23 July 2011 - Today's all Current Spring 2011 Final Term VU Papers [July 2011] Virtual University of Pakistan
Saturday, July 23, 2011 Posted In .Final Term Exam Spring 2011 (July) Edit ThisExplain function arguments with the help of an example?
Write the steps to sort an un-sorted list.
Discuss any two situations which show non-ethical behavior?
. Define the anchor tag with the help of example.
What are Trojan Horses ?
What Is the resturction to use in line in a function
Define anchor tag
Write down three advantages of using Functions in a program.
In JavaScript, what is event handling? What are the two types of events?
What is the mistake in the following coding
Student=new array(10)
what is event handler explain. write two types of event handler
What is programming methodology
What is computer screen, explain
what is Turing Machine? explain how its works VUsolutions
Explain why global variable is better than local variable (question was something like that)
What is Relational Database, give two example of RDBMS
Write down the five advantages of multimedia presentation
Define function and write at least three advantages of function ?
how businesses monitor thier Employees ?
what are the properties, objects in event handling
what are robotics and thier role in daily life
breifly discues atleast two sub catagories of inteligenc system
1.WHy we use javascript?.
Small programs that are a part of the Web page and run on the user's (client's) computer
Wel use JavaScript to do client-side scripting. JavaScript can be used (along with HTML) to develop interactive content for the Web. It is designed to be used for developing small programs – called scripts – that can be embedded in HTML Web pages
2. Write names of phases of DoS attack.
Three Phases of the DoS
3.Errors occur in developing VUsolutions program? write names
Types of Errors
• Syntax errors
• Semantic errors
• Run-time errors
4. In which situation we use inline event handling?
Where the event needs to be captured and handled with a JavaScript one-liner that is
embedded in the HTML tag
5. what are the properties , method and event handling of image java script?
• Images in JavaScript can be manipulated in many ways using the built-in object Image
• Properties: name, border, complete, height, width, hspace, vspace, lowsrc, src
• Methods: None
• Event handlers: onAbort, onError, onLoad, etc.
6. write names of 5 key characteristics of internet?
Key Characteristics
Geographic Distribution Global - reaches around the world
Robust Architecture Adapts to damage and error
Speed Data can travels at near 'c' on copper, fiber, airwaves
Universal Access
Same functionality to everyone
Growth Rate
The fastest growing technology ever
Freedom of Speech
Promotes freedom of speech
The Digital Advantage
Is digital: can correct errors
7. why we use string function in javascript?
See Lecture 38
2)what is structured vector graphic?
3)why local variable is preferred over global variable?
4)what is preferred organization structure for the organization?
5)write the name of DOS attack' phases?
6)what is output?give three example?
7)write 5 advantages of multimedia presentation?
8)who is the 1st presentation on spreadsheet on personal computer?
9)define primary key and queries?
What is spread sheet? Write two jobs of spread sheet? (3 marks)
What are the arguments of a function? Explain with an example? (5 marks)
What are Trojan horses VUsolutions? (3 marks)
What are semantic errors? (2 marks)
If you are going to work on a big project then make a heuristic chart for this? (5 marks)
Write the names of the errors that are found during developing a program? (2 marks)
Write the properties of u useful web? (5 marks)
What do you mean by FTP? (2 marks)
for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++)
for (int j=0; j<numCols; j++)
elements[i,j] =m.elements [i][j];
Determine the output of following code segment. [3]
Switch (x)
case 5;
cout<<Value is 5;
case 4;
cout<<Value is 4;
What is meant by the lifetime of a variable and what is the lifetime of an automatic
variable? [5]
Write a short note on files and also explain how they are handled in C++? [5]
Find the error [5]
class Data
const in data;
Data( )
cout<<"Constructor Call…\n"; }
void getIncreament( )
Cout<<"Data = " <<++data;
void main( )
char*String ;
String= New char[15];
String="Welcome to VU";
free (String);
Write a declaration statement VUsolutions for an array of 10 elements of type float. Include an initialization statement of the first four elements to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0.
float floatArry[10] = {1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0};
Question No: 2 ( Marks: 2 )
Write the general syntax for the declaration of pre-increment and post-increment member operator function.
Classname operator ++(); ---- pre increment
Classname operator ++(int) ---- post increment
Question No: 3 ( Marks: 2 )
Give the general syntax of class template.
class myclass { ---} ;
Question No: 4 ( Marks: 2 )
What is a truth Table?
