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Assignment No. 2 (Spring 2012)
English Comprehension (ENG101)
Total Marks: 15
Due Date: 03.05.2012
Q 1 Define the following terms and give an example for each. (5)
i. Hasty generalization
ii. False Cause
Q 2 Read the given statements and determine if these are Facts (F) or Opinions (O).
1. Many people order pepperoni on their pizzas.
2. Basketball is more interesting to watch than golf.
3. Flowers bloom in the spring and summer months.
4. Exercising outdoors is more fun than exercising indoors.
5. Daisies are the prettiest of all flowers.
Q 3- Fill in the blanks with the help of appropriate choices. (5)
1- The question of purpose of writer is closely related the matter of ………………
2- ----------- is the most important skill you will need for success in your studies.
3- Authors and their works are …………………
4- The writer can indicate his character through the words he put into his character’s …………..
5- As biasness is unavoidable while writing, writers do try to remain as ………… possible.
idea solution
Hasty Generalization: Making assumptions about a whole group based on a sample.
· My roomates said physics class was hard, and the one I'm in hard too. All physics must be hard.
· "Our English teacher made us ready read some poetry last year, and it was really boring. I know now that I will never like poetry"
False cause: The fallacy committed when an argument mistakenly attempt to establish a causal connection.
· He met an accident because it was Friday the 13th.
· The power went out because I answered the doorbell.
· My neighbor walks by my window in the morning because I have finished my breakfast.
· "Napoleon became a great emperor because he was so short."
1. Opinion
2. Opinion
3. Fact
4. Opinion
5. Opinion
1. Tone
2. Reading
4. mind
5. neutral
CS001 Assignment No. 2 Spring 2012 Solution
Sunday, April 29, 2012 Edit ThisWhy it is important to protect against computer viruses?
Computer viruses have a variety of disadvantages, and the fact they have no advantages means they should be avoided at all costs. A computer virus is a malware infection which can harm your computer by altering or destroying parts or all of your software system. It is created using a collection of dangerous files, which can be attached to various, downloads and even website cookies. This means computer users, if unlucky or careless, could easily contract a virus onto their computer without realizing. Computer viruses can be avoided with the use of ant-virus protection software. Read the following points to learn more about the disadvantages and dangers of the computer virus.
• Loss of software functioning
When a malware virus infects your computer, it is highly likely it will alter your software in such a way that you are unable to access certain computer functions. For instance, you will probably be unable to access to the Internet. Additionally, it is likely you will not be able to reset your computer or change the settings. This is because the creators of the virus don't want you to be able to get rid of it. They will do all they can to stop you researching methods of how to rid yourself of the virus and carrying them out.
• Exploitation of vulnerable people
Most computer viruses are created by Internet criminals looking to make money out of people. The virus is likely to show messages stating there is a problem with the computer, which can be fixed by providing a payment to a repairs company. Of course, in reality this 'company' is the criminal, and the payment will not rid the software of the virus. However, those with little computer experience may not realize this, and could provide a payment.
So it is mush Important to Protect against computer Viruses.
Question No 2: Marks 5
Search over internet and write a note about USB port and its usages.
A USB port is a standard cable connection interface on personal computers and consumer electronics. USB ports allow stand-alone electronic devices to be connected via cables to a computer (or to each other).
Many types of consumer electronics support USB interfaces. These types of equipment are most commonly used for computer networking:
• USB network adapters
• USB broadband and cellular modems for Internet access
• USB printers to be shared on a home network
For computer-to-computer file transfers without a network, USB keysare also sometimes used to copy files between devices.
Multiple USB devices can also be connected to each other using a USB hub. A USB hub plugs into one USB port and contains additional ports for other devices to connect subsequently.
Connect two devices directly with one USB cable by plugging each end into a USB port. If using a USB hub, plug a separate cable into each device and connect them to the hub individually.
You may plug cables into a USB port at any time regardless of whether the devices involved are powered on or off. However, do not remove cables from a USB port arbitrarily, as this can lose or corrupt data. Follow instructions provided with your equipment before unplugging USB cables.
Many PCs feature more than one USB port, but do not plug both ends of a cable into the same device, as this can cause electrical damage.
Mgt502 Assignment No. 1 Solution Spring 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012 Edit ThisXLS was a renowned telecom company of Pakistan. XLS was losing its market share and resultantly profits because of intensive competition in telecom sector. The overhead cost of this company was higher than its competitors. To reduce this cost CEO of this company decided to downsize. He announced that more than 10% of the work force will be laid off. As many as 500 employees received early retirement. Although CEO’s ambitious cost-cutting plans were aimed at improving the financial performance of XLS but layoffs are rarely painless. Those who retain their jobs often face new obstacles and difficult adjustments. They have to take over the task of colleagues who are now gone. Survivors may lose trust in the company and may experience “survivors’ guilt” for being allowed to remain in organization, while their other colleagues have been forced to leave. Any rumors of additional layoffs only add to the stress, making employee more fearful and interfering with their ability to focus on their work. XLS must face the immense challenge of keeping the workforce motivated while creating a firmer foundation for profitable operation in the years ahead.
1. According to expectancy theory of motivation, how XLS’s layoffs affect the survivors’ motivation? Give logical reasons to support your answer.
Solution idea:
When layoffs hit, the immediate reaction of those left behind is often panic. Overcome this panic and anxiety by developing a plan for what you’d do if you got laid off, too. And at other side if we see expectancy Theory so, expectancy Theory proposes that a person will decide to behave or act irreverently in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific behavior over other behaviors due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will be.
We can take some Examples there as,
# f I spend most of tonight studying will it improve my grade on tomorrow's math exam?
# If I work harder than everyone else in the plant will I produce more?
# If I practice my foul shot more will my foul shooting improve in the game?
# If I make more sales calls will I make any more sales?
Now have Concept of Expectancy Theory and Layoff meaning in MIND and solve your Assignment
1. According to expectancy theory of motivation, how XLS’s layoffs affect the survivors’ motivation? Give logical reasons to support your answer.
