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CS507 Assignment No. 3 Solution

Monday, January 17, 2011 Posted In Edit This

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Monday, January 17, 2011
Marks: 10

Question 1:
Suppose you are manager of a well known restaurant and want to open a new branch for your restaurant in another city with the same brand and standards. What should be the CSF’s (Critical Success factors) for the successful running of new branch? [5 marks]

Question 2:
Write down five CSF’s (Critical Success factors) for a Wimax Broadband company? [5 marks]

Write only precise answer and avoid giving extra details.

Question No. 1: 

Suppose you are manager of a well known restaurant and want to open a new branch for your restaurant in another city with the same brand and standards. What should be the CSF’s (Critical Success factors) for the successful running of new branch? 

Critical Success factors
As we know the critical success factors are the business term. We explain it as, the most important elements or factors, which considered necessary for the running of business. Critical success factors are varying from business to business.
Know we discuss the some critical success factors that are help for the running for your new open branch of restaurant in another city with the same brand and standards.

Critical Success factors for the new open branch of Restaurant:
Finical factors
Under the finical factors you calculate the total project cost for new branch restaurants, you also evaluate the revenue, and profit margin. You keep in mind the status of peoples live in the city, how much they spend on special foods items. So, all the information you get through the finical research of your project. So, in case you need the strong finical base. 

Customers’ satisfaction
In case new business you must focus on the customer’s relationship management. Because yours initial customers after the successful service build your goodwill both in social and corporate level. In your foods items and services you also give preference to the customers taste, because customers come to you if you have some thing up to the mark from others. Through that you create your competitive advantage over the others restaurant. 

Quality & Service
There in no compromise over the quality and service, which you provide to your customers. In foods business like restaurant, quality and service have great capability if you have that capability you done excellent. You must assess your that capability through every aspect.

Product Identification
Unique product identification in food items, form over the other restaurants has helped to create the competitive edge. You must have unique qualities regarded food meals and drinks also with unique services e.g. like, McDonalds, Pizza hut, and KFC.

Food raw-materials
Availability of raw material at acceptable cost is covenant for the restaurant and also cutoff the cost of related transportation expenses. Thorough you understand the food habits of the people.

Advertisements with offers
Your advertisements must be focused for the levels of social and corporate standards. In foods item important aspect of emotional advertisement must be include. Give them offers on events e.g. Eid, charismas, birthday, independence day, arrival of celebrities, local occasions and also make special discount offers, like e.g. cash discount on bundle meal, free new recipes, family promotions like free ice cream chocolates small toys for children’s. 

Highly motivated employees
Highly motivated employees are the asset of your business. Improve them, further through, different skills courses, training workshops, sheaf consents must held that help full for the professional improvement of your employees. 

Possible Assumptions
After all the planning you must also prepare for your-self and your business for hazards and unforeseen situation. You must have some back up plan or situational handle tact’s. 

Question No. 2: 

Write down five CSF’s (Critical Success factors) for a Wimax Broadband company? 


Wimax Broadband Company is a world wide internet services provider company.
He provides the internet service on mobile, laptops, and desktops, server computers through wireless modes and etc.

Five critical success factors for a wimax broad band company 
Are given below: 

1. Low cost and high amount of data.
2. Every where accebility.
3. High Speed.
4. No physical appearance.
5. Easily every one chaseable.


Statistical research into CSF’s on organizations has shown there to be seven key areas. These CSF's are:

Training and education
Quality data and reporting
Management commitment, customer satisfaction
Staff Orientation
Role of the quality department
Communication to improve quality, and
Continuous improvement

The industry,
Competitive strategy and industry position,
Environmental factors,
Temporal factors, and
Managerial position (if considered from an individual's point of view). Each of these factors is explained in greater detail below

The following as an example of generic CSF's:

New product development,
Good distribution, and
Effective advertising

The Critical Success Factors we have identified and us in the BIR process are captured in the mnemonic PRIMO-F

People - availability, skills and attitude
Resources - People, equipment, etc
Innovation - ideas and development
Marketing - supplier relation, customer satisfaction, etc
Operations - continuous improvement, quality,
Finance- cash flow, available investment etc

Examples of Success Factors:

Understanding of Market:

Sensitivity to changing market needs
Understanding of how and why customers buy
Innovative response to customer needs
Consumer loyalty
Linkage of technology to market demand
Link marketing to production
Investment in growth markets
Knowing when to shift resources from old to new products
Long-term view of market-development and resources
Ability to target and reach segments of market
Identify and exploit global market
Product-line coverage
Short time to market for new products
Lack of product-line overlap
Identification and positioning to fulfill customer needs
Unique positioning advantage
Strong brand image and awareness
Understanding of competitors' capabilities and decision rules
Sensitivity to cues for co-operation
Prevention of price wars
Aggressive commitment when required
Willingness to form inter company coalitions
Maximizing payback from marketing response to resources

