16 July 2011 - Today's all Current Spring 2011 Final Term VU Papers [July 2011] Virtual University of Pakistan
Saturday, July 16, 2011 Posted In .Final Term Exam Spring 2011 (July) Edit Thiswhat is difference between market value and book value? 3
how cost of debt can be measured? 3
define benchmarking and its method? 5
find out portfolio? 5
find out capita gain and dividend yield and total percentage of return? 5
describe difference type of firm's inventory and retail business? 5
what is the best cash policy lec 41 page no.219 5
some subjective question
who invented web and why?
java script codes for value 10 greater less or equal
Architect responsibilities
how TCP and IP works in internet transmission
event driven programs?
Event handling in line?
Key weakness of web?
What problems occur before multimedia presentation?
Ways of monitoring employees in business??
Logic and time bomb?
2 Approaches of Word Processor. 2
3 Name DoS Attach Phases. 2
4 How you define a Pixel. 3
5 What is Cache, why it is used? 3
6 What Kind of new Jobs are creating because of Computers? 3
7 Difference between onLoad or onUnload. 3
8 Why we use string function on javascript. 5
9 Properties, Method and event handler on image objects. 5
10 Briefly describe Document viewer and Print document. 5
Class weight{
Private: …………no 5
Q51: Define the buffer,explain why we r use buffer? …………..no 5
Q 50: Defferentiate between random access and reqyentail access file?? ….no 5
Q48: Conert the following whil loop into a for loop
Int I =1;
While (i<=n)} ……………..no3
Q46 : What is an alternative of the setw mainpulatior? … no 3
Q45: if we want to send the data by refrenceand don’t want that original data should be affected then what can we do to prevent any change?? ….. no 3
two different method for converting the NFA to FA 5marks
Explain the decidability and examples. 5marks
similarity and dif b/w DFA and NFA 3 marks
RE for Even-even 2 marks
Infix and prefix notation tree is similar as given in old papers 5 marks
Supponse fuction having argument type U return type T correct syntax pass a variable x of type double and return a int type 2
Declare and initiaze static data member in a class 2
Is there any harm to declare some varibales more than once within two or more function of programe 2
If we want to send the data by reference and don’t want that original data should be affected then what we do to prevent this 3
Difference btw static and global variables 3
Find error in for loop statement 3 matrix ka column teekh nai likha tha.
Display the output of following code 3 switch statement thiee
Systax of two way friend relationship between classes 5
What is template function general syntax 5
Fetch maxtrix 2x2 5
Write a programe two variables and display oct hex dec value using setbase(5)
Total 80 Marks
40 Mcqs = 40 Marks
subjective=40 Marks
4 Question = 2Marks
4 Question =3 Marks
4 Question = 4 Marks
What does it happen if an object id assign to another object without overloading an assignment operator.2marks
Describe the first parameter to stream insertion<<and stream extraction>> operator function? 2Marks
Write the meaning of given line code where m is object of class matrix
If (&m! = this)
Why always array start with index 0(zero) ? 2Marks
What will be the output of following function if we call this function by passing int 5? 3 marks
template T reciprocal(T x) {return (1/x); }
Identify all the given functions as member function of input stream or output stream
Get, unget, and put, getline, Peek, Putline, 3Marks
Write the general syntax for unary member operator 3Marks
Write the output of this code 3Marks
int x,y,z;
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using templates? 5Marks
Find the errors in given code and correct them; also write the output of the code-5 Marks
Describe the effect of an overflow condition if it occurs within a program 5 Marks
Make a program instruction was given in the code 5Marks
1) What is the concept of encapsulation and data hiding? 2 mrks
2) Write down piece of code that will declare a matrix of 3*3.And initialize all its locations with 0. 2 marks
3) Write down the C++ code for the declaration of overlade stream insertion and stream extraction operator for the object data type 2 amrks
4) What is meant by *num and &num? 2 marks
5) How many arguments does binary member operator function and binary non-member operator function take?? 3 marks
6) Find error in the code
Int *p;
p= new int [10];
delete; 3 marks
7) write down the purpose of testing in designing programs 3 marks
8) whish functions are used to determine the state of input stream, briefly explain each fu nction 5 marks
9) Do you agree that in good programming practice , the main() factor is smaller than the class implemented 5 marks
10) What do yoy mean by garbage collection and how it works in JAVA and C++? 5 amrks
11) As we have learned about using degault statement in the switch statement. You are required to describe the purpose using default statement with simple codeing example? 5 marks
1-define composition and give its example with coding
2-what r container classes? how many types of container classes are there?
