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Quiz # 1 Dated: Apr 26, 11
Quiz No. 1 of IT430 will be held on 2nd May 2011 and will also remain open on 3rd May 2011, It is advised that you attempt it as early as possible once it is available to you. Lecture # 1 to 14 will be included in the quiz.
CS301 Assignment No. 2 announced
Saturday, April 30, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit This
Assignment No. 02
SEMESTER Spring 2011
CS301- Data Structures
SEMESTER Spring 2011
CS301- Data Structures
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 03/05/2011
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment does NOT open or file corrupt.
o The assignment is copied (from other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
The objective of this assignment is
o To give you some practice exercise of Binary Search Tree (BST) Data Structure.
For any query about the assignment, contact at
Consider the following sequence of numbers: [ 20, 25, 3, 4, 14, 15, 18, 12, 9, 2, 16, 19, 17 ]
- Construct Binary Search Tree (BST) [8 marks]
- Perform In-order, Pre-order and Post-order traversal [6 marks]
- Delete 15 from the above constructed BST [6 marks]
Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 12-16
Deadline: Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 03-May-2011.
Eng201 Assignment No. 2 announced
Friday, April 29, 2011 Posted In eng Edit ThisSpring 2011
Assignment # 2
Total Marks: 15
Due Date: May 04, 2011
To asses students’ understanding and to motivate them in conceptual knowledge and practical application of the subject.
1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
2. If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
3. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from different sources and to express it in your own words will be encouraged.
4. If any assignment is found copied work, no marks will be awarded and the case may be referred to the head of the department for disciplinary action.
5. No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
6. The file should be in Word doc form; the font color should be preferably black and font size can be 12 Times New Roman.
Question No.1 (10)
As a campus manager of Virtual University of Pakistan, write a letter to Director Administration of the University for the problems your campus is facing and request for the solution.
Question No.2 (5)
Make the following statements considerate:
1. When we travel on company expense, we will not receive approval for first class fare.
2. We don’t refund if the returned item is soiled or non-salable.
3. It is impossible to open an account for you today.
4. We are delighted to announce 8% interest on saving accounts.
5. We take pride to offer four different majors i.e. accounting, management, industrial management, and economics in The School of Management.
Consideration is to focus on ‘you’ Instead of ‘I’ or ‘we’; show audience Benefit or Interest in the receiver and emphasize facts positively and pleasantly.
Without Consideration:
1. We don’t accept your claim of purchased goods but we have replacement for other goods.
2. Our manager will be busy in the meeting on Monday, so he cannot meet you this time.
With Consideration:
1. Your claim for purchased goods is accepted with replacement for other goods.
2. Your appointment with the manager is scheduled on Tuesday due to an important meeting on Monday
CS304 Assignment No. 2 announced
Friday, April 29, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit ThisObject Oriented Programming (CS304)
Assignment No.2
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 6th of May, 2011
Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date
o The assignment is copied
o The assignment is in a format other than .h or .cpp file. (C++)
The objectives of this assignment are,
- Giving the idea of practical implementation of basic object oriented concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and sub typing to students.
In Assignment No.1 you developed Object Oriented Model for Topic Based Content Management System. Now you have to give its practical prototype in c++, mean you have to provide the solution of your first assignment at abstract level. Please note down that you don’t have to give actual implementation in c++ but simple stereotype (sketch) in the form of c++ code mentioning class names their parameters and functions with access specifiers you also have to show the relationship between classes in the form of inheritance, relationship among objects in the form of Aggregation, Composition, Association (where required) and also to highlight which data member or member function has “constant and/or static” in proper c++ syntax.
For example a part of your code may look like,
class Student{ char name[50]; char id[10]; public: void TakeClass(); } class GraduateStudent : public Student { Attributes and behavior of graduate student….. } |
You will write such code for your Topic Based Content Management System.
Below is the solution of first assignment. You are required to take this solution as an input (guidelines) and provide the desired solution.
Some of the attributes and functions belonging to different classes are highlighted here. You are also required to keep the part of your solution and place as data member and member function of respective class.