Expectancy theory makes two assumptions:
(1) workers are motivated to receive positive outcomes and avoid negative outcomes
(2) workers are rational, careful processors of information. Expectancy theory identifies three factors that determine motivation: valence, instrumentality, and expectancy. The most comprehensive and widely accepted explanation of employee motivation to date is Victor room's expectancy theory. Although the theory has its critics, most research evidence supports it. expectancy theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that he act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. it includes three variables or relationships
This explanation of motivation might sound complex, but it really isn't that difficult to visualize. It can be summed up in the questions: How hard do I have to work to achieve a certain level of performance, and can I actually achieve that level? What reward will performing at that level get me? How attractive is the reward to me, and does it help me achieve my goals? Whether you are motivated to put forth effort (that is, to work) at any given time depends on your particular goals and your perception of whether a certain level of performance is necessary to attain those goals. Let's look at the theory's features and go through an example of how it works.
First, what perceived outcomes does the job offer the employee? Outcomes (rewards) may be positive— things such as pay, security, companionship, trust, fringe benefits, a chance to use talents or skills, or congenial relationships. Or the employee may view the outcomes as negative—fatigue, boredom, frustration, anxiety, harsh supervision, or threat of dismissal. Keep in mind that reality isn't relevant here. The critical issue is what the individual perceives the outcomes to be, regardless of whether the perceptions are accurate.
Second, how attractive are the outcomes or rewards to employees? Are they valued positively, negatively, or neutrally? This obviously is a personal and internal issue that depends on the individual's needs, attitudes, and personality. A person who finds a particular reward attractive—that is, values it positively—would rather get it than not get it. Others may find it negative and, therefore, prefer not getting it. Still others may be neutral about the outcome.
Third, what kind of behavior must the employee exhibit in order to achieve these rewards? The rewards aren't likely to have any effect on an individual employee's performance unless he or she knows, clearly and unambiguously, what must be done to achieve them. For example, what is "doing well" in terms of performance appraisal? What criteria will be used to judge the employee's performance?
Finally, how does the employee view his or her chances of doing what is asked? After an employee has considered his or her own skills and ability to control those variables that lead to success, what's the likelihood that he or she can successfully perform at the necessary level?
Frederick Hertzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory proposes that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction and motivation, whereas extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction. Believing determines success or failure, Herzberg investigated the question "What do people want from their jobs?" He asked people for detailed descriptions of situations in which they felt exceptionally good or bad about their jobs.
Herzberg concluded from his analysis of the findings that the replies people gave when they felt good about their jobs were significantly different from the replies they gave when they felt badly. Certain characteristics were consistently related to job satisfaction (factors on the left side of the exhibit) and others to job dissatisfaction (factors on the right side). Those factors associated with job satisfaction were intrinsic and included things such as achievement, recognition, and responsibility. When people felt good about their work, they tended to attribute these characteristics to themselves. On the other hand, when they were dissatisfied, they tended to cite extrinsic factors such as company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions.
In addition, Herzberg believed that the data suggested that the opposite of satisfaction was not dissatisfaction, as traditionally had been believed. Removing dissatisfying characteristics from a job would not necessarily make that job more satisfying (or motivating). As shown in Exhibit 16.4, Herzberg proposed that his findings indicated the existence of a dual continuum: The opposite of "satisfaction" is "no satisfaction," and the opposite of "dissatisfaction" is "no dissatisfaction.
1. According to expectancy theory of motivation, how XLS’s layoffs affect the survivors’ motivation? Give logical reasons to support your answer.
Expectancy theory makes two assumptions:
(1) workers are motivated to receive positive outcomes and avoid negative outcomes
(2) workers are rational, careful processors of information. Expectancy theory identifies three factors that determine motivation: valence, instrumentality, and expectancy. The most comprehensive and widely accepted explanation of employee motivation to date is Victor room's expectancy theory. Although the theory has its critics, most research evidence supports it. expectancy theory states that an individual tends to act in a certain way based on the expectation that he act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual. it includes three variables or relationships
This explanation of motivation might sound complex, but it really isn't that difficult to visualize. It can be summed up in the questions: How hard do I have to work to achieve a certain level of performance, and can I actually achieve that level? What reward will performing at that level get me? How attractive is the reward to me, and does it help me achieve my goals? Whether you are motivated to put forth effort (that is, to work) at any given time depends on your particular goals and your perception of whether a certain level of performance is necessary to attain those goals. Let's look at the theory's features and go through an example of how it works.
First, what perceived outcomes does the job offer the employee? Outcomes (rewards) may be positive— things such as pay, security, companionship, trust, fringe benefits, a chance to use talents or skills, or congenial relationships. Or the employee may view the outcomes as negative—fatigue, boredom, frustration, anxiety, harsh supervision, or threat of dismissal. Keep in mind that reality isn't relevant here. The critical issue is what the individual perceives the outcomes to be, regardless of whether the perceptions are accurate.
Second, how attractive are the outcomes or rewards to employees? Are they valued positively, negatively, or neutrally? This obviously is a personal and internal issue that depends on the individual's needs, attitudes, and personality. A person who finds a particular reward attractive—that is, values it positively—would rather get it than not get it. Others may find it negative and, therefore, prefer not getting it. Still others may be neutral about the outcome.
Third, what kind of behavior must the employee exhibit in order to achieve these rewards? The rewards aren't likely to have any effect on an individual employee's performance unless he or she knows, clearly and unambiguously, what must be done to achieve them. For example, what is "doing well" in terms of performance appraisal? What criteria will be used to judge the employee's performance?
Finally, how does the employee view his or her chances of doing what is asked? After an employee has considered his or her own skills and ability to control those variables that lead to success, what's the likelihood that he or she can successfully perform at the necessary level?
Frederick Hertzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory proposes that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction and motivation, whereas extrinsic factors are associated with job dissatisfaction. Believing determines success or failure, Herzberg investigated the question "What do people want from their jobs?" He asked people for detailed descriptions of situations in which they felt exceptionally good or bad about their jobs.
Herzberg concluded from his analysis of the findings that the replies people gave when they felt good about their jobs were significantly different from the replies they gave when they felt badly. Certain characteristics were consistently related to job satisfaction (factors on the left side of the exhibit) and others to job dissatisfaction (factors on the right side). Those factors associated with job satisfaction were intrinsic and included things such as achievement, recognition, and responsibility. When people felt good about their work, they tended to attribute these characteristics to themselves. On the other hand, when they were dissatisfied, they tended to cite extrinsic factors such as company policy and administration, supervision, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions.