3-what is virtual inheritance?
4-can a constructor throw exception? If it fails, how should this error be handled?
5-define inheritance and give its example.
6- Three questions were about identification and correction of given coding and reason of error.
7-what is virtual constructor?
8-define static and dynamic binding.
Q2 what is program instruction control? (2)
Q3 define virtual memory (2)
Q4 difference between higher level language and assembler (3)
Q5define ISA
Q6 convert (390)10 into base 16 (5)
Q7 define pipelining(5)
Q8 define the type of error control(5)
Q9 define booth recording (2)
Ppr was so e.z mcqs past paperz me se they majority
40 MCQ's and 12 Short Questions including 6 of 2 marks
4 of 3 marks
and 2 of 5 marks
Mostly MCQ's from Lecture # 28 to 40
i suggest u to study the lectures related to
Interrupts & DMA
i think there is only 2 or 3 mcq's from midterm course
don't bother ur time to study midterm course
Following is the subjective portion of my paper.
1. Where is TCP/IP is used.
2. Usage of DMA
3. How to right RTL
4. What you mean by ISA (Instruction Set Architecture)
5. Define the different types of Instructions used in FALCON-E
6. Uni-bus interaction with I/O subsystem
7. Conversion from base 10 number into base 16 number (hex)
8. Define one benifit and one Drawback of Cache.
9. Define different level of RAID and
10. What are the similarities at Level 2 and Level 3 of the RAID.
these are the subjective questions which i remember and if u people prepare these topics then it is understood that half of the MCQ's will also be prepared
issues of error control
cache definition and management
structural RTL of instruction fetch
connectionless and connection oriented communication difference
3 marks questions
functions of virtual memory
cache hit and cache miss
branch and structural hazard
DMA uses
2 marks questions
floating point overflow
uses of virtual memory
difference between throughput and latency
which method is used for transfer between memory and I/O ports without the interruption of CPU?
40 MCQS from past papers and handout and 80 marks paper
50% objective from Huffman encoding
1. Heap sort Algorithm
2. Difference between Back edge and cross edge
3. Prim's Algorithm
4. Do go through k & Dont go through k at all
5. BFS pseudo code in graph
6. heapify
7. Prove that the generic TRAVERSE (S) marks every vertex in any connected graph exactly once and the set of edges (v, parent (v)) with parent (v) ¹F form a spanning tree of the graph.
8. Apply Kruskal’s algorithms on the following graph.[You can show final result in exam software and need not to show all intermediate steps].
Memory and resource leak symptoms 3 marks
Modularity 2
Bit field suffer 2
unit test 2
Tools and Methods used in software engineering 5
Five guidlines using for Code 5
Five General Naming conversion 5
Objective: 40 Mcqs (70% from past papers)
Sujective: 13 questions (all new question)
I am writing these subjective questions in my own words.
Q1: What is the role of senior management and BODs in risk management? (2 marks)
Q2: What is standalone system process? (2 marks)
Q3: write 3 dimesnions of information? (2 marks)
Q4: Discuss various threat identification steps. (2 marks)
Q5: Differentiate object and methods. (2 marks)
Q6: How active system protect the viruses? (2 marks)
Q7: What is knowledge/intellegent system? (3 marks)
Q8: What technique is use OO design? (cant remeber the wording of this question) (3 marks)
Q9: What is the economical way of intergation for existing system to upgrade? (3 marks)
Q10: Discuss Object oriented analysis and design. (3 marks)
Q11: Write note on Physical way of intrusion and logical way of intrusion. (3 marks)
Q12: What is mitigation process to avoid risk. Also write an example. (5 marks)
Q13: Write tangible and intangible benefits of Supply chain management? (5 marks)
1:-Define Metaclasses?
