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CS201 Assignment No. 3 solution

Friday, June 10, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Assignment No. 3
Semester: Spring 2011
CS201: Introduction to Programming

Total Marks: 20
Due Date:13 June, 2011

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting your assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

§  The assignment is submitted after due date.
§  The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.

All types of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.

Note: You have to upload only .cpp file. Assignment in any other format (extension) will not be accepted. If you will submit code in any other file format like .doc or .txt etc. you will get zero marks.

The objective of this assignment is to provide hands on experience of using

§  Macros in C/C++
§  Classes in C/C++
§  Creating Default constructors and User-defined constructors
§  Creating and manipulating objects.

§  Code should be properly aligned and well commented.
§  Follow C/C++ rules while writing variables names, function names etc.
§  Use only Dev-C++ IDE for this assignment.


Problem Statement: Circle Area & Circumference Calculation

You are required to write a program which will calculate the area and circumference of the circle by declaring a class. You must declare a class named Circle whose only data member will be radius which should be declared as public. You need to define a macro for the value of PI which will be used while calculating the area of the circle.

Detailed Description:

  • Data member radius should be of type double and it should be declared under public scope.

  • Value for PI should be defined using #define macro.

  • Your class should have two type of constructors:

1. Default Constructor which should initialize radius of the circle with value 0.

2. User Defined Constructor which takes class data member radius as its parameter.

  • Declare a public member function named CalculateArea() which calculates the area of the circle. The formula for calculating the area is.

  • Declare a public member function named CalculateCircum() which calculates the circumference of the circle. The formula for calculating the circumference is.

  • Declare a public member function named Display which will display the calculated area and circumference of the circle on the output screen.

  • In the main() function, declare two objects of type Circle:
          > One using default constructor
          > Second using user-defined constructor. 

It should be Display the area and circumference of the circle on the screen like the sample output.

Sample Output:

Radius of the Circle = 0
Area of the Circle = 0
Circumference of the Circle is = 0

Radius of the Circle = 3.5
Area of the Circle = 38.465
Circumference of the Circle is = 21.98


Your Assignment solution must be submitted on or before June 13, 2011. You have to upload only .cpp file. Assignment in any other format (extension) will not be accepted. Assignment submitted in any other file format like .doc or .txt etc. you will get zero marks.


#define PI 3.14
class Circle
double radius;
double calculateArea(double);
double calculateCircum(double);
void display();
radius = 0;
Circle::Circle(double r)
radius = r;
double Circle::calculateArea(double r)
return (PI*r*r);
double Circle::calculateCircum(double r)
return (2*PI*r);
void Circle::display()
cout << "Radius of the Circle is " << Circle::radius << endl;
cout << "Area of the Circle is " << calculateArea(Circle::radius) << endl;
cout << "Circumference of the Circle is " << calculateCircum(Circle::radius) << endl
<< endl;
Circle circle1;
Circle circle2(3.5);


STA301 GDB Announcement

Friday, June 10, 2011 Posted In Edit This
The GDB will be announced on 13 JUNE 2011:

Topic of GDB is 

Performance evaluation.....

MGT603 Assignment No. 2 Solution

Friday, June 10, 2011 Posted In Edit This

Assignment # 2

As a General Manager of Strategic Division, you need to identify each division into BCG Matrix for upcoming meeting with the help of information given below and ONLY suggest strategies for TEDDY BEAR UNIT of BRAVO.


Market share position
Baby cart
Question marks
Teddy Bear
Cash cow
Baby Blocks

Suggest Strategies for TEDDY BEAR:

1.        Forward Integration
2.        Backward Integration
3.        Horizontal Integration
4.        Market Penetration
5.        Market Development
6.        Product Development
7.        Joint Venture

Forward Integration:
Forward integration involves gaining ownership or increased control over distributors or retailers.

Backward Integration:
Backward Integration is a strategy of seeking ownership or increased control of a firm’s suppliers. This strategy can be especially appropriate when firm’s current suppliers are unreliable, too costly, or cannot meet the firm’s needs.

Horizontal Integration:
Horizontal Integration refers to a strategy of seeking ownership of or increased control over a firm’s competitors. One of the most significant trends in strategic management today is the increased use of horizontal integration as a growth strategy. Mergers, acquisitions and takeovers among competitors allow for increased economies of scale and enhanced transfer of resources and competencies.

