IT430 GDB Solution
Sunday, July 03, 2011 Posted In CS and IT Edit Thislow litracy rate can effect us in premises of Pakistan, but with the help of e commerce, we can capture the international market. so it is beneficial to chose e-commerce
Govt. fails to implement the e commerce initiatives and regulations but in-spite of this we must go for E-commerce because sooner or later govt will have to develop and implement strong E-commerce Regulations
Peoples of Pakistan know that in all over the world people use the E-commerece as a tool for daily shoping.
If the people of Pakistan is want to intract international brands, they must adopt E-commerece.
There are alot of jobs in Pakistan and Foreign contries in the field of E-commerece.
We can make work easy for the people by using E-commerce.
Every person know the need of computer and how the computer & IT change the life style of common man.
E-Commerce is an emerging concept in Pakistan. Electricity problems and unawareness about the importance of e-commerce are the major issues which resist this concept. First of all, Govt. is responsible for the electrical problem; I think with shortage of electricity we cannot implement the e-commerce technology in trade, business and industries.
Secondly, education crises in Pakistan; Unawareness about the technology is the major problem. The standard of technical education is very low, majority of skilled people are unemployed. They are seems interesting to going abroad. In our country there is no special respect and importance of such people. Govt. is also responsible in this respect.