There are some areas where the decision structures become very complicated. Sometimes, we find it difficult to evaluate a complicated logical expression. Sometimes the logic becomes extremely complicated so that even writing it as a simple syntax statement in any language. VU solutions It becomes complicated to determine what will be evaluated in what way. We know the concept of truth table. The truth tables are very important. These are still a tool available for analyzing logical expressions. We will read logic design in future, which is actually to do with chips and gates. How we put these things together.
Question No: 5 ( Marks: 2 )
What will be the output of following code, if user input a number 123?
int input ;
cin >> oct >> input;
cout hex input ;
Rational: it will take 123 as octal and print it in hex form which is 53.
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 2 )
What is principle of friendship in the context of functions and classes?
Class can declare a friend function and someone from outside the class cannot declare itself friend of a class.
A friend function can access the private variables of class just like a member function
Question No: 7 ( Marks: 2 )
How many arguments a Unary Operator take? Can we make a binary operator as unary operator?
Unary operator takes only one argument like i++ or i— (Post increment or post decrement operators for integers) or ++i,--i (Pre increment or pre decrement operators for integers) ,we can not make Unary operator as binary or binary as Unary operator.
Question No: 8 ( Marks: 2 )
Which arithmetic operators cannot have a floating point operand?
Modulus operator:
This operator can only be used with integer operands ONLY
Question No: 9 ( Marks: 2 )
What are manipulators? Give one example.
The manipulators are like something that can be inserted into stream, effecting a change in the behavior. VU solutions For example, if we have a floating point number, say pi (л), and have written it as float pi = 3.1415926 ; Now there is need of printing the value of pi up to two decimal places i.e. 3.14. This is a formatting functionality. For this, we have a manipulator that tells about width and number of decimal points of a number being printed.
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 2 )
Write down piece of code that will declare a matrix of 3x3. And initialize all its locations with 0;
int matrix [3] [3] ;
main () {
int matrix [3][3];
int inivalue = 0;
for (int a=0;a<3;a++)
{ for (int b = 0;b<3;b++)
{ matrix[a]= inivalue;
What is the difference between switch statement and if statement.
The "If" statement is used to select among two alternatives. It uses a Boolean expression to decide which alternative should be executed. The switch statement is used to select among multiple alternatives. It uses an int expression to determine which alternative should be executed.
Question No: 12 ( Marks: 2 )
How can we initialize data members of contained object at construction time?
Initializer list is used to initialize the contained objects at the construction time.
Question No: 13 ( Marks: 2 )
Can we overload new and delete operators?
Yes, it is possible to overload new and delete operators to customize memory management. These operators can be overloaded in global (non-member) scope and in class scope as member operators.
Question No: 14 ( Marks: 2 )
Suppose there is a template function 'func' having argument of type U and return type T. What will be the C++ syntax to call this function, passing a variable 'x' of type double and returning an int type?
T func (T a, U b) {
return (a
int i;
double x;
x = func
Question No: 15 ( Marks: 2 )
Which variable will be used in VU soluti.ons inner code block if we have the same names of variable at outer code block and inner code block?
Simply: variable of the inner code is use in the inner code block.
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 2 )
What is the benefit of reference and where can we use it?
In references we give the memory address of the object, due to references we pass values without making the copy. Hence, when we have many values & we want efficiency we use references to avoid copy.
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 2 )
Write the C++ code for the declaration of overloaded stream insertion and stream extraction operator for the object d of type Date.
Date operator >> (date & d1){
Question No: 18 ( Marks: 2 )
What is difference between endl and \n?
Endl is manipulator and it inserts new line character and flushes the stream.
\n is control character which is used to insert line break.
Question No: 19 ( Marks: 2 )
What does code optimization mean?
It is process by which we make our code in such a way that it improves the speed of program. By use of optimization we refine program codes in such a way that it run faster and consume less memory. We do it in such a way that output quality is not compromised.
Question No: 20 ( Marks: 3 )
How is the following cout statement interpreted by compiler?
cout a b c ;
It will give a compiler error because a,b,c are not declared.
Question No: 21 ( Marks: 3 )
Suppose an object of class A is declared as data member of class B.
(i) The constructor of which class will be called first?
Answer: A
(ii) The destructor of which class will be called first?
Answer: B
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 3 )
What will be the output of following VU.s.olutions functions if we call these functions three times?
void func1(){
int x = 0;
cout x endl;
void func2(){
static int x = 0 ;
cout x endl ;
Question No: 23 ( Marks: 3 )
If is not available in the system then what does calloc/malloc and new operator return?
calloc/malloc and new operator return returns a null pointer to indicate that no memory is available
Question No: 24 ( Marks: 3 )
What is the keyword 'this' and what are the uses of 'this' pointer?
