Mgt402 GDB No. 1 Announced
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 Posted In Acc , MGT Edit ThisTotal factory cost
Read the instructions mentioned in announcement carefully before attempting it.
Use the following format to answer:
Prime cost: _____________________
Total factory cost: ________________
According to costing methods and techniques it is divide into 2 categories.
Direct costs are the costs directly charged to produce any product.
These costs must be traceable.
...Indirect costs are the costs which are not directly involve in producing any product but are supporting costs to produce any product.
These costs are not traceable.
In this GDB of manufacturing furniture from woods, wood is the direct material used in production and cost incurred in manufacturing will be DIRECT Cost and it can be traced at per unit.
But nails and polishing material used in furniture is not traceable at per unit, so it will be treated as INDIRECT Cost.