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Mgt601 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
There are total 21 MCQ's
3 questions of 3 marks
2 Questions of 5 marks
mostly MCQ's comes from these files
Another Paper:
mcq's were mostly new.
in short term loans what information lenders of bank require. 5 marks
disadvantages of market testing. 3 marks
while starting a new business which sources are used to acquire information. 5 marks
what benefits small businesses get through environment. 3 marks
i forgot one question of 3 marks.
Mgt502 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt502 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Total question 32 some MCQS is in past paper (like 2009-2010)
Explain the characteristics of the well functioning and effectual group. 5 marks
Write different styles of decision making. 5 marks
What are the major factors influencing personality. 3 marks
What is the difference between fundamental attribution errors and self-serving bias? 3 marks
Another Paper:
Total Question: 32 Total Marks = 44
MCQS's (1 marks) = 28
Subjective (3 marks) = 3
Subjective (5 marks) = 2
Ms. Shaista is a marketing manager in ABC Corporation. She is as qualified and experienced as her colleague Mr. Usman. At the time of performance appraisal Mr. Usman got promotion and she was awarded with some bonus only. This was due to the perception of her boss that women cannot perform better at higher positions where more decision making is required. Discuss the barrier of social perception which was the reason of such decision. (Marks 3)
What is stereotyping and how it can harm the performance of Employees? (Marks 3)
Whay teams are so important, Explain?(Marks 5)
Another Paper:
Total marks = 44
total questions = 32
28 mcq's were from past papers. 2, 3 were new.
2 questions of 3 marks
2 questions of 5 marks
1) three potential problems of groups (3 marks)
2) frustration in a senior employee who has several years of experience in an organization due to hiring a fresh graduate who is receiving more salary than him for the same work has caused motivation to drop. Why? (3 marks)
3) difference b/w formal and informal group. (5 marks)
4) explain the model of individual motivational work. (5 marks)
Mgt411 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt411 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
MGT411. MCQs are very easy most of the past papers.
Question No: 29 ( Marks: 3 )
Find out YTM of 1 year 10% coupon bond selling at $120. (Face value of bond = $100).
Question No: 30 ( Marks: 3 )
What are the rights that are given to the company's shareholders?
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 5 )
"Holding Periods return can differ from Yield to Maturity". Discuss.
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 5 )
a) You have a taxable corporate bond with 20% Yield and tax rate at the bond is 20%. You are required to equate it with tax?
b) If the tax exempt Yield is 13% them which bond has higher Yield?
Another Paper:
Total question was 32..
28 mcqs some were form past papers n some waz new but
waz easy..
4 long question:
Differentiate b/w salary and wages. marks 3
Define "mission statement". marks 3
Define four core Management functions. Marks 5
Describe how Equity theory explain motivation of employees?
Another Paper:
people differ in their opinions how stock should be value
discuss it (5)
differs satrategy used to minimize risk (3)
adverse selection in the financial market (3)
1 is numerical (5)
28 mcqs
Another Paper:
Total questions = 32
28 mcq's were from past papers
about 5 were new.
2 questions of 3 marks.
2 questions of 5 marks.
1) calaculate current yield. 3 marks
2) "financial intermediaries reduce cost". How? 3 marks
3) explain in detail about inflation risk. 5 marks
4) define bubbles in your own words. 5 marks
Mgt501 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt501 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
While analyzing clerical and administrative jobs, is there only one best method that can be used to conduct job analysis or it is more appropriate to use a combination of methods? Give logical arguments to prove your stance.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "employees subjected to socialization programs perform better than those who have not undergone such training?" Provide justification.
You are required to conduct job analysis for a newly created post of Director Health and Safety in your organization. For this purpose you need to collect required information. You have studied various job analysis methods. Apply your knowledge and suggest which method is most appropriate for the said post. Give justification of your choice.
Suppose you are planning a training on "prevention and treatment of dengue fever" for the doctors. How would you deliver and evaluate the effectiveness of this training?
Mgt211 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt211 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 5 )
What is a business plan? Discuss the purpose and significance of a business plan.
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 10 )
What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs model? What are management implications of
Maslow's Hierarchy need theory?
Another Paper:
1- What is the mean by the term "Public Relation"?
2- What do you mean by Sale Force Management?
3- Define the term "Enterprise Resource Planning"?
4- What factors must be considered when choosing among alternative media for promotion of the Product & Services?
5- Define Auditor. Briefly discuss the type of auditor?
6- Failure rate in the business has been reduced. What are the factors contributing lowering failure rate?
7- In order to offer more satisfactory services, many companies has discovered criteria that customers use to judge service quality. What is this criterion prospective to company?
