Joseph will not eat at the Burger Point; because, it has a bad reputation.
4. Given sentence is correct.
C. She is a coach, who also encourages her players to do well in school.
1. She is a coach who also encourages her players to do well in school.
2. She is a coach who also, encourages her players, to do well in school.
3. She is a coach, who also encourages her players to do well, in school.
4. She is a coach: who also encourages her players to do well in school.
D. This contract runs from July 15 2001 through December 30 2002.
1. This contract runs from July 15, 2001 through December 30, 2002.
2. This contract runs from July 15, 2001, through December 30, 2002.
3. This contract runs from July, 15, 2001 through December, 30, 2002.
4. Given sentence is correct
E. T he team will win, another championship, this year I hope.
1. The team will win another championship this year, I hope.
2. The team will win another championship this year. I hope.
3. The team will win another championship this year I hope.
4. The team will win another championship, this year I hope.
Web Design and Development
Sunday, January 09, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit This
2) Write down advantages of layered approach for web development. [3.5 Marks]
3) Are there any disadvantages of layered approach in web based applications? [3.5 Marks]
3) Are there any disadvantages of layered approach in web based applications? [3.5 Marks]

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