'this' is use to refer the current class member without using the name of the class.
Question No: 25 ( Marks: 3 )
Which one (copy constructor or assignment operator) will be called in each of the following code segment?
1) Matrix m1 (m2);
2) Matrix m1, m2;
m1 = m2;
3) Matrix m1 = m2;
1) Matrix m1 (m2); copy constructor
2) Matrix m1, m2;
m1 = m2; assignment operator
3) Matrix m1 = m2; assignment operator
Question No: 26 ( Marks: 3 )
What will be the output of following function if we call this function by passing int 5?
template T reciprocal(T x) {return (1/x); }
The output will zero as 1/5 and its .05 but conversion to int make it zero
Above is prototype of template class so assume passing an int and returning an int
Question No: 27 ( Marks: 3 )
Identify the errors in the following VU solutions member operator function and also correct them.
math * operator(math m);
math * operator (math m)
math temp;
temp.number= number * number;
return number;
The errors are in the arguments of the member operation function and also in the body of operator member function.
Correct function should be
math *operator (math *m)
math temp;
temp = m;
temp.number= number * number;
return temp.number;
Question No: 28 ( Marks: 3 )
What are the limitations of the friendship relation between classes?
friendship relation between classes is a one way relation that is if one class declare friend another class then the another class is the friend of first class but not the first class if the friend of another class.
Question No: 29 ( Marks: 3 )
Define static variable. Also explain life time of static variable?
When you declare a static variable (native data type or object) inside a function, it is created and initialized only once during the lifetime of the program.
Question No: 30 ( Marks: 5 )
What is difference between Unary and binary operators and how they can be overloaded?
Unary operator takes one argument.
a ++ is an example of unary operator
Binary take two operators
+,-,* are example of binary operators
Overloaded binary operator may return any type
Here is general syntax of overloading
Return-type operator symbol VUsolutions (parameters);
Operator is keyword
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 5 )
What steps we must follow to design good program?
Answer 1:
Hence to design a program properly, we must:
* Analyze a problem statement, typically expressed as a word problem.
* Express its essence, abstractly and with examples.
* Formulate statements and comments in a precise language.
* Evaluate and revise the activities in light of checks and tests and
* Pay attention to detail.
Answer 2:
Details: we must check very details of any program. It is very important aspect of any program. We must pay complete attention to calculation.
We must give attention to logic and its flow should be smooth.
Reusable: We must write program in such a way that we can reuse them in other program. Like we define function in such a way that in future if we need any similar kind of function is requires in that case we can easily modify or reuse it.
Comments: we write the details of important steps in the form of comments. We should use comments in such a way if any body else wanted to reuse or debug or codes he can easily understand it.
Code readability: We should use Tab and spaces so codes are easily readable.
User interface: we make interface user friendly. Use polite prompts for user while take input.
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 5 )
Write a program which defines five variables which store the salaries of five employees, using setw and setfill manipulators to display all these salaries in a column.
Note: Display all data with in a particular width and the empty space should be filled with character x
Output should be displayed as given below:
int sal1 =1000;
int sal2 =1500;
int sal3 =20000;
int sal4 =30000;
int sal5 =60000;
cout setfill ('x') setw (10);
cout sal1/p>
cout setfill ('x') setw (10);
cout sal2/p>
cout setfill ('x') setw (10);
cout sal3/p>
cout setfill ('x') setw (10);
cout sal4/p>
cout setfill ('x') setw (10);
cout sal5/p>
int i=0;
cin>>i; // to stop the screen to show the output
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 5 )
Suppose we have the following class.
class Matrix
int Elements[3][3];
Write the operator function of stream extraction operator (>>) for this class.
Element operator >> (Element &element){
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 5 )
What is meant by user interface and class interface in C++ ? And what role a class interfaces can play in user interface [Marks 5]
Write the general syntax of a class that has one function as a friend of a class along with definition of friend function.
class frinedclass{
friend int compute(exforsys e1)
Int compute(exforsys e1)
//Friend Function Definition which has access to private data
return int(e1.a+e2.b)-5;
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using templates?
Many things can be possible without using templates but it does offer several clear advantages not offered by any other techniques:
* Templates are easier to write than writing several versions of your similar code for different types. You create only one generic version of your class or function instead of manually creating specializations.
* Templates are type-safe. This is because the types that templates act upon are known at compile time, so the compiler can perform type checking before errors occur.
* Templates can be easier to understand, since they can provide a straightforward way of abstracting type information.
