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MGMT628 Organizational Development GDB No. 1 Fall 2011 solution

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Organizational Development (MGMT628)”
This is to inform you that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) has been opened according to the following schedule


Opening Date and Time: 21 October , 2011
Closing Date and Time: 25 October , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Note: No extra or bonus/grace period is available for attempting GDB.

Discussion Question

M/S Wanden manufactures air conditioners for cars. Engineering department at Wanden has a well organized system of “defect tracking” but top management has decided to enhance the defect tracking system further. Although the top management has assured the employees that the new system will be lot easier and will take less time as compared with the old one but their assurance could not convince the employees. They did not believe that the new processes would result in superior quality. Rather, employees were of the view that old system was working perfectly fine and changing that system would result in poor performance and damage the overall company’s image. Engineering department was performing the core function and therefore always regarded a higher status. Therefore, they always had an upper hand on any issue and they always had the final say over reporting defects. Changing this process caused the engineers to feel that their competence and capabilities were being questioned and their autonomy was in jeopardy. The reaction was constantly passive resistance.Time is flying and production backlog is building up due to the situation. Hence, Wanden will not meet the demand and lose orders, profit and eventually market share. Clock is clicking! 

Suppose you are the GM of Wanden how would you implement the new change without compromisingthe concerns of Engineering Department? Answer should be precise and to the point.


The G M has a responsibility to facilitate and enable change, and all that is implied within that statement, especially to understand the situation from an objective standpoint (to 'step back', and be non-judgmental), and then to help people understand reasons, aims, and ways of responding positively according to employees' own situations and capabilities. Increasingly the manager's role is to interpret, communicate and enable - not to instruct and impose, which nobody really responds to well.. 

u can also add some data from these steps

The four key factors for success when implementing change within an organisation are:

Pressure for change – demonstrated senior management commitment is essential

A clear, shared vision – you must take everyone with you. This is a shared agenda that benefits the whole organisation

Capacity for change – you need to provide the resources: time and finance

Action – and performance – “plan, do, check, act” – and keep communication channels open

Another Solution:

Being a GM of the company I would like to implement the new change which has for steps which can solve the every problem of the company like demand, production , profit performance and many other problems of that company

These seps for change are under hare. 

Identification: This step identifies the relevant people or groups who need to be involved in the change program. In many under organized situations, people and departments can be so disconnected that there is ambiguity about who should be included in the problem-solving process. For example, when managers of different departments have only limited interaction with each other, they may disagree or be confused about which departments should be involved in developing new product or service. 

Convention: In this step the relevant people or departments in the company are brought together to begin organizing for task performance. For example, department, managers might be asked to attend a series of organizing meetings to discuss the division of labor and the coordination required to introduce a new product. But this step is not important in this case . 

3. Organization: 
This is most impotent step in this cause because there is neeef of change. Different organizing mechanisms are created to structure the newly required interactions among people and departments. This might include creating new leadership positions, establishing communication channels, and specifying appropriate plans and policies 

4. Evaluation: In this final step the outcomes of the organization step are assessed. The evaluation might signal the need for adjustments in the organizing process or for further identification, convention, and organization activities.

Mgt601 GBD No. 1 solution Fall 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Point of discussionTo date, Dot Com phenomenon has changed the way of doing business. From the opportunity hunting to the commercialization of business, all the details of doing smart businesses at small scales are just one click away. The government and supporting institutions for the development of SMEs are also using this medium of communication to reach potential investors. RequirementSearch and discuss the examples from the real world in the context of above mentioned scenario where the local potential investor can acquire guidance online.

Lat date: 25/10/2011


The Phenomenon

Many SMEs in the UK will have read the "success" stories of new start-up companies who, with little money but possibly an innovative idea, have launched a new Internet company. With significant support and backing from venture capitalists such companies saw values rise rapidly, on the expectation that anyone involved with such companies would gain financially. Basic business logic had just gone out of the window!

Companies which were set up to use the Internet as their prime trading platform became known as 'dot.coms', an American term referring to the .com which usually comes at the end of a web site address. During 2000, newspapers and the television were flooded with start-up stories, with people scrabbling for finance, companies making and losing huge amounts of money and companies spending vast amounts of venture capital money on advertising in order to gain customers.

Young people with little or no business experience, but with an interesting idea made possible by the existence of the Internet, dominated the world. Politicians and the media were claiming that this was the future for business and they encouraged more people to join the phenomenon.

