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Mgmt627 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgmt627 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

qualities of proposal manager 5
responsibilities of project manager at planning stage 5
write 3 contents of construction project which are mentioned in its checklist 3
described market assesment in feasiblity study 3
what information is required for project initiated 3
mcq's were conceptual

CS403 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
CS403 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

what is difference between relation and relationship 2 marks
two sets given find their Cartesian product and also find 2 relationship from it 5 marks
diagram given have to separate multivalued entity from the diagram 3 marks
two relations were given have to draw one to one relationship between them 3 marks
a table was given converted in 1st NF. have to create 2nd NF form from that 5 marks 

Mkt624 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mkt624 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

mcqz were conceptual and new
1) about mission and vision
2)top management should interfere brands decision Justify
3related to brand picture
4)Eras of positioning
5)about the types of the brand promises
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Mgt613 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgt613 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

28 Mcqs, 25 from old papers of 2010, and 3 new.
Importance of Rnd? 3 marks.
Importance of layout decission, 3 marks.
process layout related 1 question, 5 marks.
importance of design department, 5 marks.

Overall paper was easy, go head.

Mgt610 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgt610 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

1.Critics of locks theory in defense of free market (5Marks) you will perform moral ethics in specific circumstances (3Marks)
3.Major problems with utilitarian (3Marks)
4.Explain social swimp.....(sorry i don't remember this term exactly) (3Marks)

Another Paper:

1.Elaborate Formulation of kant's categorial Imperative (5Marks)
2. Define egalitarian view (3Marks)
3. Communitarian system and individual system(3Marks)
4. Differentiate the concept of justice and Virtue (3Marks)

Mgt401 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgt401 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (
Total question = 32
Mcq’z = 28
2 question (3 marks each)
2 question (5 marks each)

Subjective questions
3 marks each

1) Numerical: Calculation of value of stock using LIFO method
2) What do you know about financial liabilities?

5 marks each

1) Differentiate between FIFO & LIFO method. (5 marks)
2) Define long term liabilities. Which heads included in long term liabilities.

Mgt301 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgt301 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Time 60 mins Total Marks 40
29 MCQs from past papers
2 questions 3 number
1 question 5 number

Qno. 30 Differentiate between exploratory and descriptive research?

The basic difference between exploratory and descriptive research is the research design. Exploratory research follows a format that is less structured and more flexible than descriptive research. This approach works well when the marketer doesn’t have an understanding of the topic or the topic is new and it is hard to pinpoint the research direction. The downside, however, is that results may not be as useful in aiding a marketing decision In addition to offering the marketer basic information on a topic, exploratory research may also provide direction for a more formal research effort.

Qno.31 What are different types of the personal selling? Give some details.

There are two types of personal selling:

The customers come to the salespeople.
Mostly involves retail-store selling. Most salespeople fall into this category.
The salespeople go to the customers.
Usually represent producers or wholesaling middlemen and sell to business users. Some outside selling is relying more on telemarketing

Qno.32 What is customer value and customer satisfaction? Also write down the relationship between these two terms.

Customer Value:- It is how a customer is valued with regards to a targeted market. The position a customer holds and in vice versa what position does the product hold in customers mind. How does he value the product or service from a particular company For e.g. the customer service offered by UFONE is quite effective and appreciated. This gives an impression of greater customer value in customer’s own mind. When UFONE recently launched discounted IR rates just prior to starting of Ramadan especially for people in KSA, it did target customer’s mind set which will be looking to get in contact with their relatives who will go to KSA to perform UMRAH.

Customer Satisfaction. It is how the customer feels about being treated and whether the product did serve its purpose as expected by the customer. If UFONE-2-UFONE calls are made during load of midnight calls due to promotions offered by UFONE to give night calls to discounted rate, did the service of calls drop down? Was the reception and transmission of voice clear? Was there any unfair billing? When such questions come across a customer’s mind and he feels that everything was on fair basis, the customer feels satisfied for spending his money on that product or service. Relationship between customer value and customer satisfaction: Customer value turns into customer satisfaction when the customer feels that the services he gained were to his position and were well paid off. It is more of a transition from being a focus point of service to being served well. A very common example can be the service offered in air flights. Stewards and air hostesses will offer service to the passengers such as if they need blanket, or a spare pillow. The customer feels valued. When these expectations are met , the customer feels satisfaction.

Mgmt627 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgmt627 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

22 MCQs
MCQs are easy substantially. . .

Advantages of the functional structure organization (3 marks)
Which three marketing considered in project evaluation (3 marks)
Role line manager at planning stage of project (3 marks)
Advantages of numerical models (5 marks)
Disadvantages of misinterpretation of statement of work (5 marks)

MCM401 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
MCM401 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

There were 27 questions.

