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Mgt613 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
paper was very easy.most MCQ was from past papers only two was news.
NEW MCQ (Which of the following behaviors is exhibited by a time series having an up-and-down movement in a variable that repeats itself over a long period of time?
Boost in productivity can not be achieved if one of the following situation occurs)
What is flexible manufacturing system? Why it should be used in organizations?
Standardization in certain instances is not a feasible option. What are the reasons behind this?
How the reliability can be measured also provide some example.
Elaborate the distinction between product layout and process layout?
ACC501 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisACC501 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
1: Dividend payout and retention ratio and their relationship
2: Bond Theorism ........
3: How does Bond price fluctuate with the change of interest rate?
4:FV calculation ? when principal was 12000 and 9% interest rate four years investment period
CS607 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS607 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
New MCQs
Progressive deepening guarantees to find the solution at a minimum depth like
In Adversarial search the goals of the adversaries are usually ___________ to each other
Which Cycle does the following figure show?
Your browser may not support display of this image.
AI Cycle
Design Cycle
To infer new information from semantic networks, we can ask questions from nodes.
Which one is not the application area of expert system?
An expert system is different from conventional programs in the sense that program control and knowledge are ___________.
Which one of the following is involved in an ES development project:
The domain expert
The knowledge engineer
The end user
All of the given
Semantic networks are computationally expensive at __________
Run time
Compile Time
Start Time
End Time
What is backward chaining?(2)
What is the difference between beam and best first search?(2)
Differentiate briefly and precisely between 'Structural knowledge' and 'Shallow knowledge'?(2)
Out of different general components of an artificial intelligent system/AI cycle which component is best suitable for a situation in which an artificial intelligent system wants to get information from its environment? Also tell that which kind of information it can get?(3)
Out of human experts and expert system, which one do you think is better in terms of cost? Also explain why.(3)
Write down all the steps involved in backward chaining approach.(5)
In Genetic algorithm if we use only crossover and not mutation then does it make any hurdle in finding our desired solution or not? Give reason to support your answer?(5)
HRM628 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisHRM628 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
MCQz was from past papers
and QS are:
Difference btween external and entarnal cossultant at the stage of enterning(5 marks)
describe sharing,eveluating,rewarded in od organization(5 marks)
disadvantages of internal pratitioner
Ik action research ky bary me tha or ik gamesmanship mode (3,3 marks k)
Mgt503 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt503 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Total questions was 32, MCQs were 28 and 4 long question. MCQs was mostly from old paper.
Which of the following is NOT one of Fredrick Taylor's four principles of management?
► Avoid cooperation with workers page no16
► Scientifically select and then train workers
► Divide work and responsibility
► Study tasks scientifically and develop best method to perform it
Ali is a Branch Manager at Mutual Saving Bank. If he is an average middle manager, which of the following management activities is he likely to spend the greatest amount of time?
► Planning
► Controlling
► Leading
► Organizing
Who stands responsible for managing contingent situations?
۩ Spokesperson
۩ Monitor
۩ Leader
۩ Disturbance handler
Explain programmed decision making. 3
"A organization cannot work effective until the open system use" are u agree this statement? 03
What is system theory and how it works? (05) Answer page number 25
What are the unique characteristics that emphasize the significance of rational decision making? 05
According to the rational model of decision making, managers engage in completely rational decision processes, ultimately make optimal decisions, and possess and understand allinformation relevant to their decisions at the time they make them. including all possible alternatives and all potential outcomes and ramifications
identifying a problem.
identifying the decision criteria.
allocating weights to the criteria
involves developing alternatives
analyzing alternatives.
involves selecting an alternative
choosing a course of action and implementing the alternative
involves evaluating the decision effectiveness
Managerial decision making is assumed to be rational; that is, choices that is consistent and value maximizing within specified constraints. The assumptions of rationality are summarized below.
a These assumptions are problem clarity (the problem is clear and unambiguous); goal orientation (a single, well-defined goal is to be achieved); known options (all alternatives and consequences are known); clear preferences; constant preferences (preferences are constant and stable); no time or cost constraints; and maximum pay off.
