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MGMT628 Assignment # 2 Solution

Friday, June 25, 2010 Posted In , Edit This


Gaps identified
Action to be taken
oThere is a gap between the vision and strategies adopted. oEmployees are unaware of the purpose of the organization as well as from strategies. 
Strategies should be linked with goals 
The goals should be straight forward and simple 
Employees must have facts and figures of the organization and its working 
oThere is great conflict between employees’ perceptions and organizational desires outcomes. oMismanagement in one department is affecting performance of other department. 
The leader should be strict 
Employees’ performance should be regularly checked 
The departments should not belinked 
oEmployee’s commitment is low and there is no sense of ownership. OPolicies about rewards are not clear to employees. 
Employees should be reward on their performance 
The ownership should be distinctive 
Copies of policies should be provided to employees

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