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ACC501 GDB No. 1 Fall 2011 - solution soon
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In Acc Edit ThisTotal Marks 2
Starting Date Monday, November 14, 2011
Closing Date Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Status Open
Discussion Question:
Mr. Fahad has just been appointed as CEO of Star Company. Having a specialization in the field of HR, he is not well aware of the concepts of Accounting and Finance though he is familiar with them. At the end of the year, he is confused while going through the financial statements of the company that why the Income Statement is reporting a loss whereas there is a positive net cash flow in Cash Flow Statement. Being Financial Manager of the company, how would you make this technical point clear to Mr. Fahad by mentioning the possible situations where a company can have a positive net cash flow with a negative net income?
Important Instructions:
Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
Your comments on the topic should only contain the logical reasons. Avoid unnecessary details.
The GDB will remain open for 3 working days / 72 hours.
Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students. Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.
Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.
Questions / queries related to the content of the GDB, which may be posted by the students on MDB or via e-mail, will not be replied till the due date of GDB is over.
For Detailed Instructions please view the GDB Announcement.
Fin621 Financial Statement Analysis Assignment No. 1 solution
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In Fin Edit ThisSEMESTER FALL 2011
Financial Statement Analysis (FIN621)
Assignment No. 1
Due Date: 15 November, 2011 Marks: 15
Question # 1:
"Hamza Environmental solutions" is a sole-proprietorship business that was started few years ago. Mr. Hamza and his son are currently running the business.
Account Balances on 31st December, 2010 are given below:
Particulars Rs.
Cash 85,500
Notes Receivable 25,480
Accounts Receivable 130,180
Supplies 10,600
Land 392,000
Building 252,000
Accumulated Depreciation: Building 67,200
Office equipment 67,200
Accumulated Depreciation: office equipment 26,880
Notes Payable 224,000
Accounts Payable 45,360
Capital: December 31st, 2009 460,600
Drawings 140,000
Consulting fee earned 974,400
Advertising Expense 63000
Insurance Expense 77,440
Utilities Expense 30,080
Salaries Expense 490,560
Supplies Expense 19,280
Depreciation: Building 8,400
Depreciation: Office Equipment 6,720
You are required to:
Q1. Prepare the Balance Sheet as on 31st December 2010 assuming that the net income earned during the year was Rs. 278,920. (10 Marks)
Q2. Calculate the estimated useful life of the building assuming straight line depreciation method with no salvage value. Also, determine the period for which the building has been used for business operations. (5 Marks)
Click the below link for Fin621 solution:
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IT430 Assignment No. 2 solution fall 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit ThisAssignment No.02
IT430 E-Commerce
Semester: Fall 2011
Question 1: (10)
Suppose you have an image mc00000000.jpg (your vu id). You have to create an image map in html by using the given image. The map should have following properties:
1. Use rectangle shape
2. The map area should start from 100 pixels away from top and left border of theimage.
3. The height and width of map area should be 100 and 150 pixels respectively.
4. When user clicks on the map area, should open in a new window.
<map name ="Whatever">
<area shape="rect" coords="0,0,100,100" a href=""
<Img src="mc000000.jpg" USEMAP="#Whatever"/>
map name="map-name"
Map name can anything, whatever you will put the map name same you will have to write in front of "USEMAP" attribute.
area shape="area shape"
Area shape can be circle, rectangle and triangle.
coords="area coordinates"
Coordinates define the area of map to be linked. It breaks down into two pairs of coordinates - namely 0,0 and 100,100. The first pair of coordinates represents the top left corner of the rectangular region and the second pair represents the bottom right corner of the rectangle. That's all it takes to define a rectangular region - two pairs of coordinates.
href="area hyperlink"or nohref="nohref
This is the URL that you'd like to link the hot spot to. It works just like a standard <code><a href=...></code> tag.
target="hyperlink target"
This is the optional target window or frame to open the linked URL in. Again, it works just like the <code>target</code> attribute in a standard <code><a href=...></code> tag.
alt="alternate text"
alt stands for alternative text. It is alternative text which will be shown if image cannot be displayed.
It is the attribute that associates the image map with the image.
Question 2: (10)
Suppose you have a media file yourname.mp3 (your name). Your task is to play media file on the html page. The player should have following properties.
1. The height and width should be 50 and 250 pixels respectively.
2. Media file should play automatically on loading the page.
3. File should play using play button after first loop.
<EMBED src= "Your Name.mp3" Autostart="True" Loop="1" width="250"
height="50" Controls="console"></EMBED>
<EMBED> is the tag which is used to embed media files (audio/video) into html web page.
Autostart determines whether or not the display or play of the embeded object will proceed automatically or not.
Loop determines whether or not the displayed audio or video file will loop and the number of times it will loop. In the Netscape browser true indicates that the embedded
file should loop continuously.
Controls determine which console will be used for controlling the play of audio files. (play, stop, pause button etc)
</EMBED> tag will be closed at the end.
MGMT628 Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 - solution soon
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In Mgmt Edit ThisMany organizations were downsized during the recession of 2008-2009. Thousands of employees have been laid off in days. It was a matter of time that the whole organizations were dissolved and every one was demanding bail out package from government. What more could be worse those governments themselves were out of money and in fact governments were thinking how to bail out themselves. It was chaos! Among one of them was Z-S Manufacturing.