Mgt510 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt510 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Explain Shewhart's concept of quality. 3
What processes are involved in quality control? 3
What benefits are derived from the use of mutually beneficial supplier relationship and process approach by an organization? 3
On what basis is the Deming prize awarded to companies ? Elaborate your answer with the help of an example? 5
What are the factors that affect the performance of an employee within a system? 5
Total 27 Questions
5 theory question 3 question of 3 marks and 2 question of 5 marks
Mth202 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMth202 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Total questions:
> > MCQ's:20
> > Short ques:3
> > Long ques:3
> > 2 question 2 marks
> > 1 Q 3 MARKS
> > And three Q5 marks
> > 10 mcq's from sets portion
> > 6 mcq's from logic portion and relation
> > 1 mcq's from functions
> > 3 mcq from series
> > 1 short Q is about range and domain 2 marks
> > 1 Q is find anti-symmetric and transition of given
> R.2
> > marks
> > 1 is series find and an=59,d=7,a=3.5 marks
> > Which is the term of the
> > series{(1*4),(2*7),(3*10).........} 5 marks.
> > 1 is Cartesian product of a and b set and a*b and b*a
> find
> > and give your view that is equal. 5
> > marks.a={1,3,5,10},b={1,6,9,7}
> >
> > 1 is about* find G.p* and data nahi pata
Mgt503 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt503 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Q.1: Objectives are normally multiple. What objectives a university may have? (marks 10)
Q.2: Describe how motivators and hygiene factors would be used by the manager to motivate employees. How do employees differ in their response to hygiene factors versus motivators.(marks 10)
Q.3: Effective interpersonal communication is very important for organizations but there are some certain barriers .In your opinion, what are the possible ways to overcome these barriers.(marks 5)
Q.4: Explain three types of leadership styles described by Kurt Lewin.(marks 3)
Another Paper:
total question is 32
28 mcqz(95%in past papers)
Q1:define bounded rationality and satisfaction?(3 marks)
Q2:one scenario with question of desicion making is depicted in this senario?(3marks)
-define garbage can model and incremental model?(5marks)
desion making and desion taking are dissimilar?(5marks)
Mgt301 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt301 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Subjective Question
Question # 1: what are the initial three levels? when a producer is going to launch a new product in the market?
Question # 2: what is secondary data? what are the problems in gathering the secondary data?
Question # 3: Differentiate between idea generation and idea screening?
Question # 4: Differentiate among culture, subculture and society
Another Paper:
1. How do the personally traits effect the way people purchase items ….explain with example
2. How to implement positioning strategy
3. What do you know about marketing research and describe the 4 step in marketing research process
4. Difference between demographics and geographic segmentation
CS101 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS101 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
20 MCQS & 20 marks subjective
were almost all new, conceptual +JavaScript and HTML
Subjective Part
2questions (2marks)
2 questions (3marks)
2 questions(5marks)
These are the questions which i remember
Q.1: An HTML coding was given and we had to correct that. (2marks)
Q.2: How to declare undefined in javascirpt (2marks)
Q.3: Write an HTML code with TEXTAREA , COLS 50, ROWS 6 (3marks)
Q.4: What are the three parameters for selcting a programming language (3marks)
Q.5: detailed note on Event-driven programing (5 marks)
Q.6: Usage of radio buttons and check boxes (5 marks)
Another Paper:
20 MCQs were from past papers and subjective ques are as follows:
1. Write html tag for form with its attributes.(2)
2. Password ka html code tha use correct karke likhna tha (mujhe pura ques yaad nahi hai).(2)
2. How to check an algorithm.(3)
3. Give one key weakness of following programming languages: FORTRAN,Pascal,C++ (3)
4. How Operating System can be viewed as Resource Manager.(5)
5. Programming technique for occurence of Events.How it works. (5)
STA301 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisSTA301 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
total question 23
16 MCQs
3 question of 2 marks , 2 question of 3 marks and 2 question of 5 marks
5 find the co-efficient of S.D
5 find the K value
2 or 3 question about average
why we use average as central tendency?3
little MCQs came from old papers
Another PAPER:
16 mcqs where in paper.
Mostly mcqs where from the topics of:
statistics definition,
univariate frequency table,
random variables.
Geometric mean (2 or 3 mcqs)
questions of 2 marks:
Two equations of straight line for X and Y.
Calculate b1 while the values of m1, m2, m3 and m4 where given.
questions of 3 marks:
definition of mutually exclusive events with the example.
Calculation of variance while the values where given.
