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Mgt502 GDB solution

Thursday, January 20, 2011 Posted In Edit This
Mr. A and Mr. B did their graduations and got job in same organization. Mr. A is good at self monitoring. He often communicates his relationship with higher management to his peers. He also at times appreciate his immediate boss to good effect and behave very nicely, blindly get agree with boss. 

He is considered as well mannered as he does apologize and admit responsibility for any undesirable event. He tries to influence his peers by referring his knowledge. On other hand, Mr. B is an introvert. He believes “actions speak louder than words” that’s why he doesn’t want to express that. He hates buttering though admires quality work. After completion of a year successfully at same organization, Mr. A got promotion while Mr. B was retained at same position. Looking at the above situation, what techniques has Mr. A adopted to get promotion apart from his job responsibilities?

Impression Management:

“A process by which people attempt to manage and control the perception other form of them.”

Mr. A is a high self-monitor and well at perceiving the situations and molding his behavior to fit each situation. He concentrates on behavior more than attitude because behavior refers to the “Do” part of the work that is “how you do your work” and how you get your work done”. Mr. A is an extrovert person who is full of energy and experience positive emotions. He tends to be more enthusiastic and action-oriented. He likes to talk in and enjoy being with people. 

Mr. B is an introvert person. He is reserved and don’t like to be socialize. His thoughts are directed inward. Because, he stresses on attitude rather than behavior. 

Attitude is a “Feel” part of the work that relates to how you feel about your work and your approach towards work. He misrepresented himself among his colleagues and his image became false in their minds. That’s why he was discredited.

I think you mean self-marketing. Of course Mr A got the promotion, and he always will. Mr B may believe that actions speak louder than words, but his belief does not make it true. For parenting, actions speak louder than words. In relationships, actions speak louder than words. But in school or at work, words definitely speak louder. At work or at school, unless you speak up and point out your achievements, they will only be noticed because someone else took credit for them, and if you speak up at that point, you'll be viewed as a pathetic whiner trying to horn in on someone else's success. You must lear to be well-mannered and admit responsibility for mistakes and be complimentary on occasion. It's not necessary to blindly agree with the boss, but it is necessary to avoid disagreeing with the boss in such a manner that it humiliates and embarrasses him in front of others. You will have to learn how to do that, or you will find yourself five years from now in the same position you are now, but even more resentful and unappreciated.

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