IT430 Assignment No. 4 solution
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An e-business is defined as a company/entity that has ah online presence. E-business that has the ability to sell, trade, barter or transact over the web can be considered as an e-commerce business. An e-business model is defined by company policy, operation, technology and ideology.
Advantages of E-commerce:
These are some advantages of e-commerce.
Personalize services
High quality services
No inventory cost
Worldwide reach of the business
Bulk transaction
Improved supply chain management
Convenient for customer
Increase affectivity through proper communication with customer
Increase profitability by producing customer oriented product.
Increase business activities as customer can order product at their home.
Strategies for small business:
Strategies helpful for the success of small business using e-commerce in Pakistan;
Following are the strategies that can be used in Pakistan.
• B2B strategy:
In B2B E-commerce strategy there is online selling and purchasing of goods and services between businesses or its supply chain management over the internet, private networks and intranets.
• B2C strategy:
In B2C strategy there is online selling of goods and services and contents to customers.
I think In Pakistan B2C strategy is more beneficial for small businesses
how can e-commerce influence the small companies/enterprises in developing countries?
E-commerece can improve the living style in developing contries. It can improve accessibility of common man to higher athourties. To start the e-bussiness or online trading is not much difficult for small compnies, Becuse basically you need to develop a website to start the e-bussiness. In deveoping contries there is a concept that only the large companies can use the e-commerece for bussiness but it is wrong. The small companies did not need the very skill worker or I.T profeesionals to run e-bussiness. But there is some points that must keep in mind that the how many peoples are using the computers? Is people feel comfortable in e-shoping or not ? Peoples are must be much educated? If a company never keep this point in mind it never be successful in market.
Also propose different strategies that can be helpful for the success of small business using e-commerce in Pakistan?
There is alot of potential for e-commerece in Pakistan. This kind of bussiness is very much popular in youngsters both living big cities or small towns. In Pakistan there are a large number of I.T experts available. The large number of population use computers. So there can be successfully run the e-bussiness.
But the e-bussiness should follow basic good designprinciples, market properly, understand customers and their buying habits, price correctly,anticipate cash flow, monitor competition / technology / marketplace changes , keep growthslow and steady, delegate, develop good internal communications, you must get suggestions from the customers and improve it according to it.
• B2B strategy:
In B2B E-commerce strategy there is online selling and purchasing of goods and services between businesses or its supply chain management over the internet, private networks and intranets.
• B2C strategy:
In B2C strategy there is online selling of goods and services and contents to customers.
I think In Pakistan B2C strategy is more beneficial for small businesses.