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Mgt610 VU Current Assignment No. 1 Solution Spring 2012 Last date 26 April 2012

Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Edit This
Organizations which follow certain business ethics have better chances of survival, compared to the ones whose only goal is to make profits, even if they have to compromise on a lot of things for that. So what is the importance of business ethics? How does it benefit the business?

Importance of Business Ethics in Business

Profit Maximization

The importance of ethics in business can be understood by the fact that ethical businesses tend to make much more profits than the others. The reason for this is that customers of businesses which follow ethics are loyal and satisfied with the services and product offerings of such businesses. Let us take an example. Suppose, there is an organization named XYZ which manufactures data copied from vu solutions dot com cosmetics. XYZ greatly believes in the importance of business ethics. When XYZ advertises its cosmetics in the market, being an ethical organization, it will be very truthful and honest in its communication with the probable customers. 

It will tell correctly about the kind of ingredients it has used while manufacturing the cosmetics. It will not lie or exaggerate about the benefits or uses of its products either. So the customers who buy its cosmetics, know precisely what they are buying and how useful that  data copied from vu solutions dot com product is going to be for them. This way, the product will meet their expectations and thus, satisfy the customers. When customers are satisfied, they will become loyal to the company and come back again for re-purchasing. This will surely increase the profits of the organization. Thus, the importance of business ethics is that it creates loyalty in customers and maximizes the profits.

Efficient Utilization of Business Resources

In an organization, people working at the junior levels often emulate the ones working at the top. The same applies with ethics too. If the management or seniors of an organization follow ethical business practices, i.e, they do not bribe to get their way or they do not cheat the customers, investors, suppliers, etc., the employees will follow suit.

The employees too will refrain from using the office property or resources for personal benefits. This will result in better and efficient utilization of the business resources.

Creates Goodwill in the Market

An organization, which is well-known for its ethical practices, creates a goodwill for itself in the market. Investors or venture capitalists are more willing to put their money in the businesses which they can trust. Shareholders too, remain satisfied with the practices of an ethical businesses. Thus, the importance of business ethics in creating goodwill and building long-term relationships, cannot be denied. Also, an ethical business puts greater value on its employees and thus, employees remain loyal to such an organization too.

The chief goal of any organization is to maximize its profits. The importance of business ethics can be understood from the fact that it helps the businesses in achieving its goal of profit-making by creating goodwill for the business in the market, increasing its loyalty among the customers, by aiding in employee retention and by maximum utilization of its resources.

Business ethics remain a critical area for business today. As more companies are scrutinized for their actions, there is increasing demand for ethical behavior. Furthermore, more research shows that being ethical has many advantages.

1. Ethical companies can avoid financial losses by avoiding fines that are levied because of unethical behavior.
2. However, research also shows that more ethical companies tend to have more committed and satisfied employees.
3. Customers also respond well to ethical companies.
4. There is also growing evidence that shareholders pay attention to ethics; shareholders will often sell shares of companies that are being investigated for
unethical behavior.

Thus, the overwhelming evidence suggests that good ethical behavior is good business practice.

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