1. Main Objects.
Content Management System (Portal)
Study Program
2. Relationship between the objects
A Student must logon to Portal
Portal contains one or more Study Programs
A Student must select a Study Program
A Study Program is a group of more than one Course
A Course is composed of more than one lesson and more than one Topic
A Topic may contain Sub-Topics
A Topic may span for one or more Lessons
A Lesson may contains one or more Topics
A Sub Topic is “a kind” of topic
A Topic / Sub Topic can be available in HTML, PPT and PDF formats
Student should be able to Search, View, Read and Download contents
3. Attributes & Methods
Portal: (No. of Study Programs, Selected Program, Selected Course)
Study Program: (Code, Title)
Course: (ID, Name)
Student: (ID, Name)
Topic: (ID, Title, HTML File, PDF File, PPT File)
Sub Topic: (ID, Title, HTML File, PDF File, PPT File)
Lesson: (ID, Title)
Portal: Add, Remove, Select, Search, View, Print, Download
Study Program: Select, List Courses, View
Student: Logon, Select, Read
Course: Add, Select, View
Topic: Add, Remove, Select, Search, View, Print, Download
SubTopic: Add, Remove, Select, Search, View, Print, Download
Lesson: Add, Remove, Select, Search, View, Print, Download
Mgmt625 Assignment Solution HRM625
Friday, April 29, 2011 Posted In HRM , Mgmt Edit ThisSolution MGMT625 - Change Manegement
Pakistan Railway, one of the largest institutions of Pakistan is providing the transportation services all over the country. But with the passage of time it has lost its credibility and is now at the verge of closure or dismemberment.
Greiner Model of organizational evolution & revolution proposed following dimensions of organizational development that is; age of organization, size of organization, stages of evolution, and stages of revolution.
In your opinion, which dimension of Greiner Model was ignored by Pakistan Railway that hindered its development? Justify your choice within two lines.
Solution :
Stage of revolution is ignored by Pakistan Railway.
Turbulent times leading to severe upheaval of management practices – means revolution or period of revolution.
Many organisations fail during such a crisis – unable to abandon past practices have to wind-up or compromise to lower levels of growth.
The critical task for management in each revolutionary period is to find a new set of organisation.
Interestingly, the new practices sow their own seeds of decay and lead to another revolution. Therefore management sees something a solution in one time period becomes a major problem later.
Fin623 Assignment No. 1 Announcement
Friday, April 29, 2011 Posted In Fin Edit ThisSemester “Spring 2011”
“Taxation Management (FIN623)”
This is to inform Assignment No.1 (covering video lecture no. 1 to lecture no 19) will be uploaded on VULMS according to the following schedule
Opening Date and Time
2nd May , 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time
5th May , 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Mgt602 Online Quiz No. 2 Announced
Friday, April 29, 2011 Posted In MGT Edit ThisOn-Line Quiz no.02
Enterpreneurship (MGT602)
Quiz will cover video lecture no. 1 to 17
Opening Date and time April 29 2011
Closing Date and time April 03 2011
Mgmt627 Assignment No. 1
Friday, April 29, 2011 Posted In HRM , Mgmt Edit ThisAssignment No. 01 Marks: 15
Suppose that you have been hired as a project manager to build up a university campus. It is located near Lahore costing 100 million rupees. You have been instructed to get it completed in maximum one year period. Govt funding agency gave you assurance regarding provision of funds after the formal acceptance of project proposal.
You are required to prepare 1-2 page(s) internal project proposal.
Your project proposal should cover the following areas.
Major risks
An estimate of the resources
Time required.
Please be specific and to the point.
Max words limit 500
Mth202 Assignment No. 2 Solution
Thursday, April 28, 2011 Posted In Mth Edit ThisAssignment#2 of MTH202
Question 1; Mark: 5
From a group of 50 girls, 16 are taking Biology, 25 are taking Urdu and seven are in both classes,
i. How many girls are in neither class?
Question 2; Marks: 10
Determine whether the relation represented by the directed graph given below is reflexive, irreflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric and transitive. (Justify your answer against each property)
Fin630 Online Quiz No. 1 Announced
Thursday, April 28, 2011 Posted In Fin Edit This“Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Fin630)”
This is to inform that Quiz No.1 (covering video lecture no. 01 to lecture no 16)
will be uploaded on VULMS according to the following schedule
Opening Date and Time
April 28th ,2011 At 12:01 A.M.(Mid-Night)
Closing Date and Time
April 29th, 2011 At 11:59 P.M.(Mid-Night)
24 hours extra time is not available
For past SOLVED Online Quizzes, please visit VUsolutions Past Online Quizzes
Mkt501 Assignment No. 1 solution
Thursday, April 28, 2011 Posted In Mkt Edit ThisSemester “Spring 2011”
“Marketing Management (MKT501)”
Assignment No. 01 Marks: 20
“Case Study”
Right Marketing Mix Combination Framework: Analytical Tool to understand the
success or failure of a brand There has been a simple secret to success in marketing and that is designing and developing right marketing mix combination for any product offered by any business. Generally it is advocated that if a right product is delivered to a right customer at a right price and at a right place and supported by right promotion it succeeds to win customer. Some practitioners and theorists in marketing believe that mainly the time factor makes the four Ps right which is partially true because time is not the whole but a partial factor. What actually makes marketing mix combination right? This is known to marketing students and practitioners that marketing mix is the combination of four Ps of product, price, place & promotion which if match with their corresponding four Cs of customer solution, customer affordability, customer convenience and customer communication result in right marketing mix combination.