Marketing Variables:

Distribution coverage, delivery speed, and prominence
Co-operative trade relations
Advertising budget and copy effectiveness
Promotion magnitude and impact
Sales force size and productivity
Customer service and feedback
High product quality
Patent protection
Low product cost
Ability to deliver high value to user
Large marketing resource budget
Decision making:

Marketing research quality
Information system power
Analytic support capability
Develop human resources
Attract the best personnel
Managerial ability and experience
Quick decision and action capability
Organizational effectiveness
Learning systematically from past strategies

Research has shown that to complete a project successfully the following critical success factors apply:

Match Changes to Vision
Define Crisp Deliverables
Business Need Linked to Vision
Have a Formal Process to Define Vision
Organizational Culture Supports Project Management
Some Key Success Factors

• Start with large Broadband Customer Base enabled by Bandwidth everywhere and low cost STB decoder

•Award winning customer relationship management with proactive outbound call centre telesales. Cross Selling-Upselling. Not Bundling
• A La Carte as competitive entry strategy, migrating to “mini packs” retaining choice
• Wide choice of content, some “killers”, some exclusives
• Constant progress monitoring and marketing initiatives which evolve to keep up the momentum.
• Protect Content Providers Rights – Zero Piracy, Revenue Assurance, Become Trusted Partner – for customer and content provider
• Quality Picture, better than Cable and Easy to use Customer Interface with phased introduction of interactive services
• Strong “in-house” capabilities for network/systems development and Installation
Question # 1
Suppose you are manager of a well known restaurant and want to open a new branch for your restaurant in another city with the same brand and standards. What should be the CSF’s (Critical Success factors) for the successful running of new branch

CSF’s is very important for organization for the success of an organization, it also helps to keep the organization focused on what is important and helps everyone in the organization to move in the same direction. CSF’s varying form business to business.

Some CSF Critical Success factor those are helpful for running for your new branch of restaurant in another city with the same brand and standards.

CSF Critical Success Factor for the new open branch of Restaurant:
For the new open branch of the restaurant in another city financial position of the business is very important factor. Under the financial factor the total cost of the new branch of the restaurant is calculated. 

You must have unique qualities regarded food meals and drinks also with unique services e.g. like, McDonalds, Pizza hut, and KFC. In your foods items and services you also give preference to the customers taste, because customers come to you if you have some thing up to the mark from others. Through that you create your competitive advantage over the others restaurant. In restaurant, quality and service have great capability if you have that capability you done excellent. In foods item important aspect of emotional advertisement must be include. Give them offers on events e.g. Eid, charismas, birthday, independence day, arrival of celebrities, local occasions and also make special discount offers, like e.g. cash discount on bundle meal, free new recipes, family promotions like free ice cream chocolates small toys for children’s. Presentation of your service must be on the highly demanded by the customers and for the satisfaction of the customers needs and want. After all the planning you must also prepare for your-self and your business for hazards and unforeseen situation. You must have some back up plan or situational handle tact’s.

Question # 2
Write down five CSF’s (Critical Success factors) for a Wimax Broadband company? 

Five Critical Success Factors for a Wimax Broadband company:

The Right Marketing:
Selecting the right markets in the most important requirement for the business. The business should be viewed in the perspective of both a one-year and five-year horizon. Adequate customers should exist initially so the company can begin to offer services and generate revenues. However in five years times, the company needs to be a significant player with a large enough customer base for the investment to pay off.

The Best Technology:
The technology platform should at best offer a competitive advantage and at worst be comparable to the best in the market. Good marketing and excellent customer service cannot compensate for a weak technology over the long term. Given the high bandwidths and the bundling possibilities offered by DSL and cable, the wireless operator must find USP to compensate for this.

Strong Systems:
This area is often overlooked by most telecom operators and affects the operators’ ability to scale effectively. Poor systems can quickly result in poor network quality and unhappy customers due to its impact on network operations and customer service. Systems and processes should be scaleable and should allow the company to migrate from a semi-automated solution that can be quickly implement to an automated solution that may require a larger investment but offers a lower per-customer cost.

Adequate Cash:
Since the telecom battle is won over the long term, the company needs to have enough cash to survive industry downturns. This requires an extremely sound understanding of the business case and financial metrics so the company can optimize where funds invested and ensure promised returns.

