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CS101 VU Current Assignment No. 3 Spring 2012 solution soon

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Edit This
Assignment No. 03 
Semester: Spring 2012
Introduction to Computing-CS101
Total Marks:  15

Due Date: 18-06-2012

Question No. 1 :        [ 5 * 2 = 10 marks]

Suppose following is a work sheet of MS Excel.

Apply the appropriate formulas in MS Excel using the same data given in above diagram, to find the result (same as shown in the diagram) of the below mentioned requirements and just write down the formulas in the solution file ( MS word file).

  1. Sum of Marks of all subjects
  2. Average of all Marks
  3. Highest Marks attained
  4. Total number of subjects having Grade A
  5. Sum of Marks of those subjects having Grade B

Question No. 2 :        [ 5 marks]

Write JavaScript code using “For loop” to display all the odd numbers between 1 and 100 (both inclusive). Each number should be displayed on a separate line as follows:


CS201 VU Current Assignment No. 3 Spring 2012 Solution

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Edit This
last date: 14 June 2012


// class customer

class customer{
void display();
void cus_name(char);
void cus_id(int);
void spending(int);
char getcus_name();
int getcus_id();
int getspending();
int Noname;
int cus_id=0;
int spending =0;
char cus_name;
int cus_id,spending;
cout<<"the defult constructor is called"<<endl;
customer::customer(char cus_name,int cus_id);
customer::customer(char cus_name, int cus_id, int spending)
cus_name = Noname;
cus_id = 0;
spending = 0;

void customer::display()
cout << "The customer is " << getcus_name() << "-" << getcus_id() << "-" <<spending()<< endl;

void cus_name::setcus_name(char cus_name)
cus_name = Noname;

void cus_id::setcus_is(int i)
cus_id = i;

void spending::setspending(int i)
spending= i;

int cus_name::getcus_name()
return cus_name;

int cus_id::getcus_id()
return cus_id;

int spending::getspending()
return spending;

int main()
return day;

int Date::getMonth()
return month;

int Date::getYear()
return year;

int main()
customer *cusptr;
cuspyr= new customer[3];



#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Customer
void display();void setName(char [20]);
void setCustomer_id(int i);
void setSpending(int i);int getName();
int getCustomer_id();
int getSpending();
//Customer(char[20], int, int);
//Customer(char[20], int, int);
~Customer ();
private:int FnlBill;
int customer_id;
int spending;
char name[20];friend float dis1FnlBill ( Customer ) ;
friend float dis2FnlBill ( Customer ) ;
friend float dis3FnlBill ( Customer ) ;
};// defining the constructor
// default constructor. setting the date to a default date
name= 'N' ;
customer_id = 0;
spending = 0;
// Constructors with three arguments
Customer::Customer(char thename, int thecustomer_id , int thespending)
name = thename;
customer_id = thecustomer_id;
spending = thespending;
//cout "The constructor with two arguments is called" endl ;
cout "The object has destroyed" endl;
}// The display function of the class date
void Customer::display()
cout "The date is " getName() "-" getCustomer_id() "-" getSpending()
// setting the value of the day
void Customer::setName(char[20])
name = M_ali;
// setting the value of the month
void Customer::setCustomer_id(int i)
{customer_id = i;
// setting the value of the year
void Customer::setSpending(int i)
spending = i;
// getting the value of the day
int Customer::getName()
return name;
// getting the value of the month
int Customer::getCustomer_id()
return customer_id;
// getting the value of the year
int Customer::getSpending()
return spending;
/* Main program. We will take three date objects using the three constructors
(default, two arguments and three arguments and display the date.
// Friend function definition
void FnlBill(Customer *d, int )
//d->FnlBill ; // Modify private data
// showing the use of the friend function
int main()

