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CS201 Assignment No. 1 Fall 2011 solution

Thursday, October 27, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Fall 2011
CS201: Introduction to Programming Total Marks: 20
Due Date:02/11/2011

Problem Statement: Virtual Restaurant 
You are required to write a program for BILLING SYSTEM of a virtual restaurant. The basic idea is that by entering the meal price, your billing system will calculate the Sales Tax, Total amount and Complement offer upon that meal. The program will process the billing of undetermined number for customers. At the end, program will show sum of total amount of all the customers. 

Detailed Description:
Billing System should work as under: 

> You are required to take meal price as input from user. 
> After getting this input, program will calculate the sales tax on it as given below: 

Meal Price Sales Tax applicable 
Less than or equal to 1000 No sales Tax on it. 
Greater than 1000 and less than or equal to 2000 1% of meal price. 
Greater than 2000 2% of meal price.

> After calculating the sales tax, program will calculate and display the total amount of the meal according to given formula: 
Total Amount = Meal_Price + Sales_Tax 
> Now, program will prompt to serve the complement sweet dish to customer on the basis of total amount as given below:

Total Amount Sweet Dishes
Less than 1000 Candies
Greater than or equal to 1000 and less than 2000 Sweet Bread
Greater than or equal to 2000 and less than 3000 Pudding
Greater than or equal to 3000 and less than 4000 Cake
Other amounts Trifle

> After displaying the information of one customer, the program should ask the user if he/she again wants to process the bill of another customer. The user will be given two options. If user selects "Y or y", the program will start the processing of another customer. If user selects "N or n", the billing system exits.

> Before exiting from billing system, this program should display the total number of customers it processed, and sum of total amount of all the customers.

You are required to write a program for BILLING SYSTEM of a virtual restaurant. The basic idea is that by entering the meal price, your billing system will calculate the Sales Tax, Total amount and Complement offer upon that meal. 

int main()
int price; 
cout << "Please enter meal price? ";
cin >> price;
float saleTax;
saleTax = 0.0 * price;
else if(price <= 200)
saleTax = 0.1 * price; 
saleTax = 0.2 * price;

int totalAmount;
totalAmount = price + saleTax; 
cout << "The total price of Meal is = " << totalAmount << endl;

Another Solution:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
cout"***Virtual Resturent***\n\n";
int price;
cout "Enter the price of the meal:";
cin >> price;
float saleTax;
saleTax = 0.0 * price;
else if(price <= 200)
saleTax = 0.1 * price;
saleTax = 0.2 * price;
cout"\nPrice of Meal:\t"price;
cout"\nSales Tax:\t"saleTax;
float totalAmount;
totalAmount = price + saleTax;
cout "\nTotal Amount\t" totalAmount;
if (totalAmount<1000)
cout"\n\nThis customer should be served with Candies";
else if(totalAmount>=1000&&totalAmount<2000)
cout"\n\nThis customer should be served with SweetBread";
else if(totalAmount>=2000&&totalAmount<3000)
cout"\n\nThis customer should be served with Pudding";
else if(totalAmount>=3000&&totalAmount<4000)
cout"\n\nThis customer should be served with Cake";
cout"\n\nThis customer should be served with Trifle";
cout"\n\nDo you want to process another customer?";
char letter;
cout"\n\nEnter 'Y' for Yes or 'N' to exit>:";

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