BNK603 Current Spring 2011 Final Term VU Paper [July 2011] Virtual University of Pakistan
Friday, July 15, 2011 Posted In .Final Term Exam Spring 2011 (July) Edit ThisSubjective 04 (3 Marks) Subjective 05 (5 Marks)
3 Marks Questions:
Q1: What are the impediments of Market?
Q2: Why company use the qualitative analysis?
Q3: How the Front line staff can be helpful in improving customer experience?
Q4: How resposibilities of consumer trust council for improving an organization-wide variable of consumer trust?
5 Marks Question:
Q5: Why traditional banks and money lenders are significantly over engineered for need of consumer in emerging markets?
Q6: What are the supporting factors for revolutionalize the accessability of finanacial services to the base of Economic Payramid in Pakistan?
Q7: What are the attributes for effective ERM reporting in Bank?
Q8: What is a structure of Credit Risk?
Q9: What are the associates to marketing of Credit Cards as provided by State Bank of Pakistan?