* It helps in utilizing compiler optimizations to the extreme. Then of course there is room for misuse of the templates. On one hand they provide an excellent mechanism to create specific type-safe classes from a generic definition with little overhead.
On the other hand, if misused
* Templates can make code difficult to read and follow depending upon coding style.
* They can present seriously confusing syntactical problems esp. when the code is large and spread over several header and source files.
* Then, there are times, when templates can "excellently" produce nearly meaningless compiler errors thus requiring extra care to enforce syntactical and other design constraints. A common mistake is the angle bracket problem.
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )
Suppose a program has a math class having only one data member number.
Write the declaration and definition of operator function to overload + operator for the statements of main function.
math obj1, obj2;
obj2= 10 + obj1 ;
mth operator + (obj1,int x)
number temp;
return temp.number;
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
Write a program which defines three variables of type double which store three different values including decimal points, using setprecision manipulators to print all these values with different number of digits after the decimal number.
main () {
double a = 12.12345;
double b = 13.123456;
double c = 14.1234567;
cout setprecision (5) a endl;
cout setprecision (2) a endl;
cout setprecision (3) a endl;
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 5 )
Let we have a class,
class String
char buf[25];
Write code for assignment (=) operator function which assign one String object to other object. Your code should also avoid self assignment
void String::operator = ( const String &other )
{ int length ;
length = other.length();
delete buf;
buf = new char [length + 1];
strcpy( buf, other.buf ); }
Question No: 40 ( Marks: 5 )
Read the given below code and explain what task is being performed by this function
Matrix :: Matrix ( int row , int col )
numRows = row ;
numCols = col ;
elements = new ( double * ) [ numRows ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numRows ; i ++ )
elements [ i ] = new double [ numCols ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < numCols ; j ++ )
elements [ i ] [ j ] = 0.0 ;
Hint : This function belong to a matrix class, having
Number of Rows = numRows
Number of Columns = numCols
In the above mentioned code, first of all programmer call the constructor who have two parameters for the number of rows & columns in the matrix. Then this constructor also dynamically allocates the memory for the elements of the matrix & also initializes the value of the all elements of matrix with 0.0
What is scheduler
VESA INT 10 service
Draw the DB-9 pin Connector and writ each PIN
What is Stack overflow
What is the mean by life cycle of module? Why they are used in software development. Mark 5
Explain the concept of alternative environment
Explain the following planes of conceptual framework for development interactive product
• The structure plane
• The strategy plane
Tognazzini points out that there are five good reasons for investing in user testing:
1. Problems are fixed before the product is shipped, not after.
2. The team can concentrate on real problems, not imaginary ones.
3. Engineers code instead of debating.
4. Time to market is sharply reduced.
5. Finally, upon first release, your sales department has a rock-solid design it can sell without having to pepper their pitches with how it will all actually work in release 1.1 or 2.0.
How navigation excised justify vu39 your answer?
What is the myth of infinitely fast machine?
By breakdown Skelton plane into its component elements then how all piece fit together
to create. This as whole user experience
How can computer SEE and FEEL?
List down any four principle that can help making you visual interfaces easy and
pleasurable to use as possible
Why some time direct observation is not possible VUsolutions
Define active intervention
Differentiate between throughput and latency?
Describe six attributes of SRC Processor?
Briefly Describe Classification of Networks?
Write note on Pipelining?
What is virtual memory?
How does work Associative Mapping?
How does work set Associative Memory?
How overflow is represented in case of floating point?
4x questions of 2 marks each
4x questions of 3 marks each
4x questions of 5 marks each
2 Marks
Earned value analysis
Five software delivery problem VUsolutions
How much time frame we can use in Rapid Application Development (RAD)?
Differentiate between Check-in and Check-out processes.
3 Marks
How can we increment the task associated with time-box?
What should this model depict?
Give the code functionality of given code.
Class PriceÖ
double charge(int daysRented) { double result = 0;
switch (priceCode()) {
case Movie.REGULAR:
result += 2;
if (daysRented > 2)
result += (daysRented - 2) * 1.5;
case Movie.NEW_RELEASE:
result += daysRented * 3;
case Movie.CHILDRENS:
result += 1.5;
if (daysRented > 3)
result += (daysRented - 3) * 1.5;
return result;
What basis Legacy system maintains or discards?
5 Marks
How can 80-20 rule apply while business process re-engineering?
Give suggestions to make Walkthrough to be effective.