Write Principles of good press relations.
Who are the publics of newspapers?
Differentiate between corporate image and corporate identity
Explain the Learn-feel-do in the problem solving.
Write elements of corporate identity. 
objective was quite easy. 

MCM301 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
MCM301 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

There are 32 Questions in which:
28 were MCQs

2 Questions having 3 marks which were:

i) What are periodicals?
ii) What are ceremonial speech? Give examples?

2 Questions having 5 marks which were:

i) Everyone experienced stage fright, speech anxiety, or fear of the audience. What guidelines must be followed to overcome stage fright?
ii) In order to fin find of speech one has to follow some rules for selection of topic. Discuss those different rules that are used to select the topic?

HRM627 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
HRM627 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Total 27 questions 

22 mcqz 
3 questions of 3 marks 
2 questions of 5 marks 

Status, job security, fringe benefits and salary are the examples of Hygiene factors? What is the reason behind naming these factors as hygiene?(3) 
What are the stages of aerobics? Explain briefly(3) 
What are the ulterior transactions? Explain them by giving an example(3) 
What are the merits and demerits of Organizational democracy?(5) 
Mostly, people think that health and fitness are the same. Do you agree or not? Justify you answer(5) 

MCQz which I remember 

Selling is a leadership _________ at task and ________ at relations. 

High- low
Low High
High – High

Gestures, body movements are Proexemics

Subjective were 

What are the ulterior transactions? Explain them by giving an example(3) 
In thre rural areas which are the obstacle in human development?

What is power and explain its sources

Group Cohesiveness, briefly explain 

Paper was easy,

MCQz were new to me but not very difficult

HRM624 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
HRM624 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

total 22 questions 
n 5 descriptivv
low level of trust n mistrust
misunderstanding to reality n emotions
one situation justify krna tha
merits of high level of trust
position bargaining

Another Paper:

In an organization, Mr. Ali kept a record of all activities done by Mr. Bilal and at the end of 6 months he raised an official objection against him with his supervisor. Supervisor knows their prior conflicts and is trying to resolve them, but finding Mr. Ali's attitude a hazard in resolving this conflict. 

Identify the type of hurdle in resolving the conflict and in your opinion how the supervisor should resolve this conflict? (5 Marks)

If you are a disputant then, how can you analyze the other disputant's interest in an interpersonal conflict? (5 Marks)

What are the basic components that should be keept in mind in the business relationships? (3 Marks)

"Conflict resolution poses the most pain and the least gain". Evaluate this statement. (3 Marks)

Describe the differences between 'Deficiency needs' and 'Self-actualization needs' with an example. (3 marks)

Eng301 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Eng301 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Total question 17
Mcqs 10

1. Make a list of the national variable mentioned in intercultural communication model.
2. write a note on editing of a message 
3. write three points of the direct request letter 

1. Define the clarity and how he make him message effectively.
2. define the law and regulation of the culture of a country which make the vocal culture

CS614 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
CS614 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

It is sometimes more efficient for an application to draw directly in a window without relying on the WM_PAINT message. How this task can be accomplished (i.e. how can we draw in a window directly without using WM_PAINT message)? (5)

Write down a C/C++ program that has 2 functions. One takes four integer variables as parameters and returns their sum and the other also takes 4 integers as argument and returns their multiplication. Also write 2 macros that perform the same tasks as these functions perform.(5)
How can I use the CopyTo method of the Windows Forms controls collection to copy controls into an array? (3)

How Windows keep track of the files?(3)

Can you write a class without specifying namespace? Which namespace does it belong to by default?(2)

"In the GDI environment there are two working spaces", Name these two. (2)

Another Paper:

Spring 2011
CS614- Data Warehousing (Session - 6)
Ref No: 1368137
Time: 60 min
Marks: 40

Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The need to synchronize data upon update is called
Data Manipulation
Data Replication
Data Coherency
Data Imitation
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Taken jointly, the extract programs or naturally evolving systems formed a spider web,
also known as
Distributed Systems Architecture
Legacy Systems Architecture
Online Systems Architecture
Intranet Systems Architecture
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
For good decision making, data should be integrated across the organization to cross the
LoB (Line of Business). This is to give the total view of organization from:
Owner's Perspective
Customer's Perspective
Decision Maker's Perspective
Employee's Perspective
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Node of a B-Tree is stored in memory block and traversing a B-Tree involves ______
page faults.
O (n)
O (n2)
O (n lg n)
O (lg n)
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which statement is true for De-Normalization?
Redundant data is a performance liability at query time, but is a performance
benefit at update time.
Redundant data is a performance benefit at both query time and update time.
Redundant data is a performance liability at both query time and update time.
Redundant data is a performance benefit at query time, but is a performance
liability at update time.