Market Penetration:
A market penetration strategy seeks to increase market share for present products or services in present markets through greater marketing efforts. This strategy is widely used alone and in combination with other strategies. Market penetration includes increasing the number of salespersons, increasing advertising expenditures, offering extensive sales promotion items, or increasing publicity efforts.

Market Development:
Market development involves introducing present products or services into new geographic areas.

Product Development:
Product development is a strategy that seeks increased sales by improving or modifying present products or services. Product development usually entails large research and development expenditures.

Joint Venture:
Joint venture is a popular strategy that occurs when two or more companies form a temporary partnership or consortium for the purpose of capitalizing on some opportunity. This strategy can be considered defensive only because the firm is not undertaking the project alone. Often, the two or more sponsoring firms form a separate organization and have shared equity ownership in the new entity.


Strategies for Teddy Bear.

We can choose market development, market development and market penetration, forward integration, backward integration and horizontal integration strategies for the teddy bear. Because teddy bear unit is star unit so we any one or mix of the strategies which I mention.

Semester “Spring 2011”
Strategic Management (MGT603)
Assignment No. 02 Marks: 20

“Strategy Development & Resource Allocation Decisions”
Bravo private limited company initially started its business with direct marketing of small Teddy Bear in the gift delivery industry at local level. With increased market demand in the local market it has introduced its business in other markets as well and added more divisions like Toys, Baby Blocks and Baby Cart. Each unit is operating independently and has its own organizational
structure and financial schemes. Most of economies are suffering rescission but Mr. Atiq Khan, CEO is very optimistic and he only visions for profitability and prosperity even in this tough situation. To know the current condition of his business, he will soon call a meeting to discuss the status and future of each division. As a General Manager of Strategic Division, you need to identify each division into BCG Matrix for upcoming meeting with the help of information given below and ONLY suggest strategies for TEDDY BEAR UNIT of BRAVO. (16+4) 20 Marks

Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after watching video lecture no. 23 to lecture no 27 and reading handouts as well as recommended text book).

Opening Date and Time June 06 , 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time June 10 , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)


1. Star will be Teddy Bear
2. Cash Cow will be Toys

3. Question Mark will be Baby Cart
4. Dog will be Baby Block

Strategy for Teddy Bear

Sustaining the business unit's market leadership may require extra cash, but this is worthwhile if that's what it takes for the unit to remain a leader. When growth slows, stars become cash cows if they have been able to maintain their category leadership.

Here is the idea of solution.Put all in the Matrix available in the assignment file
% Market Share % Growth Rate
1) Baby cart 0.4 7.5 = Question Mark (4Marks)
2)Teddy Bear 0.8 17.5 =Star (4Marks)
3)Toys 0.7 -17 =Cash Cows (4Marks)
4)Baby Blocks 0.1 -7 =Dogs (4Marks)

Now give description of these.
Suggest the strategy for the Star(Teddy Bears)which always needed to cash flow from the cash cow.


Teddyin the gift delivery industry at local level. With increased market demand in the local
Toys organizational structure and financial schemes. Most of economies are suffering rescission but Mr. Atiq Khan, CEO is very optimistic and he only visions for profitability and prosperity even
in this tough situation. To know the current condition of his business, he will soon call a meeting
to discuss the status and future of each division. As a General Manager of Strategic Division, you
need to identify each division into BCG Matrix for upcoming meeting with the help of
information given below and