In addition, Herzberg believed that the data suggested that the opposite of satisfaction was not dissatisfaction, as traditionally had been believed. Removing dissatisfying characteristics from a job would not necessarily make that job more satisfying (or motivating). As shown in Exhibit 16.4, Herzberg proposed that his findings indicated the existence of a dual continuum: The opposite of "satisfaction" is "no satisfaction," and the opposite of "dissatisfaction" is "no dissatisfaction.
Matric Result 2013 BISE Lahore Board Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC - BISE Lahore Matric Result 2013 10th Class. BISE Faisalabad Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Lahore Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Karachi Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Gujranwala Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Rawalpindi Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Sargodha Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Multan Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Bahwalpur Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Federal Board Matric Result 2013, Matric Result 2013 BISE Lahore Board Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC
Saturday, April 28, 2012 Edit This
Matric Result 2013 BISE Lahore Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC - BISE Lahore Matric Result 2013 10th Class online
Matric Result 2013 BISE Lahore Board Higher Secondary School Certificate HSSC - BISE Lahore Matric Result 2013 10th Class. BISE Faisalabad Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Lahore Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Karachi Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Gujranwala Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Rawalpindi Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Sargodha Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Multan Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Bahwalpur Board Matric Result 2013, BISE Federal Board Matric Result 2013,
Result will be announced very soon and we upload here result as soon as it will be announced. visit the following links for your respective Higher Secondary Education Board result:
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cs101 VU Current Assignment No. 2 Spring 2012 solution
Saturday, April 28, 2012 Edit This<html>
function validateForm()
var x=document.forms["myForm"]["email"].value;
var atpos=x.indexOf("");
var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(".");
if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length)
alert("Enter valid E-mail address");
return false;
<form name="myForm" action="demo_form.asp" onsubmit="return validateForm();" method="post">
Email: <input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Mkt501 VU Current GDB No. 1 Solution Spring 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012 Edit ThisNote: ITs just an idea .Donot copy
Celebrity endorsements are double-edged swords. If Kyrie will stay "clean" -- on the up-and-up, connecting a celebrity with a brand could provide a great notoriety boost. If he will get in legal trouble or is caught in an embarrassing situation, however, crisis communication becomes Priority 1 for the brand.
If you engage a celebrity in branding:
1) research that person's fit or relationship with your product/service;
2) investigate his/her public image and reputation;
3) always have a crisis plan in place.
Be prepared for every situation and you could well benefit from celebrity endorsement.
The role of the brand ambassador is to transcend all aspects of the brand. One of the most important factor that attracts consumer’s mind is psychological factors such as motivation, perception, learning, believes and attitude. And these are the factors that a brand ambassador influences. Brand having successful association with its Ambassador sometime translates into stronger brand awareness campaign than millions of rupees spent on other marketing efforts such as advertising and promotion.
Celebrity endorsements are double-edged swords. If Kyrie will stay "clean" -- on the up-and-up, connecting a celebrity with a brand could provide a great notoriety boost. If he will get in legal trouble or is caught in an embarrassing situation, however, crisis communication becomes Priority 1 for the brand.
If you engage a celebrity in branding:
1) research that person's fit or relationship with your product/service;
2) investigate his/her public image and reputation;
3) always have a crisis plan in place.
Be prepared for every situation and you could well benefit from celebrity endorsement.
The role of the brand ambassador is to transcend all aspects of the brand. One of the most important factor that attracts consumer’s mind is psychological factors such as motivation, perception, learning, believes and attitude. And these are the factors that a brand ambassador influences. Brand having successful association with its Ambassador sometime translates into stronger brand awareness campaign than millions of rupees spent on other marketing efforts such as advertising and promotion.
These people have such a strong impact of personalities that people sometime use brand ambassadors as a “tool” for their product, like we seen the case of Junaid Jamshed clarifying Lays issue when it was hit by the accusation of using haram contents in its manufacturing.
If the consumer feels that the brand ambassador is the brand itself then there is nothing better than that and that will not be possible until and unless there is exclusivity in your selection. Consumers are willing to pay extra for a good service where the employees represent the brand wholeheartedly and hence enhance the brand equity and create a win-win relation. Many product brands are now shrugging of the albatross around their necks of the brand ambassadors and using its consumers or a seemingly normal person as its brand ambassadors. We have seen Dove doing it and Maggi and KurKure do the same with the faces of consumers on its packages.
It is advisable to opt for better ideas more than secondary associations. Incase, companies feel that they need a brand ambassador they should adopt a brand character. If they are still dissatisfied then they should opt for credible, exclusive as well as zero cost marketing assets like consumers and employees to be their brand ambassadors. It will create long term brand equity and better “hard-to-attack” points of differences.
MCM516 GDB Spring 2012 Solution
Friday, April 27, 2012 Edit ThisPakistani private electronic media play an important role in the live coverage of every event. They provided the news of every event with in mint or in time to time. But to cover every event they violate some media ethics that are important to cover or report the news. Some time they go to win the race of “we are first channel who give the news of this event”. Although it a responsibility of media to present the fact and figure of the news in the objective form. But to present the news about victims of bomb blast, or showing violence it give bad effect on the views. As we know the one picture is equal of the 1000 word. The picture has the more effect than the words. Showing violence on television enhances the aggression in youth. And the sensationalism also gives the more bad effect on the views mind. Media present the news with include the element of the sensational to enhance the news and make more attractive their reported news. Views did not understand what real happen and by to give more attention to understand the viewers feel more stress on their mind. Because people nowadays only want to release their own tension to watch television and want to know little bit about what happen around them.
Present this type of the news the aggression or violence level increase in the youth and more instability occur. And also it increases more
Mgt501 GDB No. 1 Spring 2012 Solution
Friday, April 27, 2012 Edit ThisMGT501 - Human Resource Management
Friday, April 27, 2012
The ABC Company had announced an ambitious expansion program, which included increasing production capacity and doubling the work force in less than five years in 2007. At the time of wage revision, the management designed a two-tier structure: existing employees will be eligible for a higher salary, and those who are recruited fresh will get a lower salary – though job description and job specification are the same. The management argued that this is the best policy and is widely followed in deregulated companies abroad.