Many investors saw an opportunity to make money very fast and jumped on the bandwagon, buying up any new Internet stocks as they came on the market. These investors played their part in the phenomenon, pushing up the already unrealistic share prices to even greater heights. Normal investment criteria seemed to be put on hold and investors ploughed money into this sector partly through fear of missing out and partly through sheer greed, although few believed it could last.

The phenomenon has been compared to the Californian gold rush. Some people did make a fortune but the vast majority who made the trek to the gold fields lost all they had. The people who made the money were, in the main, those selling maps, provisions, or alcohol!

So it is with dot.coms. Hardware and software companies and those offering services to the Web market place have shown excellent returns, although many are now facing more difficult times on the back of a diminishing market, as dot.coms fall by the wayside.

The failure of so many companies has been put down to the lack of management "savvy" - few of the companies had any experienced managers in place who could bring an element of realism to what was happening;

Lack of technology know-how - money was thrown at technical solutions without a full appreciation of what was required and the implications of what might happen if the anticipated numbers of visitors used the facilities on the Web site;

Lack of any financial rigour or cost control - money was for spending and little thought was given to controlling costs and balancing the books;

Profligate spending of investor money - it was wryly said that the phenomenon could be defined as the quickest way of getting investor money spent by an advertising company.

In a relatively short period of time, the term took on a slightly unsavoury taste as companies failed and high initial investments showed little return. Analysts started to forecast that many of these companies would fail. The bubble could not continue and it was predicted that 1 in 4 companies would run out of cash within 6 months, and the majority would be out of cash within 15 months., a high-profile fashion e-tailor was one of the first well-known companies to fail. It spent all but £0.5m of $135m raised to finance its operation and was still looking for a further $30m when the company folded. It launched a summer collection of clothes in the autumn and had underestimated the impact that process-hungry 3D images would have on the technology they were using.

Others have been more successful and are still in existence. have developed innovative ideas for the travel business, a sector which makes extensive use of the Internet, and this may be one of the reasons why they are still in business when others have failed. In the first year they lost £11m and now expect it will be at least 2 years before they make a profit. Their shares floated at 380p and are now under 50p.

A survey by US Net monitoring company has revealed that dot.coms are going bust in ever increasing numbers and the situation is very similar in the UK. In the US one goes bust every day and the trend shows no sign of slowing down. Those suffering the most seem to be companies who only sell to consumers via the Web and have no bricks and mortar presence - in other words they didn't have an existing business. Many Net companies that deal only with businesses are struggling too and some analysts think that traditional businesses may be the only ones that will be able to make the Internet work for them.

One reason why customers buy on-line is the potential lower prices, but a recent survey by credit card company Goldfish found bad news for companies who have a Web presence and nothing more. "For similar products, traditional retailers who have added on-line distribution, as opposed to those who are pure dot.coms, were 12.7% cheaper - which is not something we were expecting," said a Goldfish spokesman. "Whilst many dot.coms are slashing prices in a bid to attract customers, our survey suggests that traditional retailers are still able to undercut them. The range of prices for similar goods on the Net can be huge and there can be 40% difference in price."

There are many reasons for the failure of dot.coms. Some were simply running unsustainable Web businesses whilst others were taking too long to attract enough customers to make the business viable. The situation is being made worse for dot.coms as traditional businesses, who may have taken some time to put their eCommerce strategy in place, are now starting to set up their own Internet operations.

The get rich quick syndrome associated with dot.coms has taken on a note of realism. There still will be companies who start up new and innovative businesses made possible by the potential of the Internet. Obtaining financial backing is now much more difficult and a very strong business case will have to be put forward.

The failure of many dot.coms is making some traditional bricks-and-mortar companies wary of using the Net to sell to consumers, but many of these firms are now starting to see how the Internet can change the way they actually run their business. The disaster has been a catalyst that has led people to understand and appreciate the impact and transformation-potential of the Internet, and without that catalyst developments would have taken much longer. B2C companies could offer personalisation to customers, consider affiliate programs or advanced eMail marketing campaigns and customer management systems.

Mgmt625 GDB Solution Fall 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
MANO-SALWA is a privately owned restaurant offering traditional food since 1970s, and is located in Lahore. Its specialty is Pakistani Cuisine and includes food items like Karahi, Tikka, Korma, Chargha, Biryani, Koftey, Handi, Rogni Naan, Parathy, Khameeri Roti etc. But it totally ignored the different continental items like Chinese Food, Italian Food, Thai Food and different other Fast Food items. During late 1990s, the taste preferences of consumers shifted towards the other non-traditional continental dishes. The CEO of MANO-SALWA observed a downfall in the revenues even the quality of its traditional items remained consistent for which it was renowned. CEO conveyed and discussed this observation with his managers and employees. 