It is clear from the introductory paragraph that if for any market offering marketers develop 4Ps according to 4Cs then success is guaranteed. And failure to match 4Ps with 4Cs may lead to the failure of a brand/market offering. We all know that each P of marketing mix has further parts and details which fulfill different needs and sub needs of a customer. Here we are not concerned with the details of four Ps rather our sole intention is to use right marketing mix combination as a framework to analyze the causes of success and failure of a brand/ market offering. Following is the concept of Right Marketing Mix Combination Framework:
Right Marketing Mix Combination Framework:
Product Customer Solution
Price Customer Affordability
Place Customer Convenience
Promotion Customer Communication
Question is this that what is presented in the table above is not new except its title as it is being used by theorists and practitioners in marketing after this idea was presented by James Culliton in 1948, then what is new? In fact this framework is being used in a new way as an analysis tool to understand the success and failure of a brand/market offering.
How to use?
Any product or brand or market offering which needs to be analyzed it should be selected one by one to be tested on each P vs C criterion to judge whether each P matches with its corresponding C or not. If all Ps match with all corresponding Cs then it means from marketing point of view product is a success and if the case is otherwise then reason of failure will be obvious.
Now to better understand the things we first take the examples of some failed and then some successful brands/market offerings. Candia a brand of drinking milk introduced by then CDL (Now Haleeb Foods) under the license of a European company in plastic bottle but it failed soon after its introduction. If we try to know the reason by applying the framework we will do it as follows:
1. Was product right? or was it as per the solution customer was looking for?
Analysis shows that Candia’s color was not as white as Pakistani customers expect and its packaging was also not liked. Second it was positioned as drinking milk whereas in Pakistan milk is considered a multi functional product so product was not right as it was not as per the solution customer was looking for.
2. Was price right? or Was it affordable for the customer or customer was ready to pay? Analysis shows that Candia was priced higher than other premium quality milk brands which was not justified given its product and rejected by customers. So its price was not right.
3. Was promotion right? or Was its message effectively communicated to the customer? Analysis shows that Candia’s message was well communicated so its promotion was right.
4. Was place right? Or was it distributed as per the convenience of customers?
Analysis shows that it was easily available so its distribution was also right.
Conclusion: Above discussion is the example of application of Right Marketing Mix combination Framework by which the reason of failure of a brand we have come to know and corrective measures can be taken to make offering right.
You are required to select any brand of a known company which has failed in the past and analyze it under the light of “Right Marketing Mix Combination Framework” discussed in the above short article. Aim of your analysis should be to identify the actual reason(s) of failure of that brand along with complete facts and figures available to you i.e. the source of information.
You are also required to advise corrective actions which could have been taken by the company to avoid the failure.
Important Tips
1. This Assignment can be best attempted from the knowledge acquired after
watching video lecture no. 1 to lecture no 15 and reading handouts as well as
recommended text book).
2. Video lectures can be downloaded for free from Online VU Lectures.
Opening Date and Time Apr 25, 2011 At 12:01 A.M. (Mid-Night)
Due Date and Time Apr 28, 2011 At 11:59 P.M. (Mid-Night)
Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the above mentioned due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.
Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.
• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been uploaded by the instructor.
Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
• Use black and blue font colors only.
Solution guidelines:
• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search “APA reference style” in Google and read various website containing information for better understanding or visit
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an
analytical assignment.
• Give the answer according to question, there will be negative marking
for irrelevant material.
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but
watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc…
Price VS Customers AffordabilityPrice is not high it was same its competitors but there is lack of call and sms packages
Promotion right VS customer communication
Analysis shows that almost all the people using mobile know this company and its advertisement and massage is well defined.
Place VS Customer convenienceTarget market and place of promotion also right. Paktel connections are available from all market.
Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola stormed into the market. Advertising was minimal in Pakistan as compared to its competition. RC Cola was being sued by different organizations internationally so it lowered its investment in the sub-continent. RC finally stopped production somewhere in the early 90s. RC Cola failed in Pakistan because of its poor attention given towards the ad campaign. Even in Pakistan people used to drink RC Cola and they really liked it, but it’s all about many years ago in 1970's n 80'smay be because there was no other cola at that time. When other colas came they advertised and they did it so well that people were attracted towards them.
It is also about how u presents it, the looks of the product. RC Cola's bottle is not appealing and the regular one specially looks so thin, it seems as if it has less drink inside that is why the drink has reached its decline and rejection now in Pakistan. It is possible for them to rise again through the proper attention towards the advertising and the outlook of the product. It should be
appealing and beautiful, it should be trendy. That is what it needs and right advertising at the right time can do a lot, It needs to know the important about how can we market a product in a way that it can give a fashionable and trendy impact on the people.
A new marketing mix should be applied on the brand:
1) Product:
Some modifications will be done with the shape of the bottle specially the regular bottle because it seems to be thin and having lower volume compared to other cola-drink bottles. Just two categories will be launched, which will be RC Cola and Diet RC Cola to make the produced more focused. RC Cola has a unique crisp and clean taste and its consistent with its flavor no matter where you buy it. It has a refreshingly great taste even if it is not cold.
2) Price:
Following factors RC Cola should keep in mind while determining the pricing strategy. Price should be set according to the product demand of public. Price should be that which gives the company maximum revenue. Price should not be too low or too high than the price competitor is charging from their customers otherwise nobody will buy their product. Price must be keeping the view of their target market. Incentive to Retailers will be given in the shape of:Following factors RC Cola should keep in mind while determining the pricing strategy.
Price should be set according to the product demand of public. Price should be that which gives the company maximum revenue. Price should not be too low or too high than the price competitor is charging from their customers otherwise nobody will buy their product. Price must be keeping the view of their target market. Incentive to Retailers will be given in the shape of:
Deep Freezer, Return Tickets, Free Transportation Services. Incentive to Dealers will also be given like, The best dealer of the year is awarded with a brand new Suzuki Pickup. The second best is awarded with Motor Cycle. The third best is awarded with Return Ticket to Middle East. RC Cola will give special offers to consumers on special occasions like Ramadan and Eid days instead of decreasing the price of the products, some special packs like Pakkora Mix, ChatMassala, or Free Drinks with Liter Bottles are offered.
3) Place:
We will use push strategy for our product by using various promotional tactics and through media. Distribution will be divided in zonal basis, which will be 5 in number. We will directly approach retailer by providing credit facility and bonus in form of incentives. We will also provide trade allowances to our distributors and retailer to further intensify usage of push strategy. Other than these some special points are also being looked after by direct sales vehicles such hotels restaurants, public parks, big and reputed super stores etc. At Avari, Pearl continental, village, Seas magnificence etc. RC Cola directly distributes the products.
4) Promotion:
Comparative parity method will be used in which RC Cola will be telecasted with the competition in Coca Cola and Pepsi which are its direct competitors. Frequency of the RC Cola ads will vary from time to time. When the season comes RC Cola will do heavy advertisement especially in Ramdan days or Eid occasions etc.
( i) BTL:
A successful BTL advertisement program can be their most effective means of increasing consumer awareness, trial, and actual product purchases in Pakistan. BTL activities can be done in different shopping malls and crowded places
( ii) ATL:
Top newspapers of the country like Dawn and Jung will be used to advertise the print ads as well as youth magazines will also be used to capture the interests of the target market. Different youth related competitions can be organized in BTL activities in which winners can be rewarded with RC Cola merchandizes.
TVcommercials will be used to advertiser the brand and the frequency of ads will be greater specially on youth channels like Play TV, Aag, Mtv, G kaboom, Oxygene, etc. The theme of the first re-launching ad will be including like all the shots from the previous ads of the brand in black and white and then show youth related scenes and especially adventurous scenes as whole advertising campaign will be done on the theme of adventure.
Surveys will be conducted in which young individuals will be asked which are those radio channels which they like to listen more. Radio spots will be used to advertise on those selected radio channels.
Billboards will be used to advertise on roads and buildings of highly dense areas and gorilla marketing will be used to directly strike the emotions of the target audience. Online advertisement will also be used, ads will be published through all the famous social networking websites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, etc.