2. Short not on common sub expressions
3. What is the live variable analysis
4. In main memory what type of information is stored
5. What does the compiler consider when apply the optimizations
6. Write the 3 examples of function present transformations
7. Discuss briefly the 1st section of Ycc
8. Eliminate the common sub expressions, 1) A=6(A+B) 2) D=3+7(B+C) 3)A*(B+C)
9. Give the brief description about symbol table
10. Fine the algorithm to DFA on LALR (1)
11. What is the importance of symbol table
12. Make the 3 adress code of given grammer by rules that are given (from old papers
13. Aik table tha match karna tha
what are selectors?
write the max entries in FAT12 and FAT16.
write the entries in FAT32
surface area of disk size
write two main features of FAT12
Deleted Files using E5
write the structure of root directory
what is mean by mode register in DMA
INT21 is used to write the string, where it is located in the memory?
and write the segment and offset of INT21.
calculate the area of boot block
mostly Mcq's were from mid part (UART and it's internal registeres,
INT15h/88, INT14/0h, INT13h, communication b/w keyboard and keyboard
2) who are required to file the return of income tax. 3Mark
3) related to sec 20 and sec 21. 3Mark
4) what is the tax treatment of pension under sec 09 part 1 pf second schedule related to Armed Force? 3Mark
5) Draw a chart for the VUsolutions understanding of the taxation structure in Pakistan. 5Mark
6) 5Mark
Motor vehicle of an engine capacity
Amount of Tax
Up to 850cc
Rs. 7,500
851cc to 1000cc
Rs. 10,500
1001cc to 1300cc
Rs. 16,875
1301cc to 1600cc
Rs. 16,875
1801cc to 2000cc
Rs. 16,875
1601cc to 1800cc
Rs. 22,500
Above 2000cc
Rs. 50,000
7)how the records are maintained and valuation of stock is done by the business. 5Mark
8) computed income taxation year 2010 employee of government. 5Mark
Sales 850,000
Gratuity 1,000,000
Tax deducted of source 5000
sales tax shall be charged.
16% correct
2.Define non-systematic risk.and how it can be reduce?
3.Define single index model?
4.Define call option?
5.Bonds are 100% risk free investment do u agree?
MCQs Mostly from last 25 lectures and new.
Subjective Questions about,
1. Markowitz theory advantage.
2. Bar Chart and Point and figure chart. VU solutions
3. SML
4. Definition of Call Option
5. Bonds are also risky, than why they are preferred on stock risk wise.
remaining mcqs are very easy..
Characteristic of Good governance .. 5 marks
Why devolution creates problem in Pakistan? 3marks
introvert and extrovert.. 3 marks
Listening Skills .. 5 marks
three questions before investing in PPP .. 3marks..
mass campaign approach.. 5 marks
differentiated between historical and philosophical curriculum approach.
MCQ's 46
4 questions of 3 3 marks and 5 questions of 5' 5 marks
Subjects questions:-
1. write characteristics of Agreeableness 3 marks
2. though pakistan has work force and resources, yet it is backward, suggestions to improve the situation 3 marks
3. three questions to be asked before investing in Private Partnership 3 marks
4. difference between fundamental and technical analysis 3 marks
5. What are constraints in Universal Primary education 5 marks
6. how to make more employment opportunities 5 marks
7. mechanisms of coordination and integration 5 marks
8. 5 prerequisites of organizational democracy 5 marks
9. Grant's model to capture the importance of resources and capabilities 5 marks
60 to 65% macq's were from that master file ,,,,,,, there was not any conceptual mcq's just give a throrough look to last chapters .......
MCQ's 46
4 questions of 3 3 marks and 5 questions of 5' 5 marks
vocational and technical education in South korea? 5
role of women in socio-cultural change ? 5
role of media in socio-cultural chage regarding discrimination against gender(women)??5
most disadvantaged group in our country? 5
type of group ? can we say group is collection of people ?? 3
Q2. how water and scarcity pollution is harmful for our health 5 marks
Q3. three questions to be asked before investing in Private Partnership 3 marks
Q4. mechanism of PERT chart 3 marks
Q6. how manager control cost 3 marks
Q7. 5 prerequisites of organizational democracy 5 marks
A corporation has retained earning of Rs. 100,000 and Rs. 150,000 for the year ended 2006 and 2007 respectively. The corporations had net profits after taxes of Rs. 80,000 in 2007. What will be the amount of dividend paid in the year 2007
Aslam started a new business by depositing cash Rs. 10,000 in the name of the business in a local bank. How can the concept of separate entity be applied here?