Question of 5 marks:
Through Chebechev's equation inequality calculate then interval while the values of K, standard deviation and mean where given
Another PAPER:
13MCQs in which half
was new and half was old mostly of events mcqs.
Define Dispersion.(2)
Find the cofficent of Standard Devation in the given data .(3)
1 detalid question of Fit Regsn line of Y on X(. Marks 5)
Ek 5 marks ka ajeeb o garib sa qustn tha jo k solve nhi kia
Mgt502 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt502 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
29)What assumptions are held by a theory Y manager?(3)
30)Using multiple channels in communication is a way to make sure that message is properly conveyed. Do you agree or not?(3)
31)Suppose you are HR manager of a Company that has a chain of restaurant all over the Pakistan. At your restaurant every employee is assigned a specific task like one person serves drinks and soups, one person serves the vegetables and one person has the duty of dish washing everyday. Every person has got specialization in his task, however tardiness and absenteeism has increased. Which strategy of job redesign will help the workers to enhance their motivation level? Give logical reasons to support you answer.(5)
32)Social loafing is a threat to group effectiveness. How can a manager avoid social loafing?(5)
Another PAPER:
Duration of the paper was 60 minutes
Total 32 questions {28MCQs, 2(3marks) & 2(5marks)}
How can leaders improve group's productivity....(3)
Perception Error...(3)
How manager's should make incentive plan in Maslow's hierarchy of need...(5)
Group think and and its effects...(5)
Another Paper:
shot q
1)define communication and y it is important for manger?
2)how goal is more enhaced
1) write diffent styles of decsion makeing?
2) importance of team in an organzaition
Mgt101 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisMgt101 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
28 mcqs and 4 ques
1) Prepare T account for Accounts Receivable for date i dont remeber (5 marks)
Cash collected 585000
Total Sale 515062
Cash Sales 25% of total Sale
Balance of A/r Rec May 31 2011 55950
Amount NOTnot recvd from Debtors 2500
2)Prepare T account for cash a/c (3 marks)
Balance 50000
Total receipt 500000
Total Payments 480000
Discount Received 1570
Third was closing stock value by weighted average method.(5 marks) it was easy
Fourth was book value and profit on sale (3 marks)
IT430 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisIT430 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
total questions 23..........
16 mcqs........
3 questions of 2 marks........
2 questions of 3 marks........
2 questions of 5 marks..........
total marks 38..........
subjective questions...........
[list][*]what is ERP name its softwares?[*]as a junior administrator which technique of firewall would u use to restrict ur workers not to open other
websites?[*][size="4"]logical opera...
Another Paper:
Total Questions 23
MCQs 16
3 questions of 2 marks
2 questions of 3 marks
2 questions of 5 marks
Subjective part was easy. Questions as below;
What is the use of 'marquee' tag? 2
Why the tag 'padding' is used in CSS. 2
HTML Coding for a creating a drop down list. 3
How would you differentiate between request and Response? 3
What is the difference between Viruses and Worms? 5
HTML Coding including Style Sheet Classes and cell padding. 5
HRM628 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisHRM628 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
total 27 Questions thy
22 were MCQz and remaining Question , 3 (3 marks) & 2 (5 marks)
MCQz 1-10 lessons mein se thy almost lesson 4 (process model, action research model, expertise model) mien se 4-5 mcq hon gy
Q:Action research k last 3 stages detail se batatyein (5 marks)
Q: Diagnose ka aik question tha
Q: OD practitioner aur orgnization member ko differentiate kaise ker sakty hain
CS610 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS610 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
ll mcqs were from past papers.
total 23 questions.
2 were of 5 marks
2 were of 3
and i think 3 were of 2 marks!
Todays paper was very easy.
you are a network administrator of a company whihc have 120 computers so which WAN techonology do u want to implement in your organization.(5)
Identifier of Virtual channel(3)
one was about physical addressing in can explain this address(1,5)
Another PAPER:
8 subjuctive questions
1 ptcl provide connection oriented service? if yes then prove with exampls 5 mrks
2 WAN routing
3 network using four bridges how to manage broadcasting problem.