Z-S manufactures electronic tubes of television. Z-S was also feeling the heat of recession as its operating time was reduced by 60 % during this recession. It seems that they have no choice other than organizational restructuring which means laying off the employees. The news of organizational restructuring has built the tension between labor and management. Employees have stopped working and the organization was facing continuous loss. The CEO, Mr. Bill, was against the restructuring and believed that employees were the assets of an organization rather than an expense. Therefore, he came up with an innovative plan.
He suggested a job sharing system, which later came to be called as "Switch Shift System". This system proposed to change the complete shift after some days. Some senior organization members predicted that this system could lead the organization towards even greater financial crisis. Nevertheless, Mr. Bill believed and respected the basic human principle (secure and respectable job) would overcome the costs.
Under the system, a team worked for four days, from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm and another team worked the night shift for four days, from 9:00 pm to 9:00 am. After four days, another two teams will take over two shifts and previous teams will have four days off. This means rest of 3 days and 1 day of paid training.
Initially, employees opposed to the Switch Shift System because they thought that their wages will be reduced because there will be no overtime. However, they accepted the system as situation got worse.
The Switch Shift System started to show positive results. There was a huge jump in the productivity of the employees. Employees who didn't have time for long rest now they had enough time for continuous learning and development and all this was happening without halting the production lines or firing any one. As a result of this system, profits were doubled from U.S. $342 million to U.S. $684 million. But, this system reduced working hours by 150 hours per year and salaries were increased by 8 %.
1) If this kind of system is so profitable and useful then why isn't it more widely used?
2) What are the hazards that prevent such a system from implementation in a company?
Mgmt623 Leadership and Team Management Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 - solution soon
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In Mgmt Edit ThisSEMESTER FALL 2011
"Leadership and Team Management (MGMT623)"
Assignment No. 1
Due Date: 16 Nov 2011
Case: The New Head:
It took the board of trustees of Rahmat Eye Hospital almost eleven months to choose a new administrator. Their final choice was Murad Hassan, an associate administrator at a large health-care facility in Islamabad. The initial list of candidates included twelve administrators from other hospitals and health-care units throughout the country, as well as 148 other candidates with varying degrees of health-care experience and education.
One of the primary reasons to choose Murad Hassan was his success; he has had in implementing a number of significant changes in his health-care facility. Over the objectives of many of the personnel, Murad Hassan led the battle to computerize the system. There are now computers in every room of the department and patient information is entered and retrieved directly from these machines.
The cost of this innovation was high, but the reputation of the health-care facility rose dramatically and Murad Hassan wound up being interviewed on a number of local and national TV programs. Another of Murad's strong points, to put it in the words of one of the trustees, is that he "looks like an administrator and acts like one." Another said he has "presence." A third said, "When he talks to you, you know that he is in charge. He has 'administrator' written all over him."
These comments explain why Murad Hassan was chosen for the job. However, there are some people on the board who believe he may not be the best person for the job. One who has had doubts expressed them this way, "He is pre-occupied with his task compliance, but I don't know how well he interacts with people. He is very clever in getting himself involved in activities that help focus the spotlight on him. However, he has never had to deal with a human relations problem. He spends most of his time dealing with technical problems and trying to figure out ways to hold down operating costs. That's all well and good, but there is more to an administrator's job than that. We are looking for someone who can interact well with the public, deal with a variety of different groups including trustees, doctors, nurses, and other support personnel, reduce costs, and help the hospital gain a national reputation. I just hope he's up to it."
1. Have the trustees allowed trait theory to influence their decision? Explain.
2. In your opinion, Murad Hassan possesses which type of leadership behavior according to Michigan studies.
Mgt510 Total Quality Management Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 - solution soon
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In MGT Edit ThisSEMESTER FALL 2011
Total Quality Management (MGT510)
Assignment No. 01
Due Date: 16th November, 2011 Marks: 15
Suppose you were working as a quality control manager in Leather shoe manufacturing company. Management observed a major decline in sales during last 6 months. Chief executive called a meeting of purchase and quality control department's personnel to discuss this serious issue. It was decided in the meeting to start an inquiry to know the actual cause(s) of declining in sales. You were assigned an additional task of supervising the work of inquiry committee. The company submitted its report to top management describing the main reason of declining in sales with the following words:
"our products are not standardized due to the lack of staff's training in understanding special and common causes of variation in production process".
Keeping in mind the above scenario you are required to answer the following questions;
a) What do you understand by the term "common causes and special causes of variation?" (10 Marks)
b) Suggest ways to overcome the problem of understanding the common and special causes of variation in the given scenario. (5 Marks)
Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing the assignment solution:
• Answer should be to the point
• Solution should not be more than 2 pages
Mkt621 Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 - Solution soon
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In Mkt Edit ThisSEMESTER FALL 2011
Advertising & Promotion (MKT621)
Assignment No. 01
Due Date: Nov 16, 2011 Marks: 15
Sukan & Simmer Ltd has over 6 years experience in the fashion accessories profession, and supplies eel skin bags and purses to clients in London, Dubai, Australia, Spain, France Japan and India. The company is located in London.