Strong Management:
Telecom continues to be a dynamic environment that requires management to optimize across markets, products, technology, and operational areas. Hiring a strong management team will allow the company to build the operational competencies required to establish a strong competitive advantage. The risk of the wrong decision far outweighs the cost of a good manager. It is also important to realize that the best and the brightest can make expensive mistakes; hence the need for constant scrutiny and comparison to the business plan.

A company that has the optimal combination of these five critical success factors has a good chance to establish a strong market presence and a profitable business.

Eco401 Assignment No. 2 solution

Monday, January 17, 2011 Posted In Edit This
“Economics (ECO401)”
Assignment No.02 Marks: 20

Question 01:
The average propensity to consume (APC) and disposable income (Yd) is given in the following table. From this information, calculate the consumption (C), average propensity to save (APS) and marginal propensity to consume (MPC).

1 400 ? ? ---
0.96 520 ? ? ?
0.95 570 ? ? ?
0.92 650 ? ? ?
0.90 710 ? ? ?
Marks = 14 (1 marks for each)

Question 02:
According to Keynes, “saving can be harmful for the economy if everyone starts saving”. Illustrate this concept graphically. Marks = 6

Opening Date and Time January 12, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time January 17, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)


Formula for use above
C = APC x Yd
APS = 1 – APC
MPC = ΔC / ΔYd


Mgt613 Assignment No. 2 solution

Monday, January 17, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Semester “Fall 2010”

“Production Operations Management (MGT613)”

Assignment No. 2 Marks: 20

ABC Company deals in textile manufacturing. As an assistant to Production Manager you have to  describe how the “Quality at the source” can be maintained in the production process of fabric.

Note: Your answer should not exceed the limit of 400 words.


Opening Date and Time January 12, 2011 At 12:01 AM (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time January 17, 2011 At 11:59 PM (Mid-Night)


First u have 2 know as an assistant production manager that what kind of processes are done in a textile mill so u can it download from google & mend all processes as ur desire.

do u get that? like weaving, spinning et cet ra.

just u place a proper person & where trainings are needed,conduct them & quality . the source will be achieved.


Aim of Quality at the Source

Quality at the Source uses a three-part structure using other lean concepts and is designed to simplify the task of detecting and correcting defects. These three parts consist of training, visual aids and documentation. 

Training of employees 

Training of employees is the first step in Quality at the Source. Employees must be trained not only how to do the job, but with Quality at the Source they must be trained on what the critical quality points are at the step in the process where they are working. 

Moreover, they must be taught how to quickly inspect each item for these quality points..

Training of employee’s inspections must be done quickly and then value-added activity can be conducted.

Development of visual aids

Development of visual aids is the second step in creating Quality at the Source. These visual aids come in many different forms and can be as creative as necessary to produce the desired results. 

One point lessons or short visual presentations on a single point also are commonly used with Quality at the Source as visual aids designed to show what should be inspected and how to perform the inspection. One point lessons are often created on paper or cardstock from 8½ inches by 11 inches up to poster board size. They rely heavily on photos with very little writing. The concept is to use the visual picture to guide the employee through the process. This can make it easier to identify and remove defects from the process.


It is the third step for development of a Quality at the Source. Employees should not be expected to be able to remember each and every critical quality point throughout the value stream particularly if there are numerous points at each step. To assist the workforce in remembering which items to inspect and what to look for, documentation is used to provide reinforcement to the quality issues associated with the process.

This documentation should be simple quality checklists not full-blown quality manuals, work instructions or standard operating procedures.

solution of question :
QUALITY AT THE SOURCE - A method of quality analysis that
emphasizes prevention over detection.
Being assistant I ll suggest following suggestions :
1-I ll suggest to make possible Standardized work because:
Standardized work is the standardization of task, sequence, task
time, and work-in-process inventory.
2- I ll suggest him to implement Self checks criteria to all employees
because :
Self checks are checks by each staff member or hourly associate of
his/her own standardized work. Self checks prevent sending faulty
material or information to the next step in the process.
3- I ll suggest him to implement Successive checks policy because:
Successive checks are checks by each staff member or hourly
associate of the standardized work performed by other staff
members and associates up to that point in the process. Successive
checks prevent adding value to faulty material or information.
4- I ll suggest him to apply Visual management and mistake
proofing because :
Visual management and mistake proofing are a suite of control
techniques that progressively build control physically into a
process. The human brain is small, slow, and prone to error as well
as occasional flashes of genius. Visual management and mistake
proofing utilize our occasional flashes of genius to prepare for our
inevitable errors.
5- Continuous improvement
I ll suggest continous improvement. Fortunately as human beings
have learning capacity so production manager can improve quality
by learning more about how things are going wrong and how he can
make them right.

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