Customer Bill1, Bill2(a,2,3), Bill3(d,5,6); // taking objects of Date class// displaying the dates on the screen
Bill1.display();Customer *aptr; // Declared a pointer dptr to MyPointer class object
aptr = new Customer [1]; // Created 10 objects of MyDate and assigned the
// pointer to the first object to dptr pointer variable.
delete [] aptr; // Deleted (freed) the assigned memory to the objectsBill2.display();
Customer *bptr; // Declared a pointer dptr to MyPointer class object
bptr = new Customer [1]; // Created 10 objects of MyDate and assigned the
// pointer to the first object to dptr pointer variable.
delete [] bptr; // Deleted (freed) the assigned memory to the objects
char name[20];
int customer_id;
int spending;
cout "Enter Customer Name" endl;
cin >> name ;
cout "Enter Customer customer_id" endl;
cin >> customer_id ;
cout "Enter Customer spendings" endl;
cin >> spending ;Bill3.display();
Customer *cptr; // Declared a pointer dptr to MyPointer class object
cptr = new Customer [1]; // Created 10 objects of MyDate and assigned the
// pointer to the first object to dptr pointer variable.
delete [] cptr; // Deleted (freed) the assigned memory to the objects
/*float spend,;cout "Please enter total spendings " ;
cin >> spend;if ( spend < 5000 )
cout "The Bill is : " dis1FnlBill(Bill3(4,5,6)) endl;
}else if (spend => 5000 && < 10000)
cout "The Bill is : " dis2FnlBill(Bill3(4,5,6)) endl;
else if ( spend => 10000 )
cout "The Bill is : " dis3FnlBill(Bill3(4,5,6)) endl;
cout "Pleae epend some thing" endl;
Customer *cptr; // Declared a pointer dptr to MyPointer class object
cptr = new Customer [1]; // Created 10 objects of MyDate and assigned the
// pointer to the first object to dptr pointer variable.
delete [] cptr; // Deleted (freed) the assigned memory to the objects//display();*/
system ("pause");
float dis1FnlBill ( Bill3(4,5,6))
return ( (spend+(5/spend*100))-(1/spend*100)); // Addition of tax

float dis2FnlBill ( Bill3(4,5,6))
return ( (spend+(10/spend*100))-(2/spend*100)); // Addition of tax
float dis3FnlBill ( Bill3(4,5,6))
return ( (spend+(15/spend*100))-(3/spend*100)); // Addition of tax
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class Customer
void display();
void setName(int i);
void setCustomer_id(int i);
void setSpending(int i);
int getName();
int getCustomer_id();
int getSpending();
Customer(int, int , int);
~Customer ();
int FnlBill;
int customer_id;
int spending;
int name;
friend float dis1FnlBill(Customer );
friend float dis2FnlBill(Customer );
friend float dis3FnlBill(Customer );
name= 0;
customer_id = 0;
spending = 0;

Customer::Customer(int thename, int thecustomer_id , int thespending)
name = thename;
customer_id = thecustomer_id;
spending = thespending;

void Customer::display()
cout getName() getCustomer_id() getSpending();
void Customer::setName(int i)
name = i ;
void Customer::setCustomer_id(int i)
customer_id = i;
void Customer::setSpending(int i)
spending = i;

int Customer::getName()
return name;
int Customer::getCustomer_id()
return customer_id;
int Customer::getSpending()
return spending;
void FnlBill(Customer *d, int )
// d->FnlBill ; // Modify private data

int main()

Customer Bill1, Bill2(1,2,3), Bill3(4,5,6); // taking objects of Date class
Customer *aptr;
aptr = new Customer [1];
delete [] aptr;
Customer *bptr;
bptr = new Customer [1];
delete [] bptr;
int name;
int customer_id;
int spending;
cout<<"Enter Customer Name"<<endl;
cin >> name ;
cout<<"Enter Customer customer_id"<<endl;
cin >> customer_id ;
cout<<"Enter Customer spendings"<<endl;
cin >> spending ;
Customer *cptr;
cptr = new Customer [1];
delete [] cptr;
/*float spend,;
cout "Please enter total spendings " ;
cin >> spend;
if ( spend < 5000 )
cout "The Bill is : " dis1FnlBill(Bill3(4,5,6)) endl;
else if (spend => 5000 && < 10000)
cout "The Bill is : " dis2FnlBill(Bill3(4,5,6)) endl;
else if ( spend => 10000 )
cout "The Bill is : " dis3FnlBill(Bill3(4,5,6)) endl;
cout "Pleae epend some thing" endl;
Customer *cptr; // Declared a pointer dptr to MyPointer class object
cptr = new Customer [1]; // Created 10 objects of MyDate and assigned the
// pointer to the first object to dptr pointer variable.
delete [] cptr; // Deleted (freed) the assigned memory to the objects
system ("pause");
float dis1FnlBill ( Bill3(4,5,6))
return ( (spend+(5/spend*100))-(1/spend*100)); // Addition of tax
float dis2FnlBill ( Bill3(4,5,6))
return ( (spend+(10/spend*100))-(2/spend*100)); // Addition of tax
float dis3FnlBill ( Bill3(4,5,6))
return ( (spend+(15/spend*100))-(3/spend*100)); // Addition of tax