The best business portfolio is one that fits the company's strengths and helps exploit the most
attractive opportunities.
The company must:
(1) Analyze its current business portfolio and decide which businesses should receive more or
less investment, and
(2) Develop growth strategies for adding new products and businesses to the portfolio, whilst at
the same time deciding when products and businesses should no longer be retained.
business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.
Methods of Portfolio Planning
The two best-known portfolio planning methods are from the Boston Consulting Group (the
subject of this revision note) and by General Electric/Shell. In each method, the first step is to
identify the various Strategic Business Units ("SBU's") in a company portfolio. An SBU is a unit
of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from the other businesses. An SBU can be a company division, a product line or even individual brands - it all depends on how the company is organized.
The Boston Consulting Group Box ("BCG Box")
Using the BCG Box (an example is illustrated above) a company classifies all its SBU's
according to two dimensions:
On the horizontal axis: relative market share
In our given scenario its
- this serves as a measure of SBU strength in theOn the vertical axis: market growth rate - this provides a measure of market
SBU Category
Baby Cart Question Marks
Teddy Bear Stars
Toys Cash Cows
Baby Blocks Dogs
By dividing the matrix into four areas, four types of SBU can be distinguished:
Stars -
relatively strong compared with the competition. Often they need heavy investment to sustain
their growth. Eventually their growth will slow and, assuming they maintain their relative market
share, will become cash cows.
Stars are high growth businesses or products competing in markets where they are
Cash Cows
share. These are mature, successful businesses with relatively little need for investment. They
need to be managed for continued profit - so that they continue to generate the strong cash flows
that the company needs for its Stars.
- Cash cows are low-growth businesses or products with a relatively high market
Question marks
operate in higher growth markets. This suggests that they have potential, but may require
substantial investment in order to grow market share at the expense of more powerful
competitors. Management have to think hard about "question marks" - which ones should they
invest in? Which ones should they allow to fail or shrink?
- Question marks are businesses or products with low market share but which
share in unattractive, low-growth markets. Dogs may generate enough cash to break-even, but
they are rarely, if ever, worth investing in.
- Unsurprisingly, the term "dogs" refers to businesses or products that have low relative
Using the BCG Box to determine strategy
Once a company has classified its SBU's, it must decide what to do with them. In the diagram
above, the company has one large cash cow (the size of the circle is proportional to the SBU's
sales), a large dog and two, smaller stars and question marks.
Conventional strategic thinking suggests there are four possible kinds of strategies for each SBU:
(1) Build Share:
"question mark" into a star)
here the company can invest to increase market share (for example turning a
(2) Hold:
here the company invests just enough to keep the SBU in its present position
(3) Harvest:
cash flows and profits from the SBU. This may have the effect of turning Stars into Cash
here the company reduces the amount of investment in order to maximise the shortterm
(4) Divest:
resources elsewhere (e.g. investing in the more promising "question marks").
the company can divest the SBU by phasing it out or selling it - in order to use the
Suggested Strategies for Teddy bear unit:
As stars represents the organization's best long run opportunities for growth and profitability,
cause they are the divisions with the high market share and also high market growth rate, they
should receive substantial investments to maintain and strengthen their market dominant
positioning. Strategies that can be applied to achieve these results are:
Forward integration, backward integration, and horizontal integration are sometimes
collectively referred to as vertical integration strategies. Vertical integration strategies allow a
firm to gain control over distributors, suppliers, and/or competitors.
Forward Integration
Forward integration involves gaining ownership or increased control over distributors or
Backward Integration
Both manufacturers and retailers purchase need materials from suppliers, backward integration is
a strategy of seeking ownership or increased control of a firm’s suppliers. This strategy can be
especially appropriate when a firm’s current suppliers are unreliable, too costly, or cannot meet
the firm’s needs.
Horizontal Integration
Horizontal integration refers to a strategy of seeking ownership of or increased control over a
firm’s competitors. One of the most significant trends in strategic management today is the
increased use of horizontal integration as a growth strategy. Mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers
among competitors allow for increased economies of scale and enhanced transfer of resources
and competencies.
Market penetration, market development, and product development are sometimes
referred to as intensive strategies because they require intensive efforts to improve a firm’s
competitive position with existing products.
Market Penetration
A market penetration strategy seeks to increase market share for present products or services in
present markets through greater marketing efforts. This strategy is widely used alone and in
combination with other strategies. Market penetration includes increasing the number of
salespersons, increasing advertising expenditures, offering extensive sales promotion items, or
increasing publicity efforts.
Market Development
Market development involves introducing present products or services into new geographic
Product Development
Product development is a strategy that seeks increased sales by improving or modifying present
products or services. Product development usually entails large research and development
Joint venture is a popular strategy that occurs when two or more companies form a temporary
partnership or consortium for the purpose of capitalizing on some opportunity. This strategy can
be considered defensive only because the firm is not undertaking the project alone. Often, the
two or more sponsoring firms form a separate organization and have shared equity ownership in
the new entity.