Mr. B sold a car for Rs. 200,000. He should debit Rs. 200,000 to:
Mr. A paid to his creditor Rs. 10,000 and availed cash discount of Rs. 250. Mr. A should debit his creditor by: VU s.olutions
Which account is increased with a debit and decreased with a credit?
Current accounts of the partners should be opened when the capitals are:
In cash flow statements, which of the following would appear as an inflow of cash?
The repayments of a bank loan
Which of the following account is the summary of all accounts of suppliers of goods?
Mr. A & B entered into a partnership with an equal investment and equal share in profit or loss. Markup on capital of Mr. A is Rs.2,000 and markup on drawings of Mr. B is Rs.3,000. The net income for the year is Rs.50,000. What will be the profit share of Mr. A?
Mr. A & B entered into a partnership invested Rs.50,000 and Rs.65,000 with an equal share in profit or loss. Markup on capital of Mr. A is Rs.2,000 and markup on drawings of Mr. B is Rs.3,000. The net income for the year is Rs.85,000. What will be the profit share of Mr. A?
The following balance and discrepancies were found on 31 March 2008:
Cash book balance (Dr)
Un-presented cheques
Un-credited cheques
Prepayments would be treated as:
Deferred revenues will become revenue when they are:
Q. Rectify the following errors by passing necessary journal entries
Ø Cash sales of Rs. 600 to Kareem were wrongly debited to Kareem
Goods of Rs. 200 drawn by the proprietor from the business for private use were wrongly credited to cash account
· Accounts payable at beginning Rs. 250,000
· Accounts payable at the end 190,000
· Credit purchases 200,000
You are required to calculate the cash payment as a result of purchases by preparing the Accounts Payable Accounts.
Q. What are the different types of inventories of manufacturing concern? Discuss briefly.
Q. X and Y were partners in a business sharing profits in the ratio of 3:1. Their capital were Rs.30,000 and Rs.10,000 respectively. They earned a net profit of Rs. 160,000. Mr. Y was entitled to a salary of Rs.200 p.m. Prepare Profit Distribution Account of X & Y Partnership.
Q. ABC company had current and total assets of Rs.450,000 and Rs.1,000,000, respectively. The company's current and total liabilities were Rs.267,000 and Rs.600,000, respectively. Calculate the amount of working capital and the current ratio using this information
Q. You are required to calculate the Gross profit, Operating income and Net income by prepare Income statement with the help of given date for the year ended 2008.
Raw material Stocks 31-12-2007
Rs. 31,000
Work in process 31-12-2007
Cost of goods sold
Additional data
· Other income for the year Rs. 5,000.
· Other expenses for the year Rs. 15,000.
· Selling expenses for the year Rs. 10,000
· Administration expenses for the year Rs. 20,000
Sales for the year Rs. 1,000,000.
1.A bank offers you a seven month certificate of deposit (CD) at a 0.76% annual rate that would provide a 7.25% effective annual yield. For the seven month CD is interest being compounded daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly ? and having invested Rs. 10,000 in this CD, how much money would you receive when your CD matures in seven months ? That is what size cheque would the bank given you if you closed your account at the end of seven months? ( 5 Marks)
2.How does long term financing policy affect short term financing requirements ? (5 Marks)
3.How working capital affects performance of business ? (5 Marks)
4.Compare the effects of financial leverage and operational leverage on ROE (5 Marks)
5.Elaborate the effects of leverage on cost of debt (3 marks) VUs.olutions
6.If Capital structure changes from equity to debt then what will be the effect on capital structure ( 3 Marks)
7.What are the costs and benefits of holding inventories and cash ? ( 3 Marks)
8.Define Interest rate risk and investment risk ? ( 3 Marks)
2. People usually go through four stages when learning new concepts or skills. Suppose you are learning to play a video game for the first time, explain briefly any three stages of learning. (3 Marks)
3. What are the advantages and uses of fish bone diagram? (3 Marks)
4. Being incharge of a fast food restaurant, what guiding principles you would recommend to improve the customer-supplier relationship? (3 Marks)
5. Apple Inc. needs to determine what is pertinent for the services to be designed and developed and to create requirements specification. What specifically the incorporation needs to address? (5 Marks)
6. What does this mathematical expression imply? (5 Marks)
Total Quality = Performance
7. What are the beneficial team behaviors for a successful team? (5 Marks)
8. What are the different steps to determine the core processes from mission? (5 Marks)
9. How can customer requirement can be converted to customer satisfaction? (5 Marks)
Q: Define the contingency planning?
Q: what kind of strategies a firm used when it is in quadrant 1 and why?
Q: what is the marketing mix?