In your opinion, is it a fair policy or not (regarding existing and fresh employees); discuss with proper arguments.
its a fair decision because
fresh graduates lack of experience
need training
unaware of organizational working criteria
whereas exiting employees
are experienced
well aware of working criteria of the organization
management can delegate their authorities to them and more reliable
they dont need special training for routine tasks...
ABC company is deregulated company and can have its self made wage policy. Coporates and management have decided to pay new employees less salaries than existing employees because existing employees have greater work experience , skills and practices. Company is paying employees on the basis of their potential so policy is fair.
according to me when old are controlling everything then what need arise to newly appointerx.... and if the salry are low then their work efficiency also decrease and they cannot achieve the targets .. i thnk its unfair policy...
I'll Go with the decision of that it is fair decision. because, !st of all old employees have more experience. 2nd they need not to train, further, also the fresh employees are looking to some other jobs and that may resin this job, but the old employees have no chance to go further.
Here is my answer: The Decision is fare. First of all the old employees have more experience and they need not to train further, so the expenses of training the Fresh employees will be adjusted with their lower salaries. Secondly old employees have more expenses rather than fresh employees; they are nearly retired so with the higher salary they work with more ambition. Another reason is when fresh employees feel that they are lowered salaried, so they work hard for the improvement of their salary and Respect their older employees more and will learn from them ambitiously.
During an interview it’s up to the interviewee how to handle the question; either it’s a stress interview or another one. Communication becomes very important while giving interview. Interviewee must ignore the interviewer’s tantrums and his aggressive behavior and keep himself focused on answering the question to the best of his ability. In the above scenario the interviewer asked stress question again and again just to check the person’s ability to handle the stress situation and to know either this person can work under pressure or not. So the interviewee must not show the anger but handle the question with patience and calm behavior by telling them how he is suitable for the post and why he want to change the current job.a
Mgt601 GDB No. 1 Solution Spring 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012 Edit ThisMgt601 GDB No. 1 Solution Spring 2012
Last Date: 27 April 2012
M/S ABC Limited, an Industrial garment and small equipment leasing company is doing business since 1964 in Faisalabad. Its business strategy involves occasionally bidding violently on multipart, innovative, or impulsive lease opportunities. These bidding and consequent negotiation know-how’s provided M/S ABC Ltd. with inimitable and leverage able knowledge and at the same time, reducing prospects for competitors to achieve the same knowledge.
Through this excellent business strategy M/S ABC Ltd. has acquired two significant and viable competitive advantages:
a) Investing in its strategic knowledge platform
b) Learning enough about particular clients to competitively and profitably price leases for future opportunities with the same client
Frequently, adequate mutual learning occurred between M/S ABC Ltd. and the client that the client contracted the company for future leases without even going out for competitive bids .Thus, M/S ABC Ltd. created a sustainable (or renewable) knowledge-based barrier to competition.
Being a student of this subject, you are required to explain the reliable powers of KM at numerous levels within organizations.
The Large companies can play a vital role for the developement of SME. It can help small companies by providing Loans for expansion of their business asusually the small companies creates a bye-products for the large companies. The Large Companies can help small companis in development of high quality products and providing Skills employees to them
large manufacturing units help the SME sector by.
1) Giving their scrap as Raw material.
2) Franchising.
3)Supplies by providing financial help.
4) Encourage them to become their subsidaries.
5) Price support.
The Large companies can play a vital role for the developement of SME.
It can help small companies by providing Loans for expansion of their business asusually the small companies creates a bye-products for the large companies.
The Large Companies can help small companis in development of high qualityproducts and providing Skills employees to them.
CS408 VU Current Assignment No. 2 Spring 2012 Solution
Thursday, April 26, 2012 Edit ThisCS408_Assignment# 2 spring 2012 Solution
ü Map the extended Human processing model on ATM (Automatic teller Machine) in your words.
Design the software to support a computerized banking network including both human cashiers and automatic teller machines (ATMs) to be shared by a consortium of banks. Each bank provides its own computer to maintain its own accounts and process transactions against them. Cashier stations are owned by individual banks and communicate directly with their own banks computers. Human cashiers enter account and transaction data. Automatic teller machines communicate with a central computer which clears transactions with the appropriate banks. An automatic teller machine accepts (snow) a cash card, interacts with the user, communicates with the central system to carry out the transaction, dispenses cash, and prints receipts. The system requires appropriate record-keeping and security provisions. The system must handle concurrent accesses to the same account correctly. The banks will provide their own software for their own computers; you are to design the software for the ATMs and the network. The cost of the shared system will be apportioned to the banks according to the number of customers with cash cards.
ü Why card is ejected before the transaction amount provided to user? Justify your answer in context of memory.
ü What can be the possible steps taken to focus the attention of the user during using ATM.
Focus your attention on ATM screen and take due care in the selection ofbuttons (touch the parallel area in case the screen is sensor one) to ensure theexecution of vu solutions dot com desired transaction / funds transfer. Before pressing / touchingthe keyboard button enter the required information cautiously. If you pressed /touched wrong button then transaction reversal is not possible
ü Suggest a conceptual model with more advanced features to the handicap users (i.e. Blind )
ü Suggest some other authentication mechanism other than entering pin code.
Finger expression, signatures
ü Highlight the disadvantages of poor understanding about the ATM system.
Mgt201 VU Current Assignment no. 1 Solution Spring 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012 Edit ThisCurrent Ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures company's ability to pay its debt over the
next 12 months or its business cycle. Current Ratio formula is:
Current Ratio = Current Assets/Current Liabilities
Current ratio is a financial ratio that measures whether or not a company has enough resources to pay its debt over the next business cycle (usually 12 months) by comparing firm's current assets to its current liabilities.
Acceptable current ratio values vary from industry to industry. Generally, a current ratio of 2:1 is considered to be acceptable. The higher the current ratio is, the more capable the company is to pay its obligations. Current ratio is also affected by seasonality.
