Mgt501 Final Term Current Paper (Feb 2011)
Friday, February 11, 2011 Posted In .Final Term Exam (Feb 2011) Edit ThisMCQs 62
Long Qs 7
Subjective Questions are as under:
Q1: Why a cricket team is said to be a 'Team' not a "*****"? (5)
Q2: What factors explain the decline in unionization for the last half century? Do you think the unions in organizations should completely die or they should continue? (5)
Q3: How many levels of training are recommended for managers for preparing an international assignment? Describe each level. (5)
Q4: Explain the expectancy theory. Also identify its three elements and the formula derived by the scientist in this theory. (5)
Q5: What options do multinational firms have while staffing for positions in foreign subsidiaries?(3)
Q6: Mention any three reasons that are unacceptable for management and result in immediate termination of the concerned employee. (3)
Q7: What is Adam's Equity Theory? What are the factors in which this equity lies?(3)