Q: define the activities of value chain frame work of Michael porter?
Q: what are the parameters to check the mission whether it is narrow or broad?
Q: What are the advantages of diversification?
Q: write down the level of Annual objectives
Write any three benefits of JIT (just in time) inventory system? 3
Q: Problems in supply chain management?
multi nation corporation think that globlization is not good for them
what is sampling and inspecting 100 %?
elaborate with aggratgate planning?
Importance of Supply Chain Management?
JIT lean u Lean Manufacturing?:
Total questions = 52
Mcqs = 40
12 short questions
4 questions of 2 marks
4 questions of 3 marks
4 questions of 5 marks
most of the mcqs were from past papers.
1: Define alternate hypothesis 2 marks
2: Find Covariance Cov(X,Y) if var(X)=7,var(Y)=6 and correlation
coefficient r between X and Y is 0.3?
3: calculate contribution rate. fixed cost, sale price per unit and variable
cost was given.
4: calculate discounted value
5: what will be y-intercept 'b' in the regression line Y=aX+b if Y = 9, X
= 3 and a = 2?
6: Suppose a coin is flipped 3 times. What is the probability of getting two
tails and one head?
7: What will be the correlation coefficient r between variables X and Y if
varX=4,varY=9 and Cov(X,Y)=3
Question no 21 (2)
Write note on education reforms introduced by Ayub Khan.
Question no 22 (2)
Who was Kamal Atatturk?
Question no 23 (2)
Relation between Pakistan and U.A.E
Question no 24 (2)
Make clear international Relations as a field of Studies
Question no 25 (2)
Why Did Administrative reforms introduce in ist Phase of 1972-77?
Question no 26 (2)
What was the total strength of the nation Assembly Under the 1956 Constitution?
Question no 27 (3)
Write a very brief note on the Nationalization of the seventies
Question no 28 (3)
Write Note on Administrative reforms introduced by Ayub Khan
Question no 29 (3)
Write a very short note on the National Language issue after independence
Question no 30 (3)
What do you think Pakistan has healthy political set up if not then what is the main reason?
Question no 31 (3)
Shortly explain the pirpur Report (Mar 1936)
Question no 32 (3)
Write a brief note on the processed of industrialization during Bhutto region
Question no 33 (5)
Highlight the significance of education
Question no 34 (5)
How does the resource of animals contribute in the development of the economy?
Question no 35 (5)
Why did sir syed Ahmed Khan encourage the Muslims to learn western Knowledge and Language?
Question no 36 (5)
What types of fundamental rights were enlisted in the 1956 Constitution
Total MCQS = 40
5 Qs having 3,3 marks
5 Qs having 5, 5 marks each......
Q1. emotonal expession
Q2. Problem in research
Q3. Note on memory
Q4. characteristics of personality
Q5 Dimension of personality
Q6. sales person , teacher , clincian, politician, exhibite special type of intelligence..
Q7 Concept of middle age era n Islamic era of psychopathology
Q8. Job analysis.......
6 questions of 2 marks
6 questions of 3 marks
4 questions of 5 marks
all mcqs from previous paperz
2 marks:
level of significance
type of design
5 marks:
all questions were from test hypothesis
Total question = 64 MCQ = 56 SUBJECTIVE = 8
56 mcqs of 1 marks each
04 question of 5 marks
1. What do you know about pretest and potest experiments and control group design
2. What is interpretation with reference to data and what is its purpose..
3. Why preliminery notification inself administered questioners.
4. How evaluates quality of evidence in historical comperative.
5. What is bracketing with regard to...
6. What is cluster probilityand its problem.
7. What is the probility of standard regression has can be overcome.
8. Compare the personal and self administered questioners on the aspect of anoynity of the respondent VUsolution.s
56 mcqs of 1 marks each
04 question of 5 marks
1. What do you know about pretest and potest experiments and control group design
2. What is interpretation with reference to data and what is its purpose..
3. Why preliminery notification inself administered questioners.
4. How evaluates quality of evidence in historical comperative.
5. What is bracketing with regard to...
6. What is cluster probilityand its problem.
7. What is the probility of standard regression has can be overcome.
8. Compare the personal and self administered questioners on the aspect of anoynity of the respondent
1) What are the types of layers. explain briefly
2) what are custom tags
3) include method of dispatcher
5 question of 3 marks
1)types and format of the directives
2)main() with static and without static
3)what are EL nuggets
4)advantages of JSP over servlets
5)purpose of wait() notify() and notifyAll()
5 question of 3 marks
1)hidden comments in JSPs
2)2 steps of paiting statergy
3)why we use c:remove
4)when run() method is invoked
5)diff b/w encodeURL and encodeRedierstURl
define the inherited attribut and synthesized attribute?
write the grammer of inherited and systheized attribute?
where the data is located in the maemory?
what is the role of run time system?
is the dfa recognize teh set of languages?
what is teh purpose of optimization ?
aik tree dia tha and said convert it into the inorder?
define about the lexical anayzer of flex?