PSY101 VU Current GDB No. 2 Spring 2012 Solution soon

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Edit This
Last date: 15 June 2012

Discussion Question:
Punishment is frequently used by law enforcing organizations to decrease the likelihood of crimes in our society. Do you think that punishment is really effective in decreasing the faulty and criminal behaviors of people?

Important Instructions:
1. Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
2. The GDB will remain open for 2 working days/ 48 hours.
3. Your posted comments must NOT exceed 200 words.
4. Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students. Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.
5. Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.
6. Questions / queries related to the content of the GDB, which may be posted by the students on MDB or via e-mail, will not be replied till the due date of GDB is over.

Ø For Detailed Instructions please see the GDB Announcement

SOC101 VU Current GDB Spring 2012 - solution soon

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Edit This
SOC101 VU Current GDB Spring 2012, last date 15 June 2012

Migration shapes the demographic framework of any society. It affects the social framework as well. Mostly men migrate for economic wellbeing and stay away from their family members. In this perspective women are supposed to play a changing and significant role. Comment with logical approach.

Mgt411 VU Current GDB No. 2 Spring 2012 Solution

Thursday, June 14, 2012 Edit This
Mgt411 VU Current GDB No. 2 Spring 2012 Solution, Last Date 14 June 2012

Prices of common stock of Cement Manufacturing Association (CMA) are increasing on daily basis. New investors are more enthusiastic in purchasing the CMA’s stock due to the belief that the company’s stock prices will tend to increase more in the days to come. Hence, at present the investment in this stock will be very beneficial for them. So, with the expectation to sell this stock at higher prices in the future could give them huge gain. However, the market analysts keeping an eye on the fundamental value of CMA’s stock are of the view that the stock prices of the company are overvalued, thus not representing their true values. According to these analysts, this stock will not be able to maintain its current trend of price increase in the future and will be forced by the market mechanism to adjust its price to its fundamental value.

Considering the above scenario, do you agree that this price hike is beneficial for the country’s economy in general and for the investors in particular? Support your answer with logical reason.


An overvalued stock market will be the ultimate goal of every market participants. Everyone from the individual stock investor to the fund managers and government needed an overvalued stock market. Let us examine each and every one of them individually.

From an individual investor point of view, it is certainly not in the best interest for them to have an under-performing stock market. If the stock market persistently under performs other assets, then investors will pull out their investments from the stock market and invest in say money markets if they offer higher rates of return. So in order to prevent investors from pulling out of the market, the insiders and big money will always try to create an overvalued market.

Politicians need an overvalued stock market to gain popularity especially when election is around the corner. When the stock market is strong, no one will benefit more than the politicians. This is because when everyone is making money from the market, no one seems to care how the politicians run the economy even if they run it to the ground. The present government will surely be voted into office again even if there are corrupted to the core. The people who are able to influence the public are too occupied with making money and hence they will have less interest in who is running the country and who is being done to it. All they care is whether the market will continue going upwards.

Mutual funds managers and brokers also want an overvalued stock market because their earnings are based on commissions. Mutual fund manager’s income is based directly on the percentage of the funds valuation. The higher the valuation the more income they will receive. Mutual fund managers need an ever increasing market to keep selling their products to unsuspecting investors by telling them that the market will keep going up and making new highs.

Stock Broking firms too through their brokers always engaged in the so called ‘hyped-up selling’ of shares to their uninformed clients, telling them that every dip is an opportunity to accumulate more shares. This will nonetheless increase their earnings by doing more trades and hence more commissions.

Corporations also need an overvaluation of the stock market. The reason being most of the executives wealth are tied to their stock holdings in the company either through Employee Stock Option Scheme (ESOS) and Stock splits. So it is not in their interest to have a beat down stock market.
hope its help you.

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