STA630 Assignment No. 1 solution
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 Posted In STA Edit ThisAssignment No. 1
Marks: 20
Literature review is not simply reading the relevant literature. It is about reading, and collecting the relevant material and writing in a sequential manner that can link the selected topic and literature. It is done to provide the background information of your study.
A literature review consists of an outline of the relevant and significant literature on a particular research area. It provides a review on critical points of existing knowledge on a topic. This assignment is of practical nature and the purpose is to indulge you in an activity which will help you to write literature review in project/thesis. It will also help you in reading articles, extracting required information and developing linkages between two or more variables. It will really help you if you try to attempt this assignment devotedly having objective of learning in your mind.
Before preparing your assignment read the given instructions carefully. A ‘model’ literature review has also been given below for your guidance. Furthermore, procedure of collecting articles for review from Google is given at the end. Follow the instructions and make a wonderful assignment.
Best of Luck!
Write a literature review on the following topic:
“Effect of Training and Development on the Organizational Learning”
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.
Literature review – concepts
• Please watch Lesson 8 and 9 of STA630 and read relevant handouts for details of Literature Review.
• It has also been discussed in Chapter 4 of recommended text book of Research Methods (by Uma Sekaran, 4th edition).
• Note that literature review does not mean to copy the material as it is; rather you have to build arguments by using the relevant material.
What you have to do for literature review in this assignment:
• Identify the variables in the topic given
• Collect the articles for these variables
• Try to establish a link between the two variables as done in the example given
• Make sure that you upload the solution file before April 15, 2011. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail after the due date.
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to prepare your document in MS-Word 2003 format (doc).
• Use black font color only.
• Your solution should not exceed 450 words. Exceeding the required limit will result in deduction of marks
• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search “APA reference style” in Google and read various website containing information for better understanding or visit ... APA01.html
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge do not rely only on handouts but watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will be graded Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is copied from other students, internet, books, or journals etc.
Use HEC Digital Library to search/ download articles.
The other source for free articles is Google Scholar. Please follow the procedure given below to find articles on Google Scholar:
Click here for Google scholar
Write the topic or relevant factors
It will search the relevant material for you.
Related Articles option
Advance Search
Cited by option
Using “cited by option” and “Related Article option” will help you in finding the articles in which that particular article has been cited/used and the related topic respectively. These options are also useful in finding the relevant material.
Model Literature Review on Effect of Empowerment Practices on Organizational Commitment
Over the 50 years empowerment or participation is the subject of research. (Nykodym, Simonetti, Nielsen &Welling, 1994).Empowerment is the ability of the employee to make the choices which are perceived as the difference for the employer. One element of this ability is that at any given time choices are open to the employee and after making the choice employee will be able to continue making choices. (Guy, 2003).A number of researchers define empowerment; the original meaning of empowerment is giving power to the other person or authorize. (Tulloch, 1993).It is being considered that empowerment is the part of a process and it is the combination of the subordinate psychological state that is affected by the supervisor behavior of empowering the subordinate. (Pastor, 1996).
In providing quality of services employee empowerment is the major factor that has the significant impact. (Samat, Ramayah & Saad, 2006).Services providing organizations are paying more attention towards employee empowerment in order to improve the service quality. (Cacioppe, 1998).Empowerment is the process that basically motivates the employees to make use of their experiences and skills by providing the power and authority so that the employees work effectively. (Eccles, 1993).
Empowerment includes employee commitment and involvement level. (Val & Lloyd, 2002).Previous researches show that empowerment is positively linked with work satisfaction. Empowerment was envisaged by an individual locus of control, availability of information and self esteem. Spreitzer’s (1995) .Empowerment significantly impacts the employee intention to leave the organization. (Avey, Hughes, Norman, Luthans, 2007).Empowerment should be divided in two components that are psychological and behavioral. ( Meyerson & Kline, 2007). Employees develop higher level of trust in their managers when they feel empowered (Moye & Henkin,2006).By giving power to the employees in decision making can lead to greater responsibility on the behalf of employees in achieving job and customer satisfaction.(Jarrar & Zairi,2002). So by empowering teachers it assist them in improving leadership skills, improves work-life quality, and improve professionalism. (Dee, Henkin & Duemer, 2003). Empowerment plays a significant impact on organizational commitment of the employee. (Lee, Nam, Park & Lee, 2006).