Question # 1:
As a marketing manager, what are the external factors you should consider in order
to make this product successful in the market? (10 Marks)
Whether launching a new product or a major new version of an existing product, the
biggest factors determining success actually take shape way before the product gets
launched. As with any product in a market, to find big success (or any success at all), a
number of things must all happen right and come together on launch day:
The product must be high-quality, rock-solid and actually deliver the value
promised so customers actually get the benefits they are seeking. This is critical
and must actually be verified with early customer testing and validation.
The product must be taken to market through high-volume, competitive routes to
Products must meet a market’s needs better than the competition and customer
Go-to-market engine must buy into the product early and allocate resources to it
and sales absolutely must have early success at selling the product. If the product
isn’t really ready for prime time it is dead. And get this, because it’s supercritical.
Pre-launch market condition must create enough awareness with both prospective
customers and sales channels. That this new product is coming to enable the
product to gain enough early mindshare and traction that leads to both actual
proof and social proof that the product is ready for the market.
Question # 2:
As a marketing manager, explain the product decisions you should make in order to
be successful in the market? (10 Marks)
Seek differentiated, superior products
Plan and resource the market launch
Build tough go/kill decision points into your process
Build an international orientation into your new product process
Build in the voice of the customer
Up-front homework pays off
Organize around true cross-functional projects teams
Demand sharp, stable and early product definition
Today we discuss failure of Paktel communication company in Pakistan and also compare the 4p,s with 4C,s. there are lot of reasons for the failure of the company like noise in call, coverage problem, network down problem. China bought this company and renovates this company. But failure of this company in Pakistan has several reasons.
Product VS Customers Solutions
Analysis shows that Paktel connection has low signals and not has much coverage in Pakistan. Its competitors are strong and providing the same facilities with sale rate and better quality.
Analysis shows that Paktel connection has low signals and not has much coverage in Pakistan. Its competitors are strong and providing the same facilities with sale rate and better quality.
Price VS Customers AffordabilityPrice is not high it was same its competitors but there is lack of call and sms packages
Promotion right VS customer communication
Analysis shows that almost all the people using mobile know this company and its advertisement and massage is well defined.
Place VS Customer convenienceTarget market and place of promotion also right. Paktel connections are available from all market.
So analysis of 4P,s vs 4C,s shows that the failure of Paktel company is quality of communication which are failed. There is lot of noise during call and also disconnection of call occurs. A lot of places and cities of Pakistan is not covered by Paktel.
China bought this company and establishes it with new name as Zong. Now Zong is going toward boom of industry and providing a lot of quality service to their valued customer
RC cola was a very famous drink in Pakistan. It was widely known all over the Pakistan since the time of its arrival in the sub- continent which was the 70s having the same popularity like Coca Cola and Pepsi today. RC Cola was being sued by different organizations internationally so it lowered its investment in the sub-continent and in 90s; RC cola started to fade away due to some issues and stopped its production in Pakistan. RC Cola is currently not operating in Pakistan and if RC Cola wants to re launch in Pakistan, it may face strong competitors like Coca Cola and Pepsi is ruling the cola market here in Pakistan.
Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola stormed into the market. Advertising was minimal in Pakistan as compared to its competition. RC Cola was being sued by different organizations internationally so it lowered its investment in the sub-continent. RC finally stopped production somewhere in the early 90s. RC Cola failed in Pakistan because of its poor attention given towards the ad campaign. Even in Pakistan people used to drink RC Cola and they really liked it, but it’s all about many years ago in 1970's n 80'smay be because there was no other cola at that time. When other colas came they advertised and they did it so well that people were attracted towards them.
It is also about how u presents it, the looks of the product. RC Cola's bottle is not appealing and the regular one specially looks so thin, it seems as if it has less drink inside that is why the drink has reached its decline and rejection now in Pakistan. It is possible for them to rise again through the proper attention towards the advertising and the outlook of the product. It should be
appealing and beautiful, it should be trendy. That is what it needs and right advertising at the right time can do a lot, It needs to know the important about how can we market a product in a way that it can give a fashionable and trendy impact on the people.
A new marketing mix should be applied on the brand:
1) Product:
Some modifications will be done with the shape of the bottle specially the regular bottle because it seems to be thin and having lower volume compared to other cola-drink bottles. Just two categories will be launched, which will be RC Cola and Diet RC Cola to make the produced more focused. RC Cola has a unique crisp and clean taste and its consistent with its flavor no matter where you buy it. It has a refreshingly great taste even if it is not cold.