Discussion Question:
This communication of revenue shrinkage is a trigger of which of the phases of Kurt Lewin Model of Change? Discuss and justify your choice with proper arguments.


Unfreezing Technique
study and write in your own words understand the phases of Kurt Lewin Model 

Another Solution:

Mgmt625 GDB Solution

Unfreezing Technique
The freeze change model recognises that people like the safety, comfort and feeling of control within their environment. It also recognises that they derive a strong sense of identity from their environment.

Fin611 GDB Solution

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Miss. Nazia is the owner of a business entity with a capital of Rs. 10 Million. She has introduced her own brand of ladies fashion & bridal garments sold through boutiques in various cities. According to her understanding there are two systems of record keeping available; single entry system and double entry system. Keeping in view her business profile, you, being a chief accountant, are required to suggest a suitable accounting system for record keeping? You are also required to support your suggested system with valid arguments/reasons.


Being a chief accountant I suggest a double entry system. Because Miss. Nazia are supplied her own brand of ladies fashion & bridal garments sold through boutiques in various cities. That are the large scale of the business. In large scale of business we adopted a double entry system. 

CS302 Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 Solution

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Fall 2011
CS302: Digital Logic Design
Total Marks: 10
Due Date: 31/10/2011

Problem Statement:

1) Convert octal number 1204 to its equivalent decimal number. (3 Marks)

2) Encode decimal number 962 in BCD. (4 Marks)

3) Convert decimal number 4095 to its equivalent hexadecimal number (3 Marks)

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted on or before 31st October, 2011

Solution or Answers of Questions:

Q1:- 644

Q2:- 100101100010

Q3:- FFF

Compare your Answers. 

CS301- Data Structures Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 - Solution soon

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Assignment No. 01 
CS301- Data Structures
Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 01/11/2011

Uploading instructions
Your Submission must include:

1. A working Make File (Dev-C++ project File).
2. All the Source Code (.h and .cpp files) necessary to compile and run your program.
3. Place all the files in a folder then Zip this folder and Upload it on VU-LMS

Note: Use Dev-C++ IDE.

It is required to make a list of students registered in Data Structures course. To achieve this functionality, develop a C++ program and use linked list to store student ids and names.
Each node in the linked list will contain three items: student id, student name, pointer to next node.
When the program starts, it should display the following menu:
1- Enter student information
2- Search student by ID
3- Search student by Name
4- Delete student information
5- Print all students
6- Quit

Sample Run:
1- Enter student information
2- Search student by ID
3- Search student by Name
4- Delete student information
5- Print all students
6- Quit

Enter your choice: 1    (Suppose user entered 1)
(Now the details of Student will be entered)
Student ID: bc080400001    (Suppose user entered bc080400001)
Student Name: Ahmad     (Suppose user entered Ahmad)
(If user enters an ID that is already in the list, a message should be displayed “Already in the list.”)

(Main menu will be displayed again)
1- Enter student information
2- Search student by ID
3- Search student by Name
4- Delete student information
5- Print all students
6- Quit

Enter your choice: 2    (Suppose user entered 2)
Student ID: bc080400001    (Suppose user entered bc080400001)
(Now the details of Student will be displayed)
Student ID: bc080400001
Student Name: Ahmad
(If user enters an ID that is not in the list, a message should be displayed “Record not found.”)

(Main menu will be displayed again)
1- Enter student information
2- Search student by ID
3- Search student by Name
4- Delete student information
5- Print all students
6- Quit
Enter your choice: 4        (Suppose user entered 4)
(Now it will ask to enter ID to be deleted)
Student ID: bc080400001     (Suppose user entered bc080400001)
(Student record with this ID will be deleted.)

(Main menu will be displayed again)
1- Enter student information
2- Search student by ID
3- Search student by Name
4- Delete student information
5- Print all students
6- Quit
Enter your choice: 5      (Suppose user entered 5)
(Now it will print all students’ information. Suppose there were three students in the list, so it will print: )
Student ID              Student Name
-------------           ---------------------
bc080400001           Ahmad
bc080200010           Ali
mc070400002           Hassan

(Main menu will be displayed again)

Lectures Covered:  This assignment covers Lecture # 1-5
Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 01-Nov-2011.

