It has become need of the hour for the HR department to broaden its vision and go beyond the conventional view of it. It has to consider the fronts out side the wall of the organization’s building so that the organization may not only survive but succeed too.
Question: What are the factors related to HR that it must consider to survive in society and market? Explain Why it has to consider these.Discuss at least 8.
Now a day’s technological factor of broad environment is changing very rapidly. You know that broad environment is uncontrollable. How technological environment can create opportunities for grocery store?
Technology can affect many aspects of our lives, in a grocery store technology can change the way customers take their groceries, how the cashier can total up the price of the groceries and how the owner can take note of the items sold and how much more goods he has to order. Technology has its advantages, it speeds up the process from where the buyer takes the goods to when the cashier totals up the amount of the cash the goods are worth, But even though it has advantages it has some disadvantages, less people will be needed and so unemployment, more electricity bills and the need to train the staff so they can use the equipment.
employee training
employee motivation
1. intrinsic
2. extrinsic
job satisfaction
worker retention
1. materialistic
2. non-materialistic
now you can chose any 8 and insist over your decision
1- The department should play an active roll in training the employee
2- They should take part in management decisions
3- HR needs to use IT software systems to run their work efficiently
4- They need to use different research methods to maintain the discipline in the organization and in finding best employee.
5- They assure high valuable future and job satisfaction to their employee.
6- They should motivate their employee for better performance.
7- They should always try to attract good human resource for the success of the organization
8- The HR department needs to be stronger in upward and downward communication.