4 Thick net
baqi yad nei hain
16 mcqs
CS506 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS506 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
What is advantage of collection over array?[2]
Which method of ResultMetaData objective is used to return the seggested value to coulmn label for printout?[2]
If a method is declared in protected where it can be accessable?[2]
What will happen if class implemented WindowListner interface and provideds its defination of only one method? [3]
State the name of the class with which Window like container can be declared for GUI and animation based Web application. And explain it. [3]
Write down the steps of make Client on Java Client Server application. [5]
Whatdoes it mean that a method or class is abstract? [5]
CS410 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 ( virtual university of paksitan
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS410 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 (
t is sometimes more efficient for an application to draw directly in a window without relying on the WM_PAINT message. How this task can be accomplished (i.e. how can we draw in a window directly without using WM_PAINT message)? (5)
Write down a C/C++ program that has 2 functions. One takes four integer variables as parameters and returns their sum and the other also takes 4 integers as argument and returns their multiplication. Also write 2 macros that perform the same tasks as these functions perform.(5)
How can I use the CopyTo method of the Windows Forms controls collection to copy controls into an array? (3)
How Windows keep track of the files?(3)
Can you write a class without specifying namespace? Which namespace does it belong to by default?(2)
"In the GDI environment there are two working spaces", Name these two. (2)
CS408 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS408 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 (
Total Questions : 26 (20 MCQ and rest are below)
Q. Define Attention 2 marks
Q. Being a researcher why you need of literature review?2 marks
Q. If People are free to let their imagination run free as long as the mental models they developed, then why do people use erroneous mental models? 3 marks
Q. How star lifecycle model is different from Water fall model and RAD model in repect to ordering activities. 3 marks
Q. Speech input and their limitation. 5 marks
Q. You are a software engineer. What do you mean by lifecycle model and why they are used in software development?5 marks
CS302 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 (
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS302 VU Midterm current papers Fall 2011 (
Q:1 Draw function table of an half adder circut? (2)
Q:2 What is diffrence b/w BCD to decimal decoder and binary 4-to-16 bit decoder? (2)
Q;3 Explain major use of decoder circuts? (3)
Q:4 PALS comes in different configurations and are identified by a unique number,identify parts of this number? (5)
Q:5 One of the ABEL entry method uses logic equation.explain atleast two example? (5)
CS201 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit This
CS201 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
20 Mcqs
Write the output of the following code segment: 2marks
Question 22: 2marks
Write the syntax for closing a file "thisFile.txt" associated with the file handler my file.
Question 23: 3 marks
What is the output of following code snippet? 3marks
Int array[7], sum=0
For(int i=0; i<7;i++)
Question 24: 5marks
If p and q are pointers to int and n is an int, which of the following are legal and which are the following are illegal statements? And why?
and 2 question more….
1.To Which category of the software "Compiler and Interpreter" belongs?
2.What is the result of the expression x = 2 + 3 * 4 – 4 / 2?
3-Which header file must be included while handling files?
4-What is meant by C++ statement: const int *ptr = &x;
5_what is the difference strcpy function and strncpy function?
6-write a program in which swaps two number without using third variable?
bitwise operator use
mostly mcqs is related to identify error in the program
todays paper CS-201:
Q.1. write a C statement to store word "Pakistan" by using character array and by using character pointer seperately .
Q.2. write a program which takes input 5 integers from the user, stores them in an array and by using pointer airthmatic displays thier squares on the screen. i.e if the 5 integers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the output should be 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 .
Q.3. write a C statement for a structure Inventory, having 3 elements namely stock, price, quantity.
Q.4. Trace out the mistakes in the given code (if any), correct it and give reason
main{ }
int x = 10;
const int *ptr = &x;
*ptr = 5;
cout << ptr;
Q.5. write a c statement for a structure of a triangle having 3 elements namely base, altitude and hypoteneus.
20 Mcqs
Write the output of the following code segment: 2marks
Question 22: 2marks
Write the syntax for closing a file "thisFile.txt" associated with the file handler my file.
Question 23: 3 marks
What is the output of following code snippet? 3marks
Int array[7], sum=0
For(int i=0; i<7;i++)
Question 24: 5marks
If p and q are pointers to int and n is an int, which of the following are legal and which are the following are illegal statements? And why?
and 2 question more….
1.To Which category of the software "Compiler and Interpreter" belongs?
2.What is the result of the expression x = 2 + 3 * 4 – 4 / 2?
3-Which header file must be included while handling files?