If current ratio is bellow 1 (current liabilities exceed current assets), then the company may have problems paying its bills on time. However, low values do not indicate a critical problem but should concern the management. One exception to the rule is considered fastfood industry because the inventory turns over much more rapidly than the accounts payable becoming due.
Current ratio gives an idea of company's operating efficiency. A high ratio indicates "safe" liquidity, but also it can be a signal that the company has problems getting paid on its receivable or have long inventory turnover, both symptoms that the company may not be efficiently using its current assets.
Current Ratio is the liquidity ratio and shows company's ability to pay its debt over the accounting period. Current depicts whether or not a company has enough resources to pay its debt over the next accounting period by comparing firm's current assets to its current liabilities
current ratio, more capability for paying obligations but it’s not always the case as here in
case of XYZ company.
So, it happens with the companies that with higher current ratio they are yet not able to pay
their obligations as due to poor operating efficiency.
As current ratio also shows the operating efficiency of the company’s assets, thus as XYZ
company is not able to pay liabilities even with its 4:1 CR, thus means their operating
efficiency is very low and problems getting paid on its receivable or have long inventory
turnover, both symptoms that the company may not be efficiently using its current assets.
The current ratio is another test of a company's financial strength. It calculates how many
dollars in assets are likely to be converted to cash within one year in order to pay debts that
come due during the same year. You can find the current ratio by dividing the total current
assets by the total current liabilities. For example, if a company has $10 million in current
assets and $5 million in current liabilities, the current ratio would be 2 (10/5 = 2).
An acceptable current ratio varies by industry. Generally speaking, the more liquid the
current assets, the smaller the current ratio can be without cause for concern. For most
industrial companies, 1.5 is an acceptable current ratio. As the number approaches or falls
below 1 (which means the company has a negative working capital), you will need to take
a close look at the business and make sure there are no liquidity issues. Companies that
have ratios around or below 1 should only be those which have inventories that can
immediately be converted into cash. If this is not the case and a company's number is low,
you should be seriously concerned.
If you're analyzing a balance sheet and find a company has a current ratio of 3 or 4, you
may want to be concerned. A number this high means that management has so much cash
on hand, they may be doing a poor job of investing it. This is one of the reasons it is
important to read the annual report, 10K and 10Q of a company. Most of the time, the
executives will discuss their plans in these reports. If you notice a large pile of cash
building up and the debt has not increased at the same rate (meaning the money is not
borrowed), you may want to try to find out what is going on.
Microsoft has a current ratio in excess of 4, a massive number compared to what it
requires for its daily operations. The company has no long term debt on the balance sheet.
What are they planning on doing? No one knew until the company paid its first dividend in
history, bought back billions of dollars worth of shares, and made strategic acquisitions.
Although not ideal, too much cash on hand is the kind of problem a smart investor prays
Current Ratio is the liquidity ratio & depicts whether or not a company has enough
resources to pay its debt over the next accounting period.
Generally, a current ratio of 2:1 is considered to be acceptable & higher the current ratio,
more capability for paying obligations but it’s not always the case.
As XYZ has a higher Current ratio (4:1) but still unable to pay its obligations which is due
to poor operating efficiency of the current assets and possible symptoms are, problems
getting paid on its receivable or have long inventory turnover.
This indicates that the decreased inventory turnover and increased accounts receivable
turnover Which should be managed so that inventory turnover is increased and accounts
receivable turnover is decreased so that XYZ should be able to pay its obligations.
Mgt111 Assignment No. 1 solution Spring 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012 Edit ThisDue Date: April 26, 2012 Marks: 15
Mr. Sheraz is intending to start a new business, with himself as CEO, in services sector. Most probably, there would be people from Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Customer Services.
But he is on the cross roads to decide how to structure the departments so that organization may not only start but also to ensure the supervision of employees as well. His friend Mr. Yasir advised him to hire people who carry experience in their respective domain and also provide them sufficient authority.
It is also important to mention that the nature of business requires handsome number of people in all the departments. Since all the employees are mostly trained and also carry sufficient authority, suggest the number of hierarchies that may be there and also the type of span of control. Justify your answer with reasonable explanation.
As Mr. Sheraz is intending to start a new business, with himself as CEO, in services sector, he must know about the technique for managing the business in organization.

“The basis by which the jobs are grouped together”.
Here in lecture#14 and 15

Some of the number of hierarchies that may be there in an organization.

“The number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently supervised by a manager”.

Ø Authority of the managers to make decisions
Ø Skills and Abilities of the managers
Ø Nature of business
Ø Standardization of tasks
Ø Employee characteristics
Ø Nature of work being done
Ø Similarity of tasks
Ø Complexity of tasks
Physical proximity of subordinates

There are two types of span of control.
It means a single manager or supervisor supervises and controls the activities of few subordinates. In it there is large number of level of management hierarchy. Narrow span of control leads to a tall organizational structure because of its size.
Ø Better communication between the manager and employees/subordinates.
Ø Manager can control his employees/subordinates more easily.
Huge communication problems between different levels of management.
It means the activities/working of a large number of employees/subordinates is supervised by a single manager. There is small number of management hierarchy. It leads to a flat organization structure.
Ø Message reaches to the employees speedily because of less number of management levels.
Ø Communication between employees and managers is not so easy and effective.
Ø Narrow span of control is better than wide span of control because of the
Ø Better control of the managers over the employees and
Ø Effective communication between managers and employees
The type of span of control is "wider", because the employees are experienced and have authorities.
The number of hierarchies would be few or very small in number due to the wider span of control and such an experienced workforce is useful when the layers of organizational structure are less, as this helps in closely linked workforce network.
write on these points and you will have the complete assignment, also learn about wider span of control and hierarchical levels in organizations.
Eco402 Assignment No.1 solution Spring 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Edit This
a) Equilibrium price of MP3 player in Japan.