MCM311 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMCM311 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
latest paper midterm 2011 month of May
Total 27 questions 22 mcq's
1. What do you know about Reuters?
2. Define Follow-up story? What are its basic ingredients?
3. Briefly explain the responsibility of a political reporter?
4. Mention any three crimes which under the classification of crime under the property?
One question i forgot
HRM627 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisHRM627 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
advantages of group decision making. (03)
ulterior transaction with the halp of example. (03)
sympathetic parent ego style and complementary transaction. (05)
finess or health(05)
Another Paper:
HRM627 Mid Term Paper...which were consist on total 27 Questions
Objective = 22 MCQ
Subjective = (3 Questions for 3 Marks + 2 Questions for 5 Marks) = 7 Question
Mcq almost 60% were from Old Past Papers and Quiz files and 40% were new but conceptual. Subject were all from old Papers...
The following are the subjective question which i remember...
1. Status, salary, fringe benefits are hygiene factors. How these relate to Hygiene factor? 3 Marks
2. Define Open Book Management and why Organization uses it? 3 Marks
3. Define Functional Team with example? 3 Marks
4. Define Kinesthetic Sub Modality and also give three common expressions? 5 Marks
5. What could be the possible impacts of Malnourishment on Economic Development? Also identify the link of good nutrition with overall GDP? 5 Marks
fin630 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thisfin630 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
MCQ 28
Subjective 4
2 question in 3 marks
2 question in 5 marks
past papers MCQ repeated
There are ____ broad categories of financial assets.
On Balance Volume technique of technical analysis was developed by:
Charles Dow
Joseph Granville
John Bollinger
Welles Wilder
ABC Furniture's worth $51 million. What is another term for this?
Book value
Earning per share
Market value
Cost per share
Which of the following is TRUE regarding price per earning ratio?
P/E=Earnings available to common stockholders/outstanding shares
P/E=Market price per share/dividend per share
P/E=Market price per share/earning per share
P/E=Dividend per share/earning per share
When inflation and interest rates are high, P/E ratios tend to be.
Which of the following is defined as the total market value of securities in an investment company's portfolio divided by the
number of investing company fund shares currently outstanding?
Discounted value
Present value
Future cash flow value
Net asset value
Financial securities with a maturity of less than a year from their original issue date are sold in which of following
Money market
Bond market
Equity market
Derivative market
Which of the following statement about the types of the orders is LEAST accurate?
Market orders are orders to buy or sell at the best price available.
Limit orders are orders to buy or sell at or away from the market price.
A stop buy order is used to protect a short position in a security and is placed below the current market price.
Limit order must specify a price and a time limit.
Which of the following is NOT a fixed income security?
Preferred stock
Saving deposits
A self-regulatory body that licenses brokers and generally oversees the trading practices of Over the counter(OTC) securities
is known as __________ .
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
National Association of Security Dealers (NASD)
Initial Public Offering (IPO)
Offered for Sale (OFS)
Which of the following stock's price move in opposite direction to that of interest rates?
Growth stock
Value stock
Interest sensitive stock
Defensive stock
Which of the following is a characteristic of line chart?
It is efficient in showing more details
It is simplest and most familiar chart
It show the highest degree of accuracy
It can be used for comparing three values
Which of the following is calculated by dividing gross profit by net sales?
Gross margin
Operating margin
Net margin
Profit margin
subjective are all new 2 numerical and 2 theory
1. Difference between interest rate and share price (3 marks)
2. Why the people invest in the reputable company?(3 marks)
3. Numerical to calculate current and quick ratio (5 marks)
4. Numerical to calculate gross margin profit (5 marks)
Eng201 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisEng201 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Eng201 overseas
totoal 17 questions
10 mcqs
1.what is courtsy closing?2
2.what is the general purpose of bussiness message?2
3.what is coherence and why it is important?(5)
4.what are the general rules of direct request?(5)
5.what is biased language give examples?(5)
ECO401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisECO401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
1. What would be the shape of indifference curve in each of the following?
a. A, B are two brands of the same product, consumer can not tell the difference whether which is good or preferred.
b. X is good and Y is bad like household refuses.?
2)when price discrimantion when it would harmfull and beneficial for public investment?
3)characteristics of oligopoly and monopoly?
4)difference between external economies and external diseconomies?
few objectives from past papers
CS607 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS607 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Subjective Questions of CS607
Midterm 30-11-2011
1. What is Forward Chaining (3)
2. Steps in Forward Chaining (2)
3. Difference b/w mutation and GA
4. Difference b/w Adversial Search and GA
Some MCQs,
1. Breadth-first search is a good idea when you are confident that the branching factor is_____
Extremely small
Small (Ans.)