4-What is meant by C++ statement: const int *ptr = &x;
5_what is the difference strcpy function and strncpy function?
6-write a program in which swaps two number without using third variable?
bitwise operator use
mostly mcqs is related to identify error in the program
todays paper CS-201:
Q.1. write a C statement to store word "Pakistan" by using character array and by using character pointer seperately .
Q.2. write a program which takes input 5 integers from the user, stores them in an array and by using pointer airthmatic displays thier squares on the screen. i.e if the 5 integers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the output should be 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 .
Q.3. write a C statement for a structure Inventory, having 3 elements namely stock, price, quantity.
Q.4. Trace out the mistakes in the given code (if any), correct it and give reason
main{ }
int x = 10;
const int *ptr = &x;
*ptr = 5;
cout << ptr;
Q.5. write a c statement for a structure of a triangle having 3 elements namely base, altitude and hypoteneus.
cs401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thiscs401 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Q1: wirte INstruction to Set ES register for vedio memory.
Q2: Define ROR
Q3: STOSB STOSW, Difine it
Q4: Define Parit, Carry O , A flags
Q5: write name and function of String Instruction
CS 506 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit ThisCS 506 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Which function invoked Ist?
(1)Paint() (2) paintChildren() (3)paintBorder() (4)paintContent()
Socket is a ……..communication chanel between
(1)uni directional (2)bi directional (3)multidirectional (4)none of above
Which method invoke by AWT repaint?
(1)paint() (2)repaint() (3)draw() (4)redraw
A variable declare static in class is
(1)instant variable (2)class variable (3)constant variable (4) Globel variable
An exception in java is represented
(1)operation (2)function (3)object (4)primitive data type
Exception handle code is written in
(1)try block (2)catch block (3)finally block
Category of unchecked exception is
(1) IO exception (2)AWT exception (3)classNoFound (4)Null pointer
Window fram dialog use……defult layout.
(1) Flow layout (2)borderlayout (3)gridlayout() (4)gridbridge
This() is used to.
(1) invoked constructor of another class
(2) invoked constructor of same class
(3) invoked constructor of super class from subclass.
(4) invoked constructor of sub class from superclass.
Which pakeg used by database?
(1) Java.IO (2)java.sql (3)java.AWT (4)java.swing
Bus yahi MCQ note kiya…..:(
QUTION#1 (2)
Concider code
Arraylist al=new ArrayList();
Person p= new Person();
Al add(p);
What will be the ayntax to get an object from the first index of arrayList?(2)
Write four types of JDBC driver? (2)
Write dow the gnarl syntax for the registryevent handler genratorwhen u are working in GUI? (2)
How can GUI component handle its own event (3)
What is the difference between paint() and repaint()? (3)
What are steps to write an applets in java? (5)
You are require to write code for a GUI hasd program which will display a button and two labels.first label would contain text"here I am" and second lable would be empty .By cliking the 1ST lable will be shift to the second lable first lable would became clicking the second button the text for will shift on the first and so on.(5)
cs604 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 Posted In .Midterm Nov Fall 2011 Edit Thiscs604 VU Midterm Current Papers Fall 2011 of Virtual university of paksitan (
q1U R wanted to add descriptor 1 or 0 before the "<"or">"sing in Grep command shell accept or reject these descriptor.write the names of shell that can accept these descriptor? (2)
Q2: suppose u r working on Linux machine and require to check the process can u view the process information? (2)
Q3: ther r 2 assumption below
1)each process execute at a nonzero speed.
2)no assumtion can be made regarding speed of the N process.
u can be solved by useing these instruction? (2)
Q4: busy waiting is one the main charateristic of samphore.u have to identify that whether busy waiting is effective or deaffective for samephor?(3)
Q:5: Suppose tha athrea mapping .user level thread to kernel level threads.many kernel level threads and there exst no cuncurerncy between these threads.write down the name of mosel in the above scenario for mapping threads (3)
Q6: Describe the tow issue regarding the process and how the threads overcome these issues(5)
Q7: Data race detection method can be broadly categorized into static race detection and dynamics race.Lets as assume race detection which instruments the program and monitorIts execution inlinr or race detector is not typically analyzez sourse or byte code without directly executing the program.these data race detection be classified into ……based on whther the model a happens befor relation lock set or both u need to identify which dara method is used?(5)

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