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Pre-join technique is used to avoid
Run time join
Compile time join
Load time join
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Cube is a __________ entity containing values of a certain fact at a certain aggregation
level at an intersection of a combination of dimensions.
None of these
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The goal of star schema design is to simplify ________
Logical data model
Physical data model
Conceptual data model
None of these
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Grain is the ________ level of data stored in the warehouse
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Transactional fact tables do not have records for events that do not occur. These are
Not Recording Facts
Fact-less Facts
Null Facts
None of these
Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
A ________ dimension is a collection of random transactional codes, flags and/text
attributes that are unrelated to any particular dimension. The ______ dimension is simply
a structure that provides a convenient place to store the ______ attributes.
None of these

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
During ETL process of an organization, suppose you have data which can be
transformed using any of the transformation method. Which of the following strategy will
be your choice for least complexity?
One-to-One Scalar Transformation ( but not sure )
One-to-Many Element Transformation
Many-to-Many Element Transformation
Many-to-One Element Transformation
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Change Data Capture is one of the challenging technical issues in _____________
Data Extraction
Data Loading
Data Transformation
Data Cleansing
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Rearranging the grouping of source data, delivering it to the destination database, and
ensuring the quality of data are crucial to the process of loading the data warehouse. Data
____________ is vitally important to the overall health of a warehouse project.
1. Cleansing
2. Cleaning
3. Scrubbing
Which of the following options is true?
Option 1 only
Option 2 only
Option 1 & 2 only
Option 1, 2 & 3
Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When performing objective assessments, companies follow a set of principles to develop
metrics specific to their needs, there is hard to have "one size fits all" approach. Which of
the following statement represents the pervasive functional forms?
Simple Ratio, Min or Max Operation, Weighted Average
Only Complex Ratio, Min Operation, Max Operation
Only Simple Ratio, Min or Max Operation
Only Min or Max Operation, Weighted Average
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The input to the data warehouse can come from OLTP or transactional system but not
from other third party database.
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Normalization effects performance
True ( but not sure )
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Collapsing tables can be done on the ___________ relationships
Both One-to-One and Many-to-Many
None of these
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
_________ breaks a table into multiple tables based upon common column values.
Horizontal splitting
Vertical splitting
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
If w is the window size and n is the size of data set, then the complexity of merging
phase in BSN method is___________
O (n)
O (w)
O (w n)
O (w log n)
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 2 )
Briefly describe snowflake schema.
Snowflake Schema: snowflaking is a method of normalizing the dimension tables in
star schema. When we completely normalize all the dimension tables, then the
resultent structure resemble a snowflakewith the fact table in the middle.
Snowflake Schema: Sometimes a pure star schema might suffer performance problems.
This can occur when a de-normalized dimension table becomes very large and penalizes
the star join operation. Conversely, sometimes a small outer-level dimension table does
not incur a significant join cost because it can be permanently stored in a memory buffer.
Furthermore, because a star structure exists at the center of a snowflake, an efficient star
join can be used to satisfy part of a query. Finally, some queries will not access data from
outer-level dimension tables. These queries effectively execute against a star schema that
contains smaller dimension tables. Therefore, under some circumstances, a snowflake
schema is more efficient than a star schema.

Question No: 22 ( Marks: 2 )
Why both aggregation and summarization are required?
Although summarization and aggregation are
sometimes used interchangeably
Summarization and aggregationare typically used for the following reasons:
They are required when the lowest level of detail stored in the data warehouse is
at a higher level than the detail arriving from the source. This situation occurs
when data warehouse queries do not require the lowest level of detail or
sometimes when sufficient disk space is not available to store all the data for the
time frame required by the data warehouse.
• They can be used to populate data marts from the data warehouse where the data
mart does not require the same level of detail as is stored in the warehouse.
• They can be used to roll up detail values when the detail is removed from the
warehouse because it is
Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )
Under what condition smart tools work properly to construct a less detailed aggregate
from more detailed aggregate?
Smart tools will allow less detailed aggregates to be constructed from more detailed
aggregates (full aggregate awareness) at run-time so that we do not go all the way down
to the detail for every aggregation. However, for this to work, the metrics must be
additive (e.g., no ratios, averages, etc.). More detailed pre-aggregates are larger, but can
also be used to build less detailed aggregates on-the-go.
Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )
What is web scrapping? Give some of its uses.
Web scrapping is a process of applying screen scrapping techniques to the web. There
are several web scrapping products in the market and target business users who want to
creatively use the data, not write complex scripts. Some of the uses of scrapping are:
Building contact lists
Extracting product catalogs
Aggregating real-estate info
Automating search Ad listings
Clipping news articles etc.
Question No: 25 ( Marks: 5 )

