Mgt211 Current Spring 2011 Final Term VU Paper [July 2011] Virtual University of Pakistan
Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Posted In .Final Term Exam Spring 2011 (July) Edit This58 mcqs6 questions
what is potential customer
what is budgeting and
why budgeting is important product lifecyclein
which approach frieck taylor help and wht is his friedrick
what is benchmarkingwhy we study operation management
mcqz almost from past papers
q. describe entrepreneural characterstics.. any five of them (5)
q. what challanges a product may face during decline stage of product life cycle (5)
q. collabrotaing internal and external partners in value chain management is not a easy startegy. so why managers use value chain managemnt in organization ? give reasons? (5)
q.define terms.. MIS, DSS, ESS. (5) management information system.. decision support system.. exective support system
q.differentaite between extractive and genetic industry? (3)
q. what is the national, private and license brands names? (3)
q.define the nature and ........ of financial statement (3) word i forgot
q. name the facilities in production process of organization (3)
56 MCQS, 8 long questions
4 were 3 marks and 4 were 5 marks
1. What do meant by "Channel Conflict and Channel Leadership"? 3 marks
2. define the term of "Enterprise Resource Planning" 3 marks
3. Define Corporation in simple words. 3 marks
4. What is meant by "Quality Control"? 3 marks
5. Define and differentiation planned and free market economy? 5 marks
6. Differentiate between push and pull strategies for promotion. 5 marks
7. What do you mean by the term "Utility"? What are the different forms of Utility? 5marks
8. Describe the responsibilities of Financial Managers. 5 marks