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Mgt111 GDB No. 1 solution

Saturday, October 22, 2011 Posted In Edit This
This is just an Idea Solution please take Idea and solve your GDB for More info about GDB please see Lecture # 2 and ,5 and others related

“There is a medium range shoe producing organization where the employees are not achieving the targets as decided by the management. The Head of the organization appointed a manager to look into the situation and suggest a solution. How would the manager solve the situation if:

1) He/she follows the Classical School of thought?
2) He/she follows the Human Relations School of thought?


This is HINT only:

Scenario is given, you have to take this scenario which is:

(“There is a medium range shoe producing organization where the employees are not achieving the targets as decided by the management. The Head of the organization appointed a manager to look into the situation and suggest a solution. How would the manager solve the situation if:)

and give the Answer of given 2 questions.

Questions are:

1) He/she follows the Classical School of thought?
2) He/she follows the Human Relations School of thought?

1st Question's Answer hint:
you have to take Classical School, means the scholar of classical school who describe  the  theories  about  successful Management:

and the names are: 

Classical scientific School:
> Frederick Taylor
> Henry Gantt
> Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Classical Administrative School:
> Max Weber 
> Henri Fayol
> Mary Parker Follett
> Chester Barnard

in 2nd Question:

you have to take scholars of Human Relation School, that what they said about Success in Management.

The Names are:
Elton Mayo, 
Chester I. Barnard and

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