Sukan & Simmer designs a range of eel skin bags and purses that make a great contribution to the world of fashion and style. People feel pride being the user of Sukan & Simmer's products. The product range includes a wide variety of precious stone color bags and purses. The products are available on the website and in boutiques worldwide. The company offers a wide range of eel skin bags and purses, which are designed to be an affordable luxury for any fashion focused individual.
Eel skin bags are lightweight and very flexible yet incredibly strong. Eel skin is 2-3 times stronger than regular leather of the same thickness and becomes even more flexible with continued use. Sukan & Simmer has an expanding group of customers worldwide and interested to open its retail outlets in three big cities of Pakistan (Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad). The company is in the process of developing the advertising campaign for these cities (Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad) in order to create awareness among the people in Pakistan. Mr. Alex the marketing manager of Sukan & Simmer is facing the problem to develop the message content for print advertisement.
Being an advertising consultant give suggestions to Mr. Alex (Marketing manager of Sukan & Simmer) regarding the message content of print advertisement.
i) Which type (s) of message content would you suggest Mr. Alex in order to design advertising message for print advertisement? Justify your suggestion. (5)
ii) Do you think your suggested message content will work for Sukan & Simmer keeping in view its nature of business? (5)
iii) Write a statement of your suggested message content (s). (5)
STA630 GDB Announced
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In STA Edit ThisDiscussion Question
Both, the Moderating and Extraneous variables have an influence on the relationship between the dependent and independent variable. Discuss the basis on which we can differentiate moderating and extraneous variables?
Important Notice - SORRY NOTE
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In Important Notices Edit ThisDear students,
We feel sorry to inform you that due to some unavoidable circumstances VUsolutions is not enable to publish/post the current assignments' solutions till 17 Nov 2011.
InshaAllah we come back soon and again will provide you full study support. Meanwhile we highly recommend you that you may visit and download the SOLVED past papers & SOLVED online quizzes and prepare your Mid term exams.
Sorry for inconvenience and Best of luck you all
VUsolutions HelpDesk..
CS101 Assignment No. 2 Fall 2011 Solution
Monday, November 14, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit ThisQ. 1. Here is a Comparison table given below showing different Operating Systems. You are required to fill the columns a, b, c and d respectively by searching the following: (10 Marks)
Instructions for Column "a" to "d":
a) The operating system is "Single User" or "Multi User".
b) It supports "Single Tasking" or "Multi Tasking".
c) It supports "Uni-Processor" or "Multi-Processor".
d) You have to mention how much secure the operating system is, by filling it with "Excellent" , "Good", "Very Good" and "Poor".
Operating System a. User
(Single or Multiple) b. Task (Single or Multi) c. Processor
(Uni/Multi) d. Security
Windows XP
Windows Server
Windows 7
Q. 2. Rearrange column B with respect to column A by selecting the most appropriate option. (5 Marks)A B
1 Operating System a. Distributed without payment
2 Application Software b. Adobe Photoshop
3 Machine Language c. Useable for a short period
4 Utility Software d. Windows XP, Linux
5 Device Driver e. AutoCAD
6 Shareware f. Backup Software
7 Trial Version Software g. Web Publishing
8 Engineering Software h. Corel Draw
9 Vector Graphics i. Binary
10 Raster Graphic j. System Software
Assignment No. 02
Semester Fall 2011
Introduction to Computing-CS101
Q. 1. Here is a Comparison table given below showing different Operating Systems. You are required to fill the columns a, b, c and d respectively by searching the following: (10 Marks)
Instructions for Column "a" to "d":
a) The operating system is "Single User" or "Multi User".
b) It supports "Single Tasking" or "Multi Tasking".
c) It supports "Uni-Processor" or "Multi-Processor".
d) You have to mention how much secure the operating system is, by filling it with "Excellent" , "Good", "Very Good" and "Poor".
Operating System | a. User (Single or Multiple) | b. Task (Single or Multi) | c. Processor (Uni/Multi) | d. Security |
DOS | Single user | Single task | Uni | Poor |
Windows XP | Single user | Multi task | Multi | Poor |
Macintosh | Single user | Multi task | Multi | Good |
Unix | Multi user | Multi task | Multi | Excellent |
Windows Server | Single user | Multi task | Multi | Poor |
Linux | Multi user | Multi task | Multi | Good |
Windows 7 | Single user | Multi task | Multi | Poor |
Q. 2. Rearrange column B with respect to column A by selecting the most appropriate option. (5 Marks)
A | Correct Answers | ||
1 | Operating System | Windows XP, Linux | |
2 | Application Software | Web Publishing | |
3 | Machine Language | Binary | |
4 | Utility Software | Backup Software | |
5 | Device Driver | System Software | |
6 | Shareware | Distributed without payment | |
7 | Trial Version Software | Usable for a short period | |
8 | Engineering Software | AutoCAD | |
9 | Vector Graphics | Corel Draw | |
10 | Raster Graphic | Adobe Photoshop |

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