2:-Parameters of audit trail?
3:-Adverse impact of security analysis and Describe security goals
4:-Consequences of thread occurrence
5:-What do you know about change agents?
6:-What is TQM? Tools used promote tqm
7:-Compare ERP and integrated system
8:-Inputs for thread identification
Q: what are the types of IDS?
Q: Define the attributes and methods?
Q: what is Reusable software?
Q: define centralized processing?
Q: list down the inputs of likelihood determination?
Q: What are Active monitors? Define
Q: What is access control? Give example
Some questions are new ones
subjective 40 marks
Q What is the difference between guided and unguided media
Q What is the difference between FDM and FDM
Q Commercial advantage and charecteristics of token bus
Q types transmission noise
Q What is power bandwidth
Q What is imparement
Q advantages of thin ethernet
Q mathematical
SPRING 2011 (15 JULY 2011)
Time: 120 min
Marks: 80
Total 53 Questions
40 x MCQs
5 x 2 Marks Questions
5 x 3 Marks Questions
3 x 5 Marks Questions
Subjective Portion is as under:-
Question No: 41 ( Marks: 2 )
Give one solution of Dinning Philosophers problem.
Question No: 42 ( Marks: 2 )
In swapping what does mean by Roll In and Roll Out?
Question No: 43 ( Marks: 2 )
How taking backup in Linux / Unix is easier than windows?
Question No: 44 ( Marks: 2 )
Number of free frames = 64, Number of processes = 3 and Process sizes: P1 = 10 pages; P2 = 40 pages; P3 = 127 pages. Calculate free frames using fixed allocation method.
Question No: 45 ( Marks: 2 )
Virtual memory is a separation of user logical memory from Physical Memory. Is it makes programming easy or difficult?
Question No: 46 ( Marks: 3 )
What do you understand by protection bit in Primary Protection Scheme under paging?
Question No: 47 ( Marks: 3 )
Is in necessary to have reference count with in a file descriptor in order to implement a soft link?
Question No: 48 ( Marks: 3 )
If a process is starved then a system is in state of Deadlock. Statement is correct or incorrect?
Question No: 49 ( Marks: 3 )
What I the difference in Deadlock Prevention and Deadlock Avoidance
Question No: 50 ( Marks: 3 )
Differentiate between a library call and a system call
Question No: 51 ( Marks: 5 )
Following hole sizes are available in a variable memory system
20k 15k 40k 60k 10k 25k
A new process of 25k is loaded into system, which hole sizes will be used by Best Fit, First Fit and Worst Fit?
Question No: 52 ( Marks: 5 )
How a page fault occurs and who is responsible to handle page faults?
Question No: 53 ( Marks: 5 )
Differentiate between Least Frequent Used Algorithm and Most Frequent Used Algorithm in context of Page Replacement Algorithms.
40 x MCQs
5 x 2 Marks Questions
5 x 3 Marks Questions
3 x 5 Marks Questions
Subjective Portion is as under:-
Question No: 41 ( Marks: 2 )
Give one solution of Dinning Philosophers problem.
Question No: 42 ( Marks: 2 )
In swapping what does mean by Roll In and Roll Out?
Question No: 43 ( Marks: 2 )
How taking backup in Linux / Unix is easier than windows?
Question No: 44 ( Marks: 2 )
Number of free frames = 64, Number of processes = 3 and Process sizes:
P1 = 10 pages; P2 = 40 pages; P3 = 127 pages. Calculate free frames using
fixed allocation method.
Question No: 45 ( Marks: 2 )
Virtual memory is a separation of user logical memory from Physical
Memory. Is it makes programming easy or difficult?
Question No: 46 ( Marks: 3 )
What do you understand by protection bit in Primary Protection Scheme
under paging?
Question No: 47 ( Marks: 3 )
Is in necessary to have reference count with in a file descriptor in order to
implement a soft link?
Question No: 48 ( Marks: 3 )
If a process is starved then a system is in state of Deadlock. Statement is
correct or incorrect?