types of data loading strategies are and when each type of strategy is adopted? Explain.
Significance of Data Loading Strategies
Need to look at:
Data freshness
System performance
Data volatility
Data Freshness
Very fresh low update efficiency
Historical data, high update efficiency
Always trade-offs in the light of goals
System performance
Availability of staging table space
Impact on query workload
Data Volatility
Ratio of new to historical data
High percentages of data change (batch update)
Question No: 26 ( Marks: 5 )
What are the drawbacks of MOLAP? Also explain the curse of Dimensionality?
Drawbacks of MOLAP:

Cs604 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
CS604 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Question No: 3 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
The -------------- system call suspends the calling process.

► fork
► wait
► exec
► exit

Question No: 4 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
In ---------addressing, the recipient is not required to name the sender.

► Symmetric
► Asymmetric
► Both symmetric and asymmetric
► None of the given options

Question No: 5 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
-------- command gives a snapshot of the current processes.

► ps
► top
► who
► ls

Question No: 6 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
--------------command to resume the execution of a suspended job in the foreground

► fg
► bg
► jobs
► kill

Question No: 7 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
You can use the ------------- command to display the status of suspended and background processes

► fg
► bg
► jobs
► kill

Question No: 8 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
You can terminate a foreground process by pressing --------------

► <Ctrl-A>
► <Ctrl-C>
► <Ctrl-Z>
► None of the given options

Question No: 9 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
A time sharing system is 

► Multi tasking
► Interactive
► All of these 
► Multi user

Question No: 10 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
The main characteristic of a Real time system is

► Efficiency
► Large Virtual Memory
► Large secondary storage device
► Usability

Question No: 11 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
Shared libraries and kernel modules are stored in _____________ directory

► /bin
► /dev
► /boot
► /lib

Question No: 12 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
__________ scheduler selects the process from the job pool and put them in main memory.

► Long term
► Short term
► Medium term
► Swapper

Question No: 13 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
In indirect inter process communication, a sender ___ mention the name of the recipient.

► do
► do not

Question No: 14 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
A ______________ is an integer variable that, apart from initialization is accessible only through two standard atomic operations: wait and signal.

► Semaphore 
► Monitor
► Critical region
► Critical section

Question No: 15 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
A semaphore that cause Busy-Waiting is termed as ___________.

► Spinlock
► Monitor
► Critical region
► Critical section

Question No: 16 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
The execution of critical sections must NOT be mutually exclusive

► True
► False

Question No: 17 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
The performance of Round Robin algorithm does NOT depends heavily on the size of the time quantum.

► True
► False

Question No: 18 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
The following requirement for solving critical section problem is known as ______________.
"There exists a bound on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter their critical sections after a process has made a request to 

enter its critical section and before that request is granted."

► Progress
► Bounded Waiting
► Mutual Exclusion
► Critical Region

Question No: 19 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
The critical section problem can be solved by the following except

► Software based solution
► Firmware based solution
► Operating system based solution
► Hardware based solution

Question No: 20 ( M a r k s: 1 ) http://****.net
___________ is also called Swapper.

► Swap space
► Medium term scheduler
► Short term scheduler
► Long term scheduler

Question No: 21 ( M a r k s: 2 ) 
Write the formula/ procedure for calculating the waiting time in preemptive Shortest Job First scheduling.

Question No: 22 ( M a r k s: 2 ) 
What are the common data structures in Bakery Algorithm?

Question No: 23 ( M a r k s: 3 ) 
If a process exits and there are still threads of that process running, will they continue to run?

Question No: 24 ( M a r k s: 3 ) 
What are the important characteristics of TestAndSet? What will be its advantage.

Question No: 25 ( M a r k s: 5 ) 
Considering the Resource sharing feature of thread, what do you think is 'resource sharing' an advantage of a thread or disadvantage of a thread. Explain 

yours answer briefly.

Question No: 26 ( M a r k s: 5 ) 
Analyze the given algorithm proposed to solve the critical section problem. Identify the shortcomings of this algorithm.
critical section
remainder section
} while(1)

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