Equilibrium price:
Qs = Qd
Qs = 1300 + 17 P
Qd = 1900 - 7P
1300 + 17 P = 1900 - 7 P
1317 = 1893 P
P = 1.437
Q = 1300 + 17 (1.437)
= 1300 + 24.429
E D / P = P / Q Qp/P = 1.437 / 1324.42 (-7)
= -6.998
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 10
Ep = 10 / 1830 * -70 / 1830
= 5.464 * (- 0.03825)
= -2.090
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 20
Ep = 20 / 1760 * -70 / 1830
= 0.0113 * (-0.03825)
= -4.322
elasticity of price is inelastic
P = 6000-4Q
TC = 500,000 + Q2
Where Q is quantity of urea, P is price being paid by the farmers and TC is total cost which
is borne by urea industry.
Considering the above scenario, answer the questions stated below:
A. What price would be charged and what quantity would be supplied by the urea industry in order to maximize its profit.
P = 6000-4Q
TC = 500,000 + Q2
Setting Price per Bag = Rs.2500
P = 6000 - 4Q
2500 = 6000 - 4Q
4Q = 6000 - 2500
4Q = 3500
TC = 500,000 + Q2
TC = 500,000 + (put Q value here and the Square) 2
i. Price which is denoted by P Is 2500/bag
ii. Quantity which is Q is ....
B. What would be the maximum profit that can be earned by the urea industry?
B. Use formula for this
Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost
C. How much profit urea industry will earn after imposition of the new price by the
C. same Answer as B
D. Being a student of Economics, suggest what production decision urea industry
should take in the short run as a result of imposition of price by the government.
D. They have to increase the production and increase the cost of the product as government increases the cost of urea per bag .In the short run the equilibrium market price is determined by the interaction between market demand and market supply. A firm maximize profits when marginal revenue = marginal cost. Some firms may be experiencing sub-normal profits because their average total costs exceed the current market price. Other firms may be making normal profits where total revenue equals total cost
a) Equilibrium price of MP3 player in Japan.
Equilibrium price:
Qs = Qd
Qs = 1300 + 17 P
Qd = 1900 - 7P
1300 + 17 P = 1900 - 7 P
1317 = 1893 P
P = 1.437
Q = 1300 + 17 (1.437)
= 1300 + 24.429
E D / P = P / Q Qp/P = 1.437 / 1324.42 (-7)
= -6.998
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 10
Ep = 10 / 1830 * -70 / 1830
= 5.464 * (- 0.03825)
= -2.090
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 20
Ep = 20 / 1760 * -70 / 1830
= 0.0113 * (-0.03825)
= -4.322
elasticity of price is inelastic
Equilibrium price:
Qs = Qd
Qs = 1300 + 17 P
Qd = 1900 - 7P
1300 + 17 P = 1900 - 7 P
1317 = 1893 P
P = 1.437
Q = 1300 + 17 (1.437)
= 1300 + 24.429
E D / P = P / Q Qp/P = 1.437 / 1324.42 (-7)
= -6.998
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 10
Ep = 10 / 1830 * -70 / 1830
= 5.464 * (- 0.03825)
= -2.090
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 20
Ep = 20 / 1760 * -70 / 1830
= 0.0113 * (-0.03825)
= -4.322
elasticity of price is inelastic
P = 6000-4Q
TC = 500,000 + Q2
Where Q is quantity of urea, P is price being paid by the farmers and TC is total cost which
is borne by urea industry.
Considering the above scenario, answer the questions stated below:
A. What price would be charged and what quantity would be supplied by the urea industry in order to maximize its profit.
P = 6000-4Q
TC = 500,000 + Q2
Setting Price per Bag = Rs.2500
P = 6000 - 4Q
2500 = 6000 - 4Q
4Q = 6000 - 2500
4Q = 3500
TC = 500,000 + Q2
TC = 500,000 + (put Q value here and the Square) 2
i. Price which is denoted by P Is 2500/bag
ii. Quantity which is Q is ....
B. What would be the maximum profit that can be earned by the urea industry?
B. Use formula for this
Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost
C. How much profit urea industry will earn after imposition of the new price by the
C. same Answer as B
D. Being a student of Economics, suggest what production decision urea industry
should take in the short run as a result of imposition of price by the government.
D. They have to increase the production and increase the cost of the product as government increases the cost of urea per bag .In the short run the equilibrium market price is determined by the interaction between market demand and market supply. A firm maximize profits when marginal revenue = marginal cost. Some firms may be experiencing sub-normal profits because their average total costs exceed the current market price. Other firms may be making normal profits where total revenue equals total cost
a) Equilibrium price of MP3 player in Japan.
Equilibrium price:
Qs = Qd
Qs = 1300 + 17 P
Qd = 1900 - 7P
1300 + 17 P = 1900 - 7 P
1317 = 1893 P
P = 1.437
Q = 1300 + 17 (1.437)
= 1300 + 24.429
E D / P = P / Q Qp/P = 1.437 / 1324.42 (-7)
= -6.998
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 10
Ep = 10 / 1830 * -70 / 1830
= 5.464 * (- 0.03825)
= -2.090
elasticity of price is inelastic
Elasticity of demand when price is 20
Ep = 20 / 1760 * -70 / 1830
= 0.0113 * (-0.03825)
= -4.322
elasticity of price is inelastic
Mgt503 GDB No. 1 Spring 2012 Solution
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Edit ThisThe Manager of iGlobal takes some effective steps to turn those customers’ frowns upside down. Some business problems are harder to fix than others. But very few problems can be as frustrating and difficult to address as an unhappy customer. That's because there's data copied from vu solutions dot com no single way to "fix" a broken customer relationship. Every situation and every customer is different. Success depends on your ability to listen, adapt, evolve, and rise to the challenge.
Yet there are important techniques that every small business can use to win back unhappy or dissatisfied customers. Put these methods to work, and you'll have the tools you need to turn even the most ardent critic into a loyal and vocal repeat customer. Taken some following steps:
I. Work together with team leads to plan and execute projects, ensure that teams have appropriate product and technical specifications, direction, and resources to deliver products effectively by establishing realistic estimates for timelines while ensuring that projects remain on target to meet deadlines.
II. Track and report the status of projects on various teams, acting as a gateway through which work should be assigned to appropriate teams while ensuring that project scope is adequately defined
III. Demonstrate leadership abilities to our data copied from vu solutions dot com commercial clients with the deployment of software enhancements and fixes that are coordinated based on release schedules.
