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CS410 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

Monday, November 28, 2011 Posted In Edit This
CS410 Midterm Current Papers VU Fall 2011 (

It is sometimes more efficient for an application to draw directly in a window without relying on the WM_PAINT message. How this task can be accomplished 

(i.e. how can we draw in a window directly without using WM_PAINT message)? (5)

Write down a C/C++ program that has 2 functions. One takes four integer variables as parameters and returns their sum and the other also takes 4 integers 

as argument and returns their multiplication. Also write 2 macros that perform the same tasks as these functions perform.(5) 

How can I use the CopyTo method of the Windows Forms controls collection to copy controls into an array? (3)

How Windows keep track of the files?(3)

Can you write a class without specifying namespace? Which namespace does it belong to by default?(2)

"In the GDI environment there are two working spaces", Name these two. (2)

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