2) Price:
Following factors RC Cola should keep in mind while determining the pricing strategy. Price should be set according to the product demand of public. Price should be that which gives the company maximum revenue. Price should not be too low or too high than the price competitor is charging from their customers otherwise nobody will buy their product. Price must be keeping the view of their target market. Incentive to Retailers will be given in the shape of:Following factors RC Cola should keep in mind while determining the pricing strategy.
Price should be set according to the product demand of public. Price should be that which gives the company maximum revenue. Price should not be too low or too high than the price competitor is charging from their customers otherwise nobody will buy their product. Price must be keeping the view of their target market. Incentive to Retailers will be given in the shape of:
Deep Freezer, Return Tickets, Free Transportation Services. Incentive to Dealers will also be given like, The best dealer of the year is awarded with a brand new Suzuki Pickup. The second best is awarded with Motor Cycle. The third best is awarded with Return Ticket to Middle East. RC Cola will give special offers to consumers on special occasions like Ramadan and Eid days instead of decreasing the price of the products, some special packs like Pakkora Mix, ChatMassala, or Free Drinks with Liter Bottles are offered.
3) Place:
We will use push strategy for our product by using various promotional tactics and through media. Distribution will be divided in zonal basis, which will be 5 in number. We will directly approach retailer by providing credit facility and bonus in form of incentives. We will also provide trade allowances to our distributors and retailer to further intensify usage of push strategy. Other than these some special points are also being looked after by direct sales vehicles such hotels restaurants, public parks, big and reputed super stores etc. At Avari, Pearl continental, village, Seas magnificence etc. RC Cola directly distributes the products.
4) Promotion:
Comparative parity method will be used in which RC Cola will be telecasted with the competition in Coca Cola and Pepsi which are its direct competitors. Frequency of the RC Cola ads will vary from time to time. When the season comes RC Cola will do heavy advertisement especially in Ramdan days or Eid occasions etc.
( i) BTL:
A successful BTL advertisement program can be their most effective means of increasing consumer awareness, trial, and actual product purchases in Pakistan. BTL activities can be done in different shopping malls and crowded places
( ii) ATL:
Top newspapers of the country like Dawn and Jung will be used to advertise the print ads as well as youth magazines will also be used to capture the interests of the target market. Different youth related competitions can be organized in BTL activities in which winners can be rewarded with RC Cola merchandizes.
TVcommercials will be used to advertiser the brand and the frequency of ads will be greater specially on youth channels like Play TV, Aag, Mtv, G kaboom, Oxygene, etc. The theme of the first re-launching ad will be including like all the shots from the previous ads of the brand in black and white and then show youth related scenes and especially adventurous scenes as whole advertising campaign will be done on the theme of adventure.
Surveys will be conducted in which young individuals will be asked which are those radio channels which they like to listen more. Radio spots will be used to advertise on those selected radio channels.
Billboards will be used to advertise on roads and buildings of highly dense areas and gorilla marketing will be used to directly strike the emotions of the target audience. Online advertisement will also be used, ads will be published through all the famous social networking websites like Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, etc.
Question # 1:
As a marketing manager, what are the external factors you should consider in order
to make this product successful in the market? (10 Marks)
Whether launching a new product or a major new version of an existing product, the
biggest factors determining success actually take shape way before the product gets
launched. As with any product in a market, to find big success (or any success at all), a
number of things must all happen right and come together on launch day:
The product must be high-quality, rock-solid and actually deliver the value
promised so customers actually get the benefits they are seeking. This is critical
and must actually be verified with early customer testing and validation.
The product must be taken to market through high-volume, competitive routes to
Products must meet a market’s needs better than the competition and customer
Go-to-market engine must buy into the product early and allocate resources to it
and sales absolutely must have early success at selling the product. If the product
isn’t really ready for prime time it is dead. And get this, because it’s supercritical.
Pre-launch market condition must create enough awareness with both prospective
customers and sales channels. That this new product is coming to enable the
product to gain enough early mindshare and traction that leads to both actual
proof and social proof that the product is ready for the market.
Question # 2:
As a marketing manager, explain the product decisions you should make in order to
be successful in the market? (10 Marks)
Seek differentiated, superior products
Plan and resource the market launch
Build tough go/kill decision points into your process
Build an international orientation into your new product process
Build in the voice of the customer
Up-front homework pays off
Organize around true cross-functional projects teams
Demand sharp, stable and early product definition

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