IV. Evolve the existing software system applications and architecture in various areas as needed.
V. Helping developers resolve problems both technical as well as human resources issues, tracking and approving vacation and personal days for employees within their teams and monitoring individual employees’ performance and relaying this to upper management. Provide leadership and guidance to coach, motivate, and lead team members to their optimum performance levels and career development.
Develop the project plan. Define the scope, requirements for expected results, human resources and materials. Develop time and cost estimates, and identify risk and quality measures. Create team building, communications, change and risk management plans.
Select, purchase or contract resources identified in the project plan, including human and material resources, outside vendors and contractors with specific expertise.
Implement activities to produce expected results. Test to ensure results meet stakeholder expectations. Use quality controls to identify variances and risk management to identify new risk.
Track, monitor and control progress using project management tools and techniques. Compare projected versus actual results. Update project plan.
Some more helping Material::::
1. Certainty
We experience certainty about a specific question when we have a feeling of complete belief or complete confidence in a single answer to the question.
Decisions such as deciding on a new carpet for the office or installing a new piece of equipment or promoting an employee to a supervisory position are made with a high level of certainty.
While there is always some degree of uncertainty about the eventual outcome of such decisions there is enough clarity about the problem, the situation and the alternatives to consider the conditions to be certain.
2. Uncertainty
A decision under uncertainty is when there are many unknowns and no possibility of knowing what could occur in the future to alter the outcome of a decision. We feel uncertainty about a situation when we can't predict with complete confidence what the outcomes of our actions will be. We experience uncertainty about a specific question when we can't give a single answer with complete confidence.
Launching a new product, a major change in marketing strategy or opening your first branch could be influenced by such factors as the reaction of competitors, new competitors, technological changes, changes in customer demand, economic shifts, government legislation and a host of conditions beyond your control.
These are the type of decisions facing the senior executives of large corporations who must commit huge resources.
The small business manager faces, relatively, the same type of conditions which could cause decisions that result in a disaster from which he or she may not be able to recover.
The Decision making situation is “Certainty” because of the following reasons or arguments.
> The business line is inactive.
> Product having old fashion.
> Product could not change the market demand & trends.
> Manager having the clearness and experience about the business line.
> Manager is reasonably sure about what would be happened when they make a decision. The information is available and is considered to he reliable, and the cause and effect relationships are known.
In a situation of “Uncertainty”, on the other hand, people have only a meager data base, they do not know whether or not the data are reliable, and they are very unsure about whether or not situation may change. Moreover, they cannot evaluate the interactions of the different variables.
In a “Risk” situation, factual information may exist, but it may be incomplete. To improve decision making, one may estimate the objective probabilities of an outcome by using, for example, mathematical models. On the other hand, subjective probability, based on judgment and experience, may be used.
Risk: Risk occurs whenever we cannot predict an alternative’s outcome with certainty, but we do have enough information to predict the probability it will lead to the desired state.
> now if you see the given situation, there has been given enough info, which is the characteristic of risk not uncertainty.
> goal is clear "to revive the product line as well as to increase the market share". this is also the characteristic of risk situation.
> as the market trend is changing highly so there is uncertainty, as written in chapter 15. risk is characterized by the uncertainty in outcome, mentioned in chapter 15.
> in uncertainty and risk the outcome is uncertain, but the difference is that in uncertainty situation outcome can not be estimated, but in risk the probability or chance can be estimated by looking into the market trend, which is uncertain and highly risky.
Global is faced with the dilemma of an inactive business line. The product line was launched are old and the company did not respond to changing demands and trends. As a result, their business suffered heavy losses.
And there is risk that the news Business will be a successful venture or not. So there is high uncertainty in this situation but a little hope that company can re-establish itself with new IT product.
Some more helping Material::::
1. Certainty
We experience certainty about a specific question when we have a feeling of complete belief or complete confidence in a single answer to the question.
Decisions such as deciding on a new carpet for the office or installing a new piece of equipment or promoting an employee to a supervisory position are made with a high level of certainty.
While there is always some degree of uncertainty about the eventual outcome of such decisions there is enough clarity about the problem, the situation and the alternatives to consider the conditions to be certain.
2. Uncertainty
A decision under uncertainty is when there are many unknowns and no possibility of knowing what could occur in the future to alter the outcome of a decision. We feel uncertainty about a situation when we can't predict with complete confidence what the outcomes of our actions will be. We experience uncertainty about a specific question when we can't give a single answer with complete confidence.
Launching a new product, a major change in marketing strategy or opening your first branch could be influenced by such factors as the reaction of competitors, new competitors, technological changes, changes in customer demand, economic shifts, government legislation and a host of conditions beyond your control.
These are the type of decisions facing the senior executives of large corporations who must commit huge resources.
The small business manager faces, relatively, the same type of conditions which could cause decisions that result in a disaster from which he or she may not be able to recover.
The Decision making situation is “Certainty” because of the following reasons or arguments.
> The business line is inactive.
> Product having old fashion.
> Product could not change the market demand & trends.
> Manager having the clearness and experience about the business line.
> Manager is reasonably sure about what would be happened when they make a decision. The information is available and is considered to he reliable, and the cause and effect relationships are known.
In a situation of “Uncertainty”, on the other hand, people have only a meager data base, they do not know whether or not the data are reliable, and they are very unsure about whether or not situation may change. Moreover, they cannot evaluate the interactions of the different variables.
In a “Risk” situation, factual information may exist, but it may be incomplete. To improve decision making, one may estimate the objective probabilities of an outcome by using, for example, mathematical models. On the other hand, subjective probability, based on judgment and experience, may be used.
Risk: Risk occurs whenever we cannot predict an alternative’s outcome with certainty, but we do have enough information to predict the probability it will lead to the desired state.
> now if you see the given situation, there has been given enough info, which is the characteristic of risk not uncertainty.
> goal is clear "to revive the product line as well as to increase the market share". this is also the characteristic of risk situation.
> as the market trend is changing highly so there is uncertainty, as written in chapter 15. risk is characterized by the uncertainty in outcome, mentioned in chapter 15.
> in uncertainty and risk the outcome is uncertain, but the difference is that in uncertainty situation outcome can not be estimated, but in risk the probability or chance can be estimated by looking into the market trend, which is uncertain and highly risky.