Question No: 49 ( Marks: 3 )
What I the difference in Deadlock Prevention and Deadlock Avoidance
Question No: 50 ( Marks: 3 )
Differentiate between a library call and a system call
Question No: 51 ( Marks: 5 )
Following hole sizes are available in a variable memory system
20k 15k
A new process of 25k is loaded into system, which hole sizes will be used by
Best Fit, First Fit and Worst Fit?
Question No: 52 ( Marks: 5 )
How a page fault occurs and who is responsible to handle page faults?
Question No: 53 ( Marks: 5 )
Differentiate between Least Frequent Used Algorithm and Most Frequent
Used Algorithm in context of Page Replacement Algorithms.
v Explain Learning?
v Explain Planning?
v What Is Information Gain?
v 2 main functions of brain in human system?
v Advantages of ANNs?
v Why clustering is the example of unsupervised ?
v Application of the fuzzy operators to antecedent?
v Machine Learning in Expert system? 5 marks
v Given statement is about version space or concept space? 5marks
v Robot featured? 5 marks
MCQS are mostly from our latest quizzes and some from mid term lectures,
why a pilot project strategy is highly recommended in DWH construction? 5
define nested loop join list and describe its variants? 5
describe how business rule are validated using student database in lab lecture? 5
keeping view the uniform distribution in hash based partition .if the partitions are not
uniformly distributed across the process? 3
what are the task performed through import export data wizard to load data? 3
what is mean by click stream? how it can be useful in a web DWH environment? 3
what is mean by the classification process?how we measure the accuracy of classifiers? 3
discuss need for indexing with reference to i/o speed? 3
what are major operation of data mining? 2
which scripting language are used to perform complex transformation in DST package? 2
a person wanted to visit and understand the data warehouse implementation strategies adopted in that organization has refused to allow . what may be the carrier of this refusal?
how the application of parallelism differ for OLTP and DSS environment? 2
Issues of data cleansing
Misconception abut data quality
Methods of developing DWH
What should b dune in the case where golden copy is missing dates
y managers are interested to extract knowledge from data in DWH
Advantages of bit map indexing
Classification and estimation
Tasks performed through import/export data wizard
3 mark waly qs
Star schema
Issue during data acquisition and cleansing in agri-culture case study
5 marks waly qs
Strength and weakness of k mean clustering
Transient and persistence cookies
Analytical application development phase
7% frome past
remaining Essy but conceptual
and subjective was normal not much Essy not difficult
mostly subjective is made frome chapter no 25 to 35
Total Question 52
4 Question 2 marks
4Question 3 marks
4Question 5 marks
Use of
1. Pictographs?
2. Enumeration?
3. Commas?
4. Line graph?
5. Buffer?
6. What is a sentence fragment?
7. What are the important points of instructions for any documents?
8. What the role of persuasive speaking?
9. Writer’s Block?
10. Open ended question?
11. Narrate difference purpose of conducing interview on a job?
12. Explain
· Open ended question?
· Close ended question?
What is Fax Machine (5 Marks)
Difference between Solicited and Unsolicited Application letters (3 Marks)
what is subject line ? (2 Marks)
Discuss some point which should be taken into account by the presenter about his voice quality during an oral presentation. (2 Marks)
An Important Addition to a communication Model for business communicators is introduced by Rhetorical theorists. What is that addition 2 Marks)
Explain cultural divers it and advancement of technology in business world ? (3 marks)
Why is it important to analyse your purpose and audience in resume writing ? (3 marks)
What is difference between solicited and unsolicited application letters 9 3Marks)
Describe the text part of proposal (5 Marks)
How does the presenter conduct his presentation in extemporaneous method of oral presentation ? ( 5 Marks)
What are the results of good listening in oral communication ? ( 5 Marks)
48 MCQs (Mostly for Pass Papers)
Would the company be able to reduce the operating cycle by applying the new strategy and would you give the loan to the company on this basis?
Question # 2:What do you understand by the efficiency of the operating cycle?
Question # 3:percentage of net income to sales
Question # 4: calculate ROI
Question # 5:Table was given and there were missing figures I have to fill them
Question # 6:WHY fifo is used in inflation?