CS606 Current Spring 2011 Final Term VU Paper [July 2011] Virtual University of Pakistan
call by reference
difference b/w attribute grammer and syntax directed translation
what type of information is stored in main memory at data segment
write in simple word some detail of r* where r is regular expression
(CS606rock and cS606ANTLER)ais ka regular expression likhna tha aur bhi kuch data diya howa tha but mjy samgh nai aya
different method of attribute grammer eveluation method
what is the purpose of front end
itny question he yaad hain
MCQs : 56
Short and long questions: 08
Remaining 8 questions are as under:
Q.57 Write basic contents of Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
Q.58 What is the tax treatment of Speculation Business as per section 19 of Income tax ordinance 2001?
Q.59 Who is liable to pay Capital Value Tax on capital value of certain assets?
Q.60 Complete the table by filling the 2nd column with the respective rates as per Income Tax Ordinance 2001 for the tax year 2010.
Depreciation Under Section 22
1. Building (all types) (.......?%)
2. Furniture and machinery and plant, Motor Vehicles, Ships, Technical or Professional Books. (.......?%)
3. Computer hardware including printer, monitor and allied items, aircrafts and aero engines. (.......?%)VUsolu.tions
Q.61 Explain different types of taxes. (Any five)
Q.62 What do you mean by 'Intangibles' and 'Cost of Intangibles' as per defined in section 24 and how the amortization of cost of intangibles compute?
Q.63 What is meant by Pension? What is the tax treatment of Pension under clause 08 of Part 1 of second schedule? (Marks=1+4)
Q.64 What are the Penalties in case of failure to maintain record and non compliance with the notice under section 185 and 186 of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 respectively?
filing of returns by notice? (5 Marks)
2. (5 Marks)
a. Will Tax depreciation be allowed on a full year basis of a company
engaged in a seasonal industry like sugar production
b. Are Expenses incurred prior to incorporation of a company tax deductible?
3. Draw a chart for the understanding of taxation structure in
Pakistan (5 Marks)?
4. In what ways a return of Income is filed? (3 Marks)
5. What is the tax treatment of Speculation business as per section 19
of Income Tax Ordinance 2001? (3 Marks)
6. What does the word Market Value means as per rule 11 sub rules 3 of
Income Tax Rule 2002? (3 Marks)
1) Identifycomponents of creative thinking,
2) in the documents the how numerical data etc providesthe evidence for historical knowledge? Give the answer with logics.
3) describethe factors of sources of social structural level
4) why we have members of stafffor the whole time in alert level-2
5) what is operation system? Describe your answer with the xample.
6) Crisis managementis hard job needs physical ability and stamina.How can we build this ability inanyone?
7) Why it is difficult to pin down the specific definition of the fieldresearch?
56 are MCQ'S and 8 are long questions…
Long questions are there:
Q: 57: 10% debenture of Rs. 80,000 are shown in trial balance. How it will be shown in financial statements (profit and loss account and balance sheet)? 5marks.
Q: 58: What is the meaning of investment? Differentiate between Long term and Short term liabilities. 5marks.
Q: 59: What do you know about ledger? Why the ledger is called "King of all Book". 5marks.
Q: 60: What do you know about the nominal capital of the company? 3marks.
Q: 61: What do you know about the Cost of good sold? 5marks.
Q: 62: Calculate amount of sales with the help of data given below: 5marks.
Cost of sales = Rs. 5,000
Assets = Rs. 200,000
Closing stock = Rs. 7000
Gross Profit = Rs. 40,000
Q: 63: Differentiate between Debtor's turnover ratio and Creditor's turnover ratio. 3marks.
Q: 64: Financial year decided by partnership agreement is 1st July to 30th June. Mr. Ali is partner and having a capital of Rs. 1,500,000 on July 1st 2007 and he introduced more capital on August 1st 2007 Rs. 10,000 on April 1st 2008, Rs. 500,000 and on June 1st 2008, Rs. 5,000. Mark up rate is 10% p.a.
Calculate mark up on Mr. Ali's capital for the year ending on 30th June 2008. 5marks.