Global is faced with the dilemma of an inactive business line. The product line was launched are old and the company did not respond to changing demands and trends. As a result, their business suffered heavy losses.
And there is risk that the news Business will be a successful venture or not. So there is high uncertainty in this situation but a little hope that company can re-establish itself with new IT product.
HRM624 VU Current Assignment No. 1 Spring 2012 Solution soon
Wednesday, April 25, 2012 Edit ThisSEMESTER SPRING 2012
Conflict Management (HRM 624)
Assignment No. 1
Due Date: 26 April 2012
Marks: 15 Case
The top management of a large fertilizer manufacturing company recently faced a sudden crisis as its HR manager resigned because of the increasing number of conflicts within the organization. The organization urgently hired a new HR manager who had ten years of professional experience of HR matters in the same sector. The newly hired HR manager was initially given a task of departmental restructuring for reducing the number of departmental conflicts and for clarifying the departmental goals – for which a new performance management system was also developed by him. Recent performance appraisal reports in the organization have shown that there have been increasing numbers of departmental conflicts, especially among the managers and employees, mainly because of the differences on performance matters. Moreover, last year’s turnover ratio has been significantly high, which is a real concern for the top management. Now this newly hired HR manager has been give the task to explore the actual reasons behind these issues and to settle the matter as soon as possible. The new HR manager thinks that he needs to establish mutually acceptable goals in the first phase –along with the preparation of individual job descriptions by the HR department for all the employees. For this, top management has approved his HR plan for the current year. HR manager informed all the departments about these actions and had the separate meetings with their managers. These newly designed actions of HR manager gave him a greater role of departmental monitoring and control. Managers of all the departments accepted this new plan and thought it to be a good for introducing a mechanism of procedural justice which will minimize the number of possible conflicts in the organization. But the manager of “Operations Department” thought that he should manage all the activities of his department including HR issues of his department by himself without any interference of HR manager. “Operations Manager” thought that he needs to have an increased control over his department and argues that his department has always achieved the targets; and he is least bothered about the number of conflicts in his department until he is achieving his goals. He also says that his department does not need any specific job descriptions from HR department and that he will allocate and monitor different tasks to his employees by himself from time to time. But on the other side, HR manager is more concerned about reducing the number of conflicts in all the departments by personally remaining in contact will all the employees; so that their professional and psychological development could be done on continuous basis. Now this new situation of an apparent dispute of HR Manager with the Operations Manager is a new issue for the top management. Top management would never want to lose another valuable manager once again and nor does the organization allow turnover on such minor issues. Top management wants HR manager to resolve this issue on urgent basis. Top management also wants HR manager not to disclose this conflict to other managers. Considering the above situation, answer the following questions on the basis of your knowledge that you have acquired so far from this course. Questions 1. Do you think that a mixed-motive situation exists in this dispute? If no then why; if yes then give two suggestions for the HR manager to enhance promotive interdependence with his disputant? (Marks: 10) 2. Do you think that this dispute can be resolved through “Alternate Dispute Resolution” (ADR)? If yes then which would be the best ADR method to resolve the dispute in this situation on long term basis? (Marks: 5) Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing the assignment solution: • Please be precise while answering your question and avoid lengthy answers. • Totally avoid cheating as it will be graded as zero. Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience. Important Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution. Deadline: • Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has been uploaded by the instructor. Formatting guidelines: • Use the font style “Times New Roman”/ “Arial” and font size “12”. • It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003. • Use black and blue font colors only. Solution guidelines: • Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an analytical assignment. • Give the answer according to question. • For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but watch the video lectures and use other reference books also. Rules for Marking Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if: • It has been submitted after due date • The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt • It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word) It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc… Important Note for those courses where calculations and graphs are required. • Calculate to the point where calculation is being required. NO need to write irrelevant material or extra interpretation. • Draw diagrams by yourself. Do NOT copy from any source. NO need to write irrelevant material.
Solution soon
Eco403 GDB No. 1 Spring 2012 Solution
Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Edit ThisGross domestic product to the market value officially recognized final goods and services with in country in a given period. It has a major affect of gross domestic product and the economy. The state bank of the country has to issue currency in order to fulfill loan needs in the country. The inflation in the country increase and effect badly lower and mid class of economy.
A. Disruption in Energy Supplies
Supply Curve would indeed move to the left. The demand curve for energy is generally constant, so there is no move in the demand curve. If anything, there would be a increase depending on the disruption in energy supplies. Remember after Hurricane Katrina, the huge spike in price.
GDP would be affected. It would likely decrease because energy is a major part of any economy.
Inflation would rise because if there is a shortage in the supply, naturally, the price will increase based on simple economics. Depending on variables, high inflation could cause consumers to begin hoarding out of concern that prices will increase more in the future.
Unemployment would rise depending on the longevity of the disruption in energy supplies especially a nation as dependent on oil and coal.
B. New Information Technology
The supply curve would definitely push the curve to the right. The demand curve would likely move to the right as well depending on the technology.
GDP: Yes, it would definitely rise the GDP because the productivity is is more.
Inflation: Uncertain about inflation, but it would probably remain the same or likely decrease.
Unemployment Depending on the technology, it really differs. Automated phones across the country have put some people out of work. Many manufacturers downsized due to technology. Overall, it is hard to say.
C. Fear of recession
There is really no movement in the supply curve, but the demand curve would definitely be dramatic, and we are all witnesses of fear mongering in this recession. This causes surpluses in supply and a lot of money lost.
GDP would go decrease without a doubt. Again this is self evident in our current circumstance.
Inflation: Rather than a increase in prices, there would be a rather decrease in prices. It is could deflation, but more likely a disinflation
Unemployment: There will be a rapid increase in unemployment. Again, our current situation.
D. Increase in exports
The demand curve obviously increased to whatever foreign entity, but the supply curve would probably move to the right in order to meet the demands.
GDP: Foreign investment is always a benefit to a economy, so it would have to be beneficial and increase.
Inflation: Yes an increase in price since there is a higher demand.
Unemployment: Since it is not FDI, it would probably decrease anyway due to the increase production.

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