As a General Manager of Strategic Division I shall present 
Teddy Bear as the Star 
Toys as our Cash Cow 
Baby Cart as the Question Mark 
Baby Block as the Dog

Sustaining the business unit's market leadership may require extra cash, but this is worthwhile if that's what it takes for the unit to remain a leader. When growth slows, stars become cash cows if they have been able to maintain their category leadership.

Suggested Strategies for the Star “Teddy Bear” in the BCG Matrix

Forward Integration
Forward integration involves gaining ownership or increased control over distributors or retailers.

Backward Integration

Both manufacturers and retailers purchase need materials from suppliers, backward integration is a strategy of seeking ownership or increased control of a firm’s suppliers. This strategy can be especially appropriate when a firm’s current suppliers are unreliable, too costly, or cannot meet the firm’s needs.

Horizontal Integration
Horizontal integration refers to a strategy of seeking ownership of or increased control over a firm’s competitors. One of the most significant trends in strategic management today is the increased use of horizontal integration as a growth strategy. Mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers among competitors allow for increased economies of scale and enhanced transfer of resources and competencies.

MCM311 Assignment No. 2

Friday, June 10, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Semester “Spring 2011”
“Reporting and Sub Editing (MCM 311)”
Assignment No. 02 Marks: 15

Using your sense to judge news value, come up with any story of human interest in your surroundings and write news on that happening keeping in mind the following points:
(each point contains 3 marks)
• Suitable Headline
• Inverted pyramid style
• Story is based on element of human interest
• Journalistic language
• Formula of 5Ws and 1 H

Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after
listening audio lecture no. 1 to lecture no 10 and reading handouts as well as
recommended text book).
2. Audio lectures can be downloaded for free from the course website.

Opening Date and Time June 09, 2011
Due Date and Time June 14, 2011
Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoidany inconvenience.

Mgt602 GDB No. 2 Solution

Friday, June 10, 2011 Posted In Edit This

“Your father has been running a successful retail store with wide variety of products in Raiwand since 2008. After your degree completion in 2010, you joined the family retail business and shifted its focus to sell more profitable items. You have conducted a survey on people living in Lahore and found that they are willing to purchase your products but reluctant to visit the store physically as it is far away.” 

The requirement:
Keeping in view the case, which strategy you will use to make store items accessible to your customers and why?


It's 21st century and world has now become a global village. People are more use to of technology and prefer to buy and get their shopping delivered at their door-steps. I will introduce my products on the internet through E-Commerce. As Lahore is one of the big cities of Pakistan and people are more educated and through with the use of IT, it will be more easy and convenient for my customers to buy my products online. As E-Commerce is emerging new technologies and quicker & easier ways to buy and sell products, it will be my preferred strategy to handle my business problem.

The owner may provide the facility of online shopping by making the website. A website is an online connection between the company and its customers and can be developed in-house or outsourced. The decision to go online should be made on a case-by-case basis. The products should be able to be delivered economically and conveniently. The product has to be interesting for a large number of people. Online operations have to bring significant cost reductions compared with brick-and-mortar operations. The company must have the ability to economically draw customers to its website. Conflict between traditional and online marketing channels can lead to a hostile, competing position of once partnering companies. By doing this customers can
access the product easily and on economical cost.

Mgt301 GDB solution

Friday, June 10, 2011 Posted In Edit This

Semester “Spring 2011”
“Principles of Marketing (MGT301)”
This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) Has been opened according to the following schedule

Opening Date and Time
June 9, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time
June 13, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Note: No extra or bonus/grace period is available for attempting GBD. 

Discussion Question
In product Mix Pricing Strategies five strategies are used. These are Product Line Pricing, Optional Product Pricing, Captive Product Pricing, By Product Pricing and Product Bundle Pricing. You are required to give only the name of pricing strategy from the below mentioned statements.
[list=1] [*]
Company A has introduced 250 ml cold drink and 500 ml cold drink with different prices 
Company B is an internet service provider which charges a fixed and some variable rates according to usage in a month. 
Company C is dealing in processing petroleum product and introduced Vaseline in the market with low price. 
Company D is dealing in car manufacturing and offered company fitted CNG in low price as compared to the market price of the CNG kit.
Important Instructions:
You are required to give answer in tabular format like:
Company A
Company B
Company C
Company D


Company A Product Line Pricing
Company B Optional Product pricing
Company C By-Product Pricing
Company D Product Bundle pricing

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