CS607 Assignment No. 5
Monday, June 27, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit ThisSEMESTER Spring 2011
CS607- Artificial Intelligence
Total Marks: 20
Due Date: 30/6/2011
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:
o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
o The assignment is copied.
o There is not mentioned the student Id in the assignment File or
name of file is other than student ID.
Marks: 20
Question # 1 [10 marks]
Write down the directions in Artificial Intelligence research from 2nd research paper whose title is ‘Artificial
Intelligence in Computer Science Teaching and Research’?
i) Do not cut copy and paste from research paper. Write in your own words. If you will cut, copy and
paste from research paper then you will get zero marks with no leniency.
ii) There is no need to read the whole research paper. Just read and concentrate on section no. 4.
iii) Explain your answer briefly and precisely. If you will give extra i.e. un required explanation then I
will deduct more than half of your marks. So the more you will be precise the more you will get the
Question # 2 [10 marks]
Write down the precise and brief summary of 1st research paper whose title is ‘Artificial Intelligence and
Software Engineering: Status and Future Trends’ in your own words?
i) Do not cut copy and paste from research paper. Write in your own words. If you will cut, copy and
paste from research paper then you will get zero marks with no leniency.
ii) Explain your answer briefly and precisely. If you will give extra i.e. un required explanation then I will
deduct more than half of your marks. So the more you will be precise the more you will get the marks.
iii) Summary should not be more than one page.
Uploading Instructions:
Upload your assignment as a word file. It should have name [YourRollNo.doc]
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Thursday 30th June 2011.