2. Another expert system named___________was developed by Digital Equipment Corporation, as a computer configuration assistant.
R1/XCON (Ans)
3. An AI system must form a meaningful and useful _____________ of the internal
Select correct option:
Representation (Ans)
4.An AI system has a ____________ component that allows the system to get information
from its environment.
Select correct option:
Perception (Ans)
Please also prepare the following questions:
1. Difference in backward and forward chaining
2. steps in backward chaining
3. Difference b/w Perception and Knowledge Representation
4. Shallow knowledge issue in forward chanining
5. Difference b/w Global maxima & Local maxima
6. Declarative knowledge
Cs504 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCs504 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Cruise missile scenario better fire which kind of design parameters are used for better work?
After the analyzing you consider that the cost and efficiency conflict of a software then what you suggest to tackle this situation? Give three best ways?
Write three types of messages in sequence diagrams: 21-lec
You are a IT-developer and handle a web based application
cs401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thiscs401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
What is the syntax of PUSH instruction? 2 Marks
For what purpose DS and ES registers are generally used in the context of video memory. 2 Marks
When the instructions "push ax" is executed in decrementing stack how the value of SP will change. 3 Marks
What colors are repeated by 0th, 1st and 2nd bits (from least significant side) in Attribute Byte? 3 Marks
How SCAS instructions can be used to detect Null at the end of a string?5 Marks
What is the wrong with this program? 5 Marks
CS408 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS408 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Paper (HCI )
1. Suppose you are a software designer and the manger give the task to you to make the design of Company's attendance sheet, where the employee note one attendance at morning and one at closing time. You are required to find out the question which u asked with the company employees as a software designer. (5)
2. Define the different between RAD, Spiral, waterfall and HCI Model... (5)
3. Why people recommended to use command line interface. (3)
4. Design process. (3)
5. Different b/s quantitive and qualitative research. (2)
cs607 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thiscs607 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
1. What is backward chaining?(2)
2. What is the difference between beam and best first search?(2)
3. Differentiate briefly and precisely between 'Structural knowledge' and 'Shallow knowledge'?(2)
Out of different general components of an artificial intelligent system/AI cycle which component is best suitable for a situation in which an artificial intelligent system wants to get information from its environment? Also tell that which kind of information it can get? (3)
Out of human experts and expert system, which one do you think is better in terms of cost?
Also explain why.(3)
Write down all the steps involved in backward chaining approach.(5)
In Genetic algorithm if we use only crossover and not mutation then does it make any hurdle in finding our desired solution or not? Give reason to support your answer.
cs401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thiscs401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
What is the syntax of PUSH instruction? 2 Marks
For what purpose DS and ES registers are generally used in the context of video memory. 2 Marks
When the instructions "push ax" is executed in decrementing stack how the value of SP will change. 3 Marks
What colors are repeated by 0th, 1st and 2nd bits (from least significant side) in Attribute Byte? 3 Marks
How SCAS instructions can be used to detect Null at the end of a string? 5 Marks
What is the wrong with this program? 5 Marks
CS502 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS502 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Paper details of question.
MCQz were 50% from past papers and 50% were new and tough.
Subjective part was from the past papers except 1 (5 number) question Detail is.
• How to Build heap? (2 marks.)
• Write down the steps of dynamic programming strategy. (2 marks)
• Two sorting algorithm having duplicate elements is such a way that
one of order nlogn and On^2 (3marks).
• Write steps involved in 0/1 knapsack algorithm problem (3-Marks)
• Solve the recursion problem. (5marks.)
• We are given an array of n elements of x1 , x2 ,x3 , ,,,,xn,
suggest best sorting algorithm of order On. (5 marks).
cs604 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thiscs604 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
1) A code about test and set lock was given to highlight errors 5Marks
2) What is starvation and what is its solution 5Marks
3) What are common data structures in Bakery Algorithm 2Marks
4) Difference between preemptive and Non Preemptive Algorithm 2Marks
5) How inter process communication is done among processes 2Marks
6) Difference between SJF and SRTF 3Marks
7) Three queues in Multi level feed back……..3Marks
Cs504 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Thursday, December 01, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCs504 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
20 Mcqs ...
mostly from out of course :D
2 short questions...(2marks)
i) Define coupling?
ii) is software architecure an iterative proces?
3 marks question.
i) Diffrentiate b/w function oriented & object oriented design wd respect to a problem ?
5 marks
i) give atleast 2 examples of "Aggregation" from real world.
ii) Draw sequential diagram .

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