Defining empowerment
Supporting with literature
Establishing link with own research
From 30 years the concept of organizational commitment is evolving. (Putterill & Rohrer, 1995).Organizational commitment of the employees get positively influences if there are opportunities to work challenging tasks.(Chew & Chan, 2007).According to Parish, Cadwallader & Busch (2008) Employees commit more positively to the change occurring at workplace only when they judge the role autonomy. Depending upon the level of attachment of an individual the consequences of commitment varies accordingly (O’Reilly & Chatman, 1986).
Defining Commitment The success of the organization depends upon the organizational commitment that can be gain by the involvement of the employee. (Denton, 1994) In the innovation process it is very important employ the knowledge and skills of the employees. (McEwan & Sackett, 1997).The degree to which employees inquire about empowerment varies significantly. (Greasley ,Bryman, Naismith & Soetanto, 2008).Previous researches founded that organizational commitment increases accordingly as the work empowerment perception
Linking commitment and empowerment
increase.( Liu ,Chiu &Fellows, 2007).organizational learning is facilitated by the empowerment which ultimately enhances the commitment level. (Bhatnagar, 2007).
Avey.J.B., Hughes.L.W., Norman.S.M., & Luthans.K.W. (2008). Using positivity, transformational leadership and empowerment to combat employee negativity. Leadership & Organization Development Journal,29 (2), 110-126.
Bhatnagar. J. (2007). Predictors of organizational commitment in India: strategic HR roles, organizational learning capability and psychological empowerment The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (10) ,1782-1812.
Cacioppe.R. (1998). Structured empowerment: an award-winning program at the Burswood Resort Hotel. Leadership & Organization,Development Journal 19(5), 264–274.
Referencing Format
Dee.J.R., Alan B. Henkin.A.B. & Duemer.L.(2003).Structural antecedents and psychological correlates of teacher empowerment.Teacher Empowerment, 41(3), 257-277.
Denton.D.K. (1994). Empowerment through Employee Involvement and participation Ford’s Development and Training Programs. Empowerment in Organizations, Vol. 2 No. 2, 1994, pp. 22-28
Greasley.K., Bryman.A., Dainty.A., Price.A., Naismith.N., & Soetanto.R.(2008). Understanding empowerment from an employee perspective What does it mean and do they want it?. Team Performance Management,14 ( ½), 39-55.
Guy.F.(2003). High-involvement work practices and employee bargaining power. Employee Relations, 25 (5), 453-469.
Jarrar.y.f., & Zairi.M. (2002). Employee empowerment-a UK survey of trends and best practices. Managerial auditing journal, 17(5), 266-271.
Lee.Y.K., Nam.F.H., Park.D.H., & Lee.K.A.(2006). What factors influence customer-oriented prosocial behavior of customer-contact employees?. Journal of Services Marketing,20(4) ,251–264.
Liu.A.M.M., Chiu.W.M., & Fellows.R.(2007). Enhancing commitment through work empowerment. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 14(6),568-580.
McEwan.A.M., & Sackett.P.(1997). Theoretical considerations of employee empowerment within computer integrated manufacturing production. Empowerment in Organizations, 5 (3), 129-138.
Meyerson.S.L., & Kline.T.J.B.(2008). Psychological and environmental empowerment: antecedents and consequences. Leadership & Organization Development Journal ,29 ( 5) ,444-460.
Moye.M.J., & Henkin.A.B.(2006). Exploring associations between employee empowerment and interpersonal trust in managers. Journal of Management Development,25 (2), 101-117.
Nykodym.N., Simonetti.J.L., Nielsen.W.R., & Welling.B. (1994). Employee Empowerment. Empowerment in Organizations, 2 (3), 45-55.
Pastor.J.(1996). Empowerment: what it is and what it is not. Empowerment in Organizations,4(2) , 5–7.
Samat.N., Ramayah.T., & Saad.N.M. (2006). TQM practices, service quality, and market orientation some empirical evidence from a developing country. Management Research News ,29(11), 713-728.
Spreitzer.G.M. (1995). Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. The Academy of Management Journal, 38(5 ) ,1442-1465.
Val.M.P.D., & Lloyd.B. (2003).Measuring Empowerment. Leadership and organization development journal,24(2),102-108.