CS507 current paper (May 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Posted In .Midterm May 2010 , CS and IT Edit Thistotal Qz.........26
6 Qz were 2,2 3,3 and 5,5 marks
1. Basic benefits of diagrammatic view of system.
2. Define MIS.
3. List any three new dimensions in MKIS.
4. diff B/w incremental and iterative models with help of example.
5.design database involves scope and structure. describe briefly.
6. what are you understand by rational man model define by practical example not by definition.
Another Paper:-
Total 26 Question thy
or 20 MCQ,s
n question yh thy
what is the purpose of feasibility study?(2marks)
Difference between ESS And DSS & Neural and expert(5marks)
Pros and Cons of Incremental modle.(5 Marks)
The role of information in Accounting and finance (i think 2 marks )
Another Paper:-
The role of information in Accounting and finance (5)
Rational Man model with exmple (5)
incremental model ( 3)
Prototyping ( 2 )
all the mcqs are very easy aur baki paper yad nahi
Another Paper:-
Paper having 26 Questions
20 MCQs which are quite easy
Q21 Define CDA 2marks
Q22 importance of Accounting & financial Information Systems at Strategic level 2marks
Q23 Briefly Describe SDLC 3marks
Q24 Characteristics of the Incremental Model 3marks
Q25 Define TMQ and its importance 5marks
Q26 Draw Relationship Diagram (ERD) (It was a case study ) 5marks