Assignment No. 03
Semester: Spring 2011
CS401: Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
Total Marks: 20
Due Date:9th June, 2011
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
§ The assignment is submitted after due date.
§ The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
§ Solution is copied from any other source.
Note: You have to upload your assembly program file (.asm file) and it should be working as desired, without any errors. Assignment in any other format (extension) will not be accepted.
The objective of this assignment is to enhance your knowledge about
· Writing and calling subroutines in assembly language
· Hardware interrupts
· Terminate and Stay Resident program
You are required to write an Assembly program that shall be executed as Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program and performs the following operations.
- Clears the whole screen when executed for the first time and DOS prompt shall be returned back to User immediately as TSR does.
- The user can type any command but on pressing the key g, the whole background color of DOS screen shall change to “GREEN”.
- Similarly when the user presses the key b, the whole background color of DOS screen shall change to “BLUE”.
You can check which key is pressed with the help of keyboard interrupt and change the background color accordingly.
NOTE: You must submit your solution through LMS within due date. No assignment would be accepted through email after deadline.