MTH401 Differential Equation Assignment No. 1 solution

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
(Differential Equation)
Total Marks: 30

Due Date: 28, 10, 2011

Please read the following instructions before attempting to solve this assignment:

1. In order to attempt this assignment you should have full command on Lecture # 01 to Lecture # 07
2. Try to get the concepts, consolidate your concepts and ideas from these questions which you learn in Lecture # 01 to Lecture # 07.
3. You should concern recommended books for clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.
4. Try to make solution by yourself and protect your work from other students. If we found the solution files of some students are same then we will reward zero marks to all those students.
5. You are supposed to submit your assignment in Word format any other formats like scan images, PDF format etc will not be accepted and we will give zero marks to these assignments. 
6. Assignments through e-mail are not acceptable after due date (If there is any problem in submitting your assignment through LMS, you can send your solution file through email with in due date). 

You are advised to upload your assignment at least two days before Due date.

Q. 1: Find the implicit solution of the following initial value problem.
Q. 2: Find the explicit solution of the following initial value problem.
Q. 3: Find the implicit solution of the following initial value problem.


CS302 Assginment No. 1 solution

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Solution or Answers of Questions:

Q1:- 644

Q2:- 100101100010

Q3:- FFF

Compare your Answers.

Mgt502 international business GDB No. 1 solution

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This

The Case:
Prof. Theodore Levitt is the pioneer scholar who proposed the globalization concept that world would become a single market (homogenized market). He stated “the worldwide success of a growing list of products that have become household names is evidence that consumers the worlds over, despite deep-rooted cultural differences, are becoming more and more alike - or, as the author puts it, "homogenized." (Levitt, 1983).

Critically discuss the statement with practical examples that how true is this statement in today’s international business environment.

Last Date: 25 Oct 2011


Question No.1:
Which methods of expressing dissatisfaction have been used by Mr. Asim? (5+5)

solution :
First of all he had used Voice method as he actively contructively attempted to improve conditions including suggesting improvement and discussing problem with superiors. He met higher management and described all his reservations in this regard. He also suggested some improvements in the annual evaluation process and the promotion criteria.

Secondly as he had waited for one year so that superior may improve this situation by taking corrective measure. Here he had used the Loyalty Method because he waited passively and optimistically for conditions to improve and trusting organization and his management to do the ‘’right things’’.

Question No.2:
What are the other ways Mr. Asim could have used to express his dissatisfaction and what would have been the impact of that decision on his work related attitudes? (5+5)

He can also adopt the other ways like Neglect method he may passively allow the conditions to worsen. He can also adopt the Exit he may directly resign from the organization.

Impact of decisions :
These type of expressions by Him can result in to:
3-reduced efforts
4-increase in error rate
5- reduced productivity too

Mgt602 Entreprenureship Assignment No. 1 Announced - solution soon

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mgt602 Entreprenureship Assignment No. 1 Announced - solution soon

Semester “Fall 2011”
Assignment # 01
Total Marks: 20

Topic: Entrepreneurship
Lesson: 01 - 09

Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business in an innovative way by taking risk and making investment while an entrepreneur is a person who owns and operates that business and spends his efforts, time and capital on an uncertain venture. Many individuals have difficulty in bringing their ideas to the market and creating a new venture. Yet entrepreneurship and the actual entrepreneurial decisions have resulted in several million new businesses being started throughout the world successfully.

The Case:
In September 2011, Hira Zaffar left the Pearl Continental as a Quality food manager, she was thrilled at finally receiving the contract for the official cafeteria of Pace with the name of “Executive Lounge”. Hira was MBA graduate of the Punjab University in 2008. She was employed as a quality food manager since 2010 in PC but unfortunately her experience with the job was not very rewarding which convinced her that she should set up her own business where she could be more experimental and have the freedom and flexibility to work with her new ideas. She was much determined to launch her own restaurant so she presented her business proposal in front of Pace management which was approved later during that year.


Q1. Being an entrepreneur how Ms. Hira should pursue this business opportunity by keeping in view the location and customer type and how this Executive Lounge restaurant should look like? (10)

Q2. What were the inspiring factors that led Hira to start her own business? (10)

The Special Note: How can you avoid zero marks status?
Dear Students! You are encouraged to consult both online and offline sources with objective to enhance your understanding of the topic of the assignment. But consulting the sources does not mean that you start copy-paste the material from sources. If you do so you will certainly lose marks or your assignment will be graded zero on account of copying from a source. The workable strategy is to consult the source, enhance your knowledge and write in your own words. A special instruction regarding how to attempt the assignment is given in the announcement because it has been observed that many site and blogs are promoting the culture of cheating and copy/paste among the students and adversely damaging the grades and career of VU students. You all are requested not to copy or read such sub-standard answer that not only kills the creativity but also sabotage the career as well.
Best of luck!

Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after watching video lecture no. 1 to 9 and reading handouts as well as recommended text book).
2. Video lectures can be downloaded for free from Online VU Lectures.

Opening Date and Time October 21st , 2011
Due Date and Time October 28th , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)

ISL201 Assignment No 1 Solution Fall 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
ISL201 Assignment No 1 Solution

Given Scenario:
An Islamic society well portrays the bases of principal of Beliefs and righteous conduct and practice of these two principles governs the Islamic society as 

well. An Ideal Muslim depicts Islamic values through his conduct in practical life and it also forms the very basis of his belief as a Muslim. Holy Quran and 

Holy Sunnah serve as a role model for Muslims. Islamic society also constitutes hundreds of mosques, Islamic centers and organizations. But all these sources 

of spiritualism seem to be ineffective in moral characters of Muslims.

Given Question:
You are to point out what is missing and becoming a cause of this downfall in the Beliefs and values of Islamic society and suggest how we can overcome these

Answer: from my point of view i think the missing thing is taqwaa in Muslims. Because; if we fear from Allah then every thing that we do will be according to 

him and his Prophet (S.A.W.W). The missing thing is taqwaa. Because if we do not fear from (Allah) then whatever we do it will be ineffective in moral.Taqwa 

means: to cleanse or purify the heart and the soul. Some Aayaat in Sort ush-Shams in which Allah says proves this fact: " By the sun and its rising sunshine, 

and by the moon when it comes after the sun, and by the day when it brightens, it, and by the night when it enshrouds it, and by the heaven and as He made 

it, and by the earth and as he extended (outspread) it, and by the soul and as He shaped it, then He inspired it understanding of licentiousness and warding 

off! Verily prospered he who purified it, and failed he who threw it into dust [91:1-10] Among the mission of Prophet (SAAW) Allah sent him with the command 

to purify the souls of the Muslim in particular and of mankind in general. Before that they had been lying in manifest forgetfulness.” (62-2) In this ayah 

the word hikmah is often translated as wisdom. Imam Shafi, one of the greatest scholars of Islam, said that when Allah mentions Hikmah in the Quran it refers 

to the Sunnah of Prophet (SAAW) in addition of this ayah we see that Prophet (SAAW) was sent with the three tasks:

1) To teach the Qur’an.
2) To teach the Sunnah.
3) To show the means of purifying the soul.

This purification is obtained by doing the proper acts of 'ibaadah and by avoiding sins and disobedience.

Mgt201 Financial Management GDB No. 1 solution Fall 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Fall Semester 2011
“Financial Management (MGT201)”

This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) has been opened according to the following schedule 


Opening Date and Time
October 24, 2011 At 12:01 AM 

Closing Date and Time
October 26, 2011 At 11:59 PM

ABC Company is a sugar manufacturing and its position as on 31st December, 2010 is as follows:

ABC Company
Balance Sheet
As on 31st December, 2010

Liabilities and Owner’s Equity

Current Assets
Current Liabilities

Land & Building
Long term Debts

Plant & Machinery
Loan for plant & machinery


Total Assets
Total Liabilities

This Balance Sheet also shows that ABC Company took loan from financial institution to purchase plant & machinery for Rs. 253,463. 

Keeping the given information into consideration, you are required to answer the following: 

1. What would be Debt Ratio before taking loan? 
2. What would be Debt Ratio after taking loan? 
3. Please comment that how the change in Debt Ratio would affect the decision of the financial institution if the company requests for further loan? 


