HRM628 Current Spring 2011 Final Term VU Paper [July 2011] Virtual University of Pakistan
Friday, July 15, 2011 Posted In .Final Term Exam Spring 2011 (July) Edit ThisTotal 64 Questions
MCQs 56
4 Questions of 3 marks each
4 Questions of 5 marks each
* Stress management helps managing workplace stress. Discuss
* Differentiate Vertical and inter market network
* importance of team building for industries and give an example of industry where team building helps
* Future relations of OD practitioner and the organization
* What is the role of 'movement' in Lewin's change model
* Purpose of managing practising process intervention
* What is the role of an OD practitioner in steering committee to increase IE
* Benefits of Employment Security
Organizational Structure
Behavioural Structure
Second level of open system organizations is
Division and subsideries
Group or Departments
Individual Positions of job
Way of doing job
how many stages are there in team building cycyle
what is a range of quality circle program
3-15 members
5-15 members
7-15 members
9-15 members
Two clarifications withholds JET and
Role Assurance Technique
Role Analysis Technique
Role Affirmation Technique
Role Assurance Technique
Two clarifications withholds RAT and
baki sb options same uper wally jaisyy he thyy bs JET ky naam different thy....