Question # 7:Quick rato and curent assets
46 mcq's (mostly new thy few r 4rm past papers)
subject questions are:
1. what are the competencies write in detail?
2. What are those three questions which need to be answered before investing money in the Private Partnership?
3. write the child ego state.
4. why the involvement of women is important in formulation policy and decision making?
5. how water and scarcity pollution is harmful for our health?
6. write the merits of devolution.
1 aur question tha health se related bhool gia ab.... aur 1 HRM se realated qus tha wo b bhool gia
mcqs 40 almost from past papers
5 short questions 2 marks
1.how can electric check generate?
2.difference between B2B n B2C?
3.PIN stands for?
4.any idea can be copy right?coment on it?
5.attribut for
a.remove frame border
b. user could not resize the frame
5 short question 3 marks
1. advantages of e-commerce
2. ETO 25 section represent?
3. porter mishel " manufacture and supply" is primary activity. explain its steps?
4. difference bewtween civil law and criminal law
5. difference among classification and clustring?
5 question 5 marks
1. list down issues relating to e-comerce
2.advantage and dis advan. of data mining to customer point of view
56 MCQ some were from past papers. Some were new but was easy.
1- D/f between financial and managerial accounting? 3 marks
2- Define “value chain management”? What are the goals of Value chain management? 3 marks
3- Define term “Break even analysis”? 3 marks
4- Under which circumstances partnership at will established? Discuss any three. 3 marks
5- Define FIFO n LIFO? 5 marks
6- What is channel communication? What is the channel of communication of business? 5 marks
7- Define business goal? What is the purpose of goal setting? 5 marks
8- What challenge a product could face at the decline stage of product life cycle? 5 marks
Q no. 1: Direct market selling benefit.
Q no. 2: How can company attack on competitors?
Q no. 3: Objective of internet Marketing
Q no. 4: One question was related to mass marketing and new marketing concept?
Q no. 5: One Question was on Cash cow, star and Question related?
Q no. 6: One question was related to public relation and publicity?
2. Name any five elements of the communication process.
3. For what purpose public policy principles can be used? List down the key principles for public policy towards marketing.
4. How BCG matrix is beneficial for companies? Explain briefly.
5. What are Web Communities? Also mention its uses.
6. MR. X wants to start a business that would sell books online directly to the customers. What type of distribution channel would you recommend that MR.X should adopt.
7. How will you regard a company as one having “Global Vision”?
8. Differentiate between exploratory and descriptive research?
Q:A customer of company ABC seems to be doubtful at ba;ance sheet date.therefore,comapny made the provision for the customer @ 5%.After the balance sheet date,customer paid 80% of the total amount.Required:Identify the type of event?What will be the accounting treatment of this event?
Q:What do you know about the cost of goods sold?
Q:What is the accounting treatment of surplus on revaluation of fixed assets with respect to the section 235 of the companies Ordinance 1984?
Q:A customer of company ABC seems to be doubtful at ba;ance sheet date.therefore,comapny made the provision for the customer @ 5%.After the balance sheet date,customer paid 80% of the total amount.Required:Identify the type of event?What will be the accounting treatment of this event?
Q:What do you know about the cost of goods sold?
Q:What is the accounting treatment of surplus on revaluation of fixed assets with respect to the section 235 of the companies Ordinance 1984?
Subjective is as under
1. Why the six sigma process is initiate by building a SIPOC Diagram? (3 Marks)
2. How can the problem arising in quality control be solved by using creativity? (3 Marks)
3. What is the objective of process capability? (3 Marks)
4. Briefly differentiate b/w the two components of strategic management (3 Marks)
5. Why does a company focus on quality list any five points. (5 Marks)
6. What is the responsibility of the manager of vicor corporation regarding competency, awareness and training employees (5 Marks)
7. What are the beneficial team behavior for successful team? (5Marks)
8. What the "how" is converted to "what" in policy deployment matrix diagram (goal translation process)? (5 Marks)
9. Which leadership skills you will consider necessary to bring quality in the organization? (5 Marks)
Session -01
Time 7:30AM
MCQ’s = 46 & Subjective = 9
All these questions are not with 100% exact wording but it’s the theme of the
questions to a maximum limit.