This is an Idea solution by Asad Munir pls do not copy paste as it is. Intellectual and positive comments will be appreciated

Question No. 1

Cost of equity = [9 / (80-5)] + .05 = 0.17
Cost of preferred stock = 9/90 = .10

WACC = rD XD. (1-Tax) + rP XP + rE XE .
WACC = .30 x .13 (1-.35) + .30 x .10 + .40 x 0.17
WACC = 0.02535 + .03 + 0.068
WACC = 0.12335
WACC = 12.335

Question No. 2

Break even point in units = Fixed expenses / Unit contribution margin

Break even point in units Firm A = 24600 / (16-6.75) = 2660
Break even point in units Firm B =30600 / (20-9.75) = 2985


Mgt201 GDB solution

Total asset before taking loan =448,520-253463

Total liabilities before taking loan = 448,520-253463
Debt Ration = 195057/195057
                                       =1 times

Total asset after taking loan =448,520

Total liabilities after taking loan = 448,520

Debt Ration = 448520/448520
                                      =1 times

So this loan which is taking for purchase of plant and machinery does not affect the Debt ration of the firm 


Intellectual and positive comments will be appreciated

Question No. 1

Cost of equity = [9 / (80-5)] + .05 = 0.17
Cost of preferred stock = 9/90 = .10

WACC = rD XD. (1-Tax) + rP XP + rE XE .
WACC = .30 x .13 (1-.35) + .30 x .10 + .40 x 0.17
WACC = 0.02535 + .03 + 0.068
WACC = 0.12335
WACC = 12.335

Question No. 2

Break even point in units = Fixed expenses / Unit contribution margin

Break even point in units Firm A = 24600 / (16-6.75) = 2660 
Break even point in units Firm B =30600 / (20-9.75) = 2985

1. 105416 Debt/ assets195057 = 0.5404 
2. 358879 Debt / assets 448520 = 0.8001
3. If Company Request the further loan Financial consider the ABC more risky then before and may give loan on high interest rate or even it may reject the 

loan . Because in case of giving further loan to ABC Debt ratio will be increase that’s not healthy sighn for ABC co.

formula of Debt Ratio 
1.Before Loan =Total Debt/Total Equity
2.after loan = 340879/89641=3.8

total debt = 96895 (Long term Debts) + 8521 (Current Liabilities)
total debt = 105416

ENG201 Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011Business and Technical English - solution soon

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Business and Technical English (ENG201) Fall 2011

Assignment # 1 
Total Marks: 15
Due Date: November 1, 2011

To assess students’ understanding of the course and to prepare them for practical application of communication skills through writing practices.


Late assignments will not be accepted.
If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas 

from different sources and to express it in your own words will be encouraged.
No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can be 12 Times New Roman.

Question No.1 (10)
A well reputed Multinational Company urgently requires marketing executives for its Islamabad branch. In order to be successful in this position; the  candidate must be qualified to degree level or equivalent and must have experience in e-marketing. Good IT skills are necessary and an understanding of HTML is required. The candidate should have excellent interpersonal and communicational skills. Your detailed resume should reach by 20th November 2011 to 843, CII Gulberg Lahore. 

Question No.2 (5) 
Arrange five pairs of matching statements from the following and do tell us which principle of communication has been used?
(Clarity, courtesy, consideration, conciseness, concreteness, completeness, correctness.)

After planning 10,000 berry plants, the deer came into out botanist's farm and crushed them.
I am sorry the point was not clear; here is another version.
I rewrote that letter three times; the point was clear.
I am delighted to announce that we have extended our office hours to make shopping more convenient.
You will be able to shop evenings with the extended office hours.
After our botanists had planted 10,000 berry plants, the deer came into the farm and crushed them.

In 1996 the GMAT scores averaged 600; by 1997 they had risen to 610.
We hereby wish to let you know that our company is pleased with the confidence you have reposed in us.
Students’ GMAT scores are higher.
We appreciate your confidence.

FIN625 GSB No. 1 solution Fall 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 Posted In Edit This
FIN625 GSB solution:

In these two countries (as well as others) women are given a lower standard of education and are usually either at home or doing low paid work. So unless 

they get their act together really soon there will be many vacancies for skilled workers which cannot be filled , the result will be a lower rate of increase of the GDP over the coming years compared to the rate it would rise if women were properly educated and had access to skilled work.

Another point that if female population increase, it will lead to more women of child bearing age that will result in more population increase and hence burdening the resources of a country.

may be the relation ship is that when population will grow, there may not be many employment opprtunities and thus lower GDP or other way around, when population increases, the gov. has to spent more of money on the welfare of the public and thus less money is available for investment etc.

one more point,
females usually in these countires assume theri traditional they often are stay at home individuals. so basically they contribute nothing to the GDP.

another thing, is the salary (dont know if this point is relavent) females usually do not tent to have high paid salaries so they have less to spend and less to contribute to the economy.

so its not all negative.
you can also give positive points well that growth in female population ratio will not have an entirely negative effect on GDP.

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