Briefly explain implicit promises. Marks 3
Discuss the role of sales staff in trade and customer oriented promotions. Marks 3
Discuss fundamentals of advertisement. Marks 3
What is brand innovation give an example? Marks 3
Brand extension is successful then introducing a new brand. Briefly explain it. Marks 5
Define pricing and discuss its determinants in detail. Marks 5
How core competencies play a role in the success of a product. Marks 5
Tell the hard questions raises in brand contract. Marks 5
What are marketing communication forms? As en employee of an organization discuss in detail all of them. Marks 5
Q1: during market positioning is it necessary to take care of competitor's product?
Q4:which environmental factor would you indicate who influence on international business buyers?
Q5: how would you differentiate the corporate VMS from administrative VMS?
Q6: Pakaging pay tha
Q7:If your focus is to design product internationally,which kind of approaches would you like to adope?
Q8: Govt protectionism about Precious stone industry?
Q9: How Precious stone industry influence to govt? 5 marks
a= 0.05.
2)If we draw a card from an ordinary deck of 52 cards. Can king and diamond be mutually exclusive
events? Give reason to support your answer.
3)Suppose that we toss a fair coin three times. What is its sample space?
4)Why we take B2 =3 as the criteria for measuring the kurtosis of any distribution?
5)Define level of significance?
6)How we decide that the drawn sample is “Small sample” or a “large sample”?
3 Marks
7)If mean of a distribution is 0.925 and standard deviation is 0.132. Find out the limits by applying
chebychev’s inequality for k=2. How much fraction of data will lie between the twolimits?
8)If E(XY)=7.5, E(X)=2.4 and E(Y)=4.3, calculate covariance of X and Y.
9)Hypothesis se question tha
10)Z-test ka formula complete kerna tha ek(dun have math type to write)
11)Write down the two properties of sampling distribution of proportion p’, when the sampling is
performed with replacement?
12)What is natural pairing in observations?Give example.
5 Marks
13)Interpret the concept of five numbers summary and also explain the purpose of five number
14)What is the probability that a poker hand of 5 cards contain exactly 1 ace(hypergeaometric dist.)?
15)If n=11, x’(X bar)=36.33, var=55.5, a=0.10
Test the hypothesis u>31.
16)From the table given below find the value of chi square
Obvervation Frequency Oij
Expected Frequency Eij
MCQs 56
3 marks questions : 4
5 marks questions: 4
[SIZE=3]What are different stages of an interview (3 marks)
Difference between indexes and scales (3 marks)
Limitations of Trivariate tables? (3 marks)
Differerent Parts of experients (3marks)
Elaborate Statistical Regression and give a brief example? (5 marks)
What is internal Validity and what are the factors affecting internal validity? (5 marks)
Steps involved in field research?(5 marks)
4Q 5 marks k
4Q 3 marks k
past papers se aya tha but mostly mcq's were new,
sources of innovation 3marks
define matrix structure,simple structure and buerocracy 5marks
discuss foreign assignment cycle 5 mrks
is it organizational development if mannual record convert into computerized system give its logical reason?
Global manager 3 marks
a) The Surface Plane
b) The Skeleton Plane
explain the following type of persona: 5 marks
a) primary persona
b) secondary persona
Explain how structure interview are different from semi-structured interviews? 5 marks
According to the hardware designers what are the 2 reasons due to which disk exist? 2 marks(Question ki wording thek sy yad nhi but meaning yahi tha question ka)
What are the three main types of navigation? 3 marks
how You can say that navigation is excise? explain with reason 3 marks
Is computer annoying Us? explain 2 marks
What is the concept of “User mental models of mistakes”? 3 Marks
Why we using Feeding the findings back into design? 2 marks
what is Ubiquitous computing? 2 marks
How Distributed co-ordination is different from Plans and procedures? 3 marks(ab pata nhi 2no ka difference tha ya 2no ko explain krna tha but yae 2no hi topic thy question me
July 16, 2011 Final
Descriptive Questions 2 Marks
2) Difference between programmed I/O and interrupt I/O
3) When delete file what happen to chain of cluster in FAT
4) Contiguous memory management
5) What is highest capacity of disk using IDE and extended Bios Function? 3 Marks
1) In which media storage head touches the surface of the disk and why?
2) How cross reference detects
3) Possible entries are there in FAT12 and FAT16
4) ISR (interrupt service routine) for EOI (end of interrupt) write the line of code for this in C
5) From where, in partition table’s data part we can check the drive is bootable or not. 5 Marks
1) Why we convert cluster number to sector number
2) How LSN be translated into LBA
3) How chain of cluster managed in FAT12
Total Question 52
4 Question 2 marks
4Question 3 marks
4Question 5 marks
Total 52 question
40 multiple choice
What is difference between memo and letter? 2marks
Write any two rules for capitalization? 2 marks
Write any two rules to create visual aids in your communication? 2 marks
Explain dangling modifier? 2 marks
What is Basic difference between vague and ornate language? 2 marks
What are you know about open-ended question? 3 marks
How can we create a pie chart? 3 marks
Define the proposal? 3 marks
Write your comments biased language has bad impression on business writing5 marks
What are the basic purposes of business message? 5 marks
How can you conducting interview on job? 5 marks
What are the basic purposes of reference in resume? 5 marks
TOTAL MCQZ = 56 * 1 = 56
4 QSTN OF 3 NOS = 4 * 3 = 12
4 QSTN OF 5 NOS = 4 * 5 = 20
Question No: ( Marks: 5 )
Following is the balance sheet of the ABC Company.
ABC Corporation
Balance Sheet
Mar. 31, 1991
Cash Rs. 12,500
Notes receivables 104,000
Accounts receivables (net) 68,500
Inventories at cost 50,000
Plan & equipment (net of depreciation) 646,000
Total assets Rs. 881,000
Liabilities & Stockholder’s equity
Accounts payable Rs. 72,000
Notes payable 54,500
Accrued liabilities 6,000
Common stock (60,000 shares, Rs. 10par)
Retained earnings 148,500
Total liabilities and owner’s equity Rs. 881,000
Calculate the current ratio and quick ratio for both years. (2.5+ 2.5)
Current Ratio=Current Assets / Current Liabilities·
= 235,000 / 132,500
= 1.77
Quick Ratio = Current Assets - Inventories / Current Liabilities·
= (235,000 – 50,000) / 132,500
= 185,000 / 132,500
= 1.39
Question No: (Marks: 5 )
Consider the following information.
Cash Rs. 15,000
Beginning net receivables Rs. 55,000
Ending net receivables Rs. 57,000
Net sales Rs. 640,000
Net credit sales Rs. 480,000
Cost of goods sold Rs. 390,000
Average inventory Rs. 62,000
Compute the receivable turnover to the nearest tenth.
Receivables turnover ratio = Net credit sales /Average Debtors
= 480,000 / [(55,000+57,000)/2]
= 480,000 / 56,000
= 8.57
56 MCQz = 56
4 Long Question of 3 = 12
4 Long Question of 5 = 20
Total Marks = 88
MCQz 80% past, 20% new but easy
Long Questions 75% New
1. Define a tick
2. How Firm A can acquire a Private Limited Company
3. How can we hedge through option
4. Why option is exercised and when allowed to laps
5. One Question Calculation of EOQ
6. One Question Calculation of NPV
7. Define EOQ Model and its uses
8. Define benefits of short cash cycle
- Continuity in the provision of essential health care services, particularly to the most vulnerable including:
- The delivery of essential primary health care, including psychosocial services, to the affected population, targeting the most vulnerable groups;
- The implementation of immunization campaigns in the affected areas thus assuring sustained and improved coverage.
mcqs were mostly new
factors of quantity of money
two question were from aggregate demand curve
governments involvement in the financial system
or baqi mujhe yaad nahin laiken woh bhi inflation say related thay
4 q of mark 5
4 of 3 mark
4 of 2 mrak
slop find 5 marks
n!/1o^n tell the converge of diverge 5 mrak
find the area 5 mark
find surface 3 mark
evaluate integral 3 marks
find the region 5 marks
find the improper intergral